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Unboxing of the Italian Version!

Posted by zoNE, on 24th September 2017, 01:57 AM
Unboxing of the Italian Version of the Original War game!

Original War - Mega Unboxing: The Biggest Collection in the World! (Eng. Subtitles)

Posted by zoNE, on 4th September 2017, 05:07 PM
There will be something different than usual for today. This time, it's a long-expected unboxing of Original War editions from the majority of countries in which the game was released. As this game is very close to my heart and this is my biggest collection of editions of a one particular game - among more than 1400 different games that I possess, it is Original War that we will take a look at. We will show you exacly what the boxes contained, how each edition looked like, and we will take a look at every piece.

Work-in-progress patch - (24th July 2017)

Posted by Morgan, on 8th August 2017, 08:13 AM
Stucuk has released a new work-in-progress patch.

Stucuk said:
Main changes are:

SAIL New event CustomCommand
Sound Systems StopAll could prevent future sounds playing (Issue #387[bugs.owsupport.com])
You can now add new People (99 total)
CUSTOMSOUND added to people.txt allowing custom sounds
HEAD added to people.txt with 0 being no head (Defaults to 1)
exclamations will now search through the different nations for a sound (Meaning you only need them in one nation)
Small graphics included in Ow_editorOGL_Small.exe and owarOGL_Small.exe
SINGLEDIRECTION added to buildings.txt removing the need for a building to have graphics for each direction
SIGHT added to buildings.txt allowing the default to be changed (Defaults to 0)
Buildings can now have a charge animation
ComBuild fixed (RU05)
2 New SAIL Commands - GetEnvironmentType and IsEnvironmentDestroyable
StoneEd now works from the Original War Directory (Its not mod compatible)
GM Factory now included (Successor to GM Editor)

Download it now! http://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f=106&t=3137

All feedbacks are welcomed.

Join us on Discord!

Posted by Morgan, on 8th August 2017, 07:37 AM
Hello, soldiers!

I am taking the initiative to open a Discord server dedicated to the entire community.

This will be a good idea, I believe, to create more bonds between us, players of our favorite game. At the moment, four channels have been made. I will take responsibility to update the "Announcements" channel each time something important regarding the game's development is being done.

Other than that, you can chat freely in the #discussions channel, find opponents in #matchmaking and even ask for help in #support (it can be about modding too!). Also, remember that you can mute any channel if you don't want to get spammed.

Voice channels are also available.

Everyone is invited to the server!

To join the Discord server, simply open this link in your browser: https://discord.gg/zeHaMuj

The administrators and moderators of Original War support, Original-War.net and WarSibérite will be granted with their respective rights once they join the server.

Modders and translators will also get their own group and they will eventually get a dedicated channel for their activities. Think about teamwork!

Discord is fun, eat Discord, think Discord, love Discord. It's very useful and easy to use! It is even possible to create our own bot that could be about Original War ; create our own emojis, and much more.

Thank you.

- Marshal Morgan

Unboxing of the Japanese Version and the Biggest Collection in the World!

Posted by zoNE, on 15th May 2017, 11:40 PM
Unboxing of the Japanese Version of the Original War game and the Biggest Collection in the World! NRFB!

Maybe... Original War!?

Posted by zoNE, on 10th May 2017, 05:43 PM
Original War?


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