Added: OpenGL Renderer (98% Complete)
Added: Basic Zoom to Editor (Overlays do not zoom)
Added: When creating a new mod via the editor you can now make it extract files from the game
Added: Ability to scroll the SAIL Editor window with the mouse wheel
Added: Ability to view variables values at runtime by hovering over them (Except Local variables)
Added: CenterWindow parameter (Can also be set via eset.ini)
Bug Fix: Bloody valley - far away siberite detection (Issue 10)
Bug Fix: Controlling enemy's factories (Issue 13)
Bug Fix: Restoration of 15a Ru/Am (Issue 48)
Bug Fix: multiplayer almost always synchronisation lost (Issue 51)
Bug Fix: Non-Existant Steam Achievements causing Lag (Issue 52)
Bug Fix: Game longer than 999999 ticks crashes when commands are issued to units (Issue 53)
Bug Fix: Increased FPS in-game (Issue 54)
Bug Fix: RU09 - Epsilon mission - messed up dialogs after ammo research (Issue 55)
Bug Fix: RU11 - Beta base attack mission - Russian soldiers die sometimes during scouting (Issue 56)
Bug Fix: Bloody Valley - Tree (Issue 59)
Bug Fix: Windowex parametr: Window resizing & FPS drops (Issue 60)
Bug Fix: Non-Americans can use partial invisibility (Issue 63)
Bug Fix: 11RU mission - bug? (Issue 67)
Bug Fix: Missing/incorrect voice for Burlak's dialogue in RU14a (English) (Issue 69)
Bug Fix: Joan Fergusson is available in RU15a when she should be dead (Issue 70)
Bug Fix: Spelling - Czech version (Issue 74)
Bug Fix: Ru_04 T. Gaidar (Issue 75)
Bug Fix: Hacked vehicle can still be controlled if it was the active unit (Issue 77)
Bug Fix: Inability to use non-default commands when player's side equals 0 (any) (Issue 78)
Bug Fix: Formation move cursor is constantly blinking in editor + access violations + sticky ALT (Issue 79)
Bug Fix: When GetTickCount returns negative number Range Check Error is tripped (Issue 84)
Bug Fix: Gaining experience from repairing own damage
Bug Fix: A vast majority of control exploits was fixed
Added: Support for 22 Steam Achievements
Added: Language Pack Support
Bug Fix: Am02 - Mikhail is rather aggressive (Issue 4)
Bug Fix: Am07 - JMM dies but mission successful (Issue 5)
Bug Fix: Bloody valley tree gives exp multiple times (Issue 11)
Bug Fix: Polish "From the Future with Love" - %d and %t (Issue 19)
Bug Fix: Cornell appearance Am10_cont (Issue 25)
Bug Fix: AM15, Connie Traverse (Issue 29)
Bug Fix: RU14 generic characters (Issue 31)
Bug Fix: Am15 W. Gorky event (Issue 34)
Bug Fix: Bug/Exploit. Chatting as others in the multiplayer lobby (Issue 35)
Bug Fix: All soliders dont attack legion in 2nd attack 15am (Issue 37)
Bug Fix: Crash at Start of AM15 under certain resolutions (Issue 39)
Bug Fix: Ru02 - barracks (Issue 40)
Bug Fix: AM11 Scout (Yamoko) (Issue 43)
Bug Fix: Am15 "No loses" medal (Issue 44)
Changed: Multiplayer Protocol Increased (Incompatible with previous versions)
Note that only 1 of the 22 Steam Achievements are achievable currently (As Bohemia still need to add the remaining 21 to Steam's Achievement System). OWN will likely release some Language Packs for Original War which are just the sound files required for a particular language. Language Packs do not overwrite anything and you can have more than one installed.
Bug Fix: Am missions with a movies are globally broken (Issue 12)
Bug Fix: Error with loading save (Issue 2)
Changed: Saving with Editor is disabled when going in-game until the map is reset
Changed: Re-wrote FacePanel so it streatches properly
Note: Contains Radzio's Missing 2012 bug fixes
Added: WINDOWFULL parameter
Added: Window option to launcher settings
Bug Fix: Original War shuts down when a mission is lost
Bug Fix: Range Check Errors removed
Bug Fix: Spanish Translation would crash multiplayer
Bug Fix: Launcher displays error when sent parameters
Changed: When ran directly OW correctly sets the resolution
Changed: Launcher no longer runs OW instantly when parameters are sent (Steam Only)