Basic laboratory
Technology upgrade 1 - Improves base efficiency, oil extraction speed, and the amount of energy produced by solar power plants.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: all nations
Technology upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Technology upgrade 1. Improves oil combustion engine and power plant efficiency (burns less oil), speeds up building construction and improves movement speed of solar powered vehicles.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: all nations
Technology upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Technology upgrade 2. Speeds up combustion engine construction and improves their speed.
- Research time: 150
- Used by: all nations
Oil power - Allows for the construction of oil power plants, which generate a better power output than solar power. Also unlocks additional research.
- Research time: 15
- Used by: all nations
Oil engine - Prerequisite: Oil power. Allows combustion engine construction, which can support heavier vehicles.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: all nations
Siberite detection - Allows scientists to detect underground siberite fields while walking nearby them.
- Research time: 15
- Used by: all nations
Apeman language - Allows scientists to attempt to communicate with apemen for the purpose of "recruiting" and converting them to their side. Unlocks additional apemen related research.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: all nations
Solar power - Allows for the construction of solar power plants, which provide cheap, renewable energy to a base. Also unlocks additional research.
- Research time: 10
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Solar engine - Prerequisite: Solar power. Allows for the construction of basic solar powered vehicles.
- Research time: 20
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Apeman Psychology - Prerequisite: Apeman language. Allows apemen to be trained in the arts of basic engineering. Once issued engineering equipment, such apemen are then able to assist in construction or repairing of a building, as well as collect crates from the map. They are unable to construct buildings on their own.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Apeman Agression - Prerequisite: Apeman language. Allows apemen to be trained in basic use of firearms. Apemen can be issued assault rifles in the armoury or barracks, and sent to fight against enemy forces, albeit with low effectiveness due to limited training and intelligence capacity.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Russians, Arabs.
Weapons laboratory
Weapon upgrade 1 - Improves hand weapon attack damage and range, as well as the rate of fire of machine guns.
- Research time: 150
- Used by: all nations
Weapon upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Weapon upgrade 1. Increases range of sight and fire of snipers, bazooka operators and rocket launchers, accuracy of mortar operators and the duration of the soporific ammunition effect.
- Research time: 300
- Used by: all nations
Weapon upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Weapon upgrade 2. Improves heavy gun refire, advanced chassis armour and behemoth firepower, as well as the strength of Arabian explosives.
- Research time: 600
- Used by: all nations
Gatling gun - Allows for the production of the improved, rotary version of the machine gun. A gatling gun is effective against infantry units.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: all nations
Gun - Allows the production of several types of cannons at the factory.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: all nations
Rocket - Prerequisite: Gun. Rocket technology allows for the production of rocket based weapons at the factory, which are useful primarily for their long range.
- Research time: 70
- Used by: all nations
Advanced metallurgy - Prerequisite: Gun. Allows the production of the ultimate assault weapon: the heavy gun. The heavy gun can be mounted on towers and heavy vehicles.
- Research time: 70
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Soporific ammunition - Prerequisite: Laser sights. Allows the American sniper to switch his rounds to sleep inducing ammo, which can put an incapacitate an enemy soldier with one shot.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans.
Bazooka - Prerequisite: Gun. Allows for the requisition of a hand held rocket launcher for use by land troops. Bazookas are very effective against vehicles and buildings.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Russians.
Advanced rocketry - Prerequisite: Rocket. Further improves upon the rocket design to allow for production of longer range rocket launchers. These unique Russian rockets deal increased damage and can fire from an increased range, but not as often as regular rockets and can only be mounted on heavy vehicles.
- Research time: 70
- Used by: Russians.
Behemoth vehicles - Prerequisite: Siberite engine, Advanced rocketry, Advanced AI. Gives mechanics the ability to construct Behemoth tanks. The tanks itself are so large, that they need to be built outside of the factory, and are unable to traverse sloped terrain due to their size and weight.
- Research time: 150
- Used by: Russians.
Explosives - Equips soldiers with timed explosives that can be placed anywhere on the ground.
- Research time: 70
- Used by: Arabs.
Incendiary - Prerequisite: Oil power. Allows for the construction of flame throwers.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Arabs.
Mortar - Prerequisite: Gun. Allows for the requisition of hand mortars to soldiers. Mortars are long range and deal extensive damage to units, but their projectiles are slow moving and inaccurate, and the mortar operators cannot fire on the move.
- Research time: 40
- Used by: Arabs.
Self destruction - Prerequisite: Explosives. Allows vehicles the self-destruct option, which can be used both on manned and unmanned vehicles, and will deal damage to any unit standing close enough to the exploding vehicle.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Arabs.
Siberite laboratory
Siberite technology upgrade 1 - Increases the efficiency of siberite mines and power plants.
- Research time: 150
- Used by: all nations
Siberite technology upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Siberite technology upgrade 1. Further increases the efficiency of siberite power plants, and increases the speed of siberite engine powered vehicles.
- Research time: 300
- Used by: all nations
Siberite technology upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Siberite technology upgrade 2. Decreases siberite bomb build time. Also further increases the speed of siberite engine powered vehicles.
- Research time: 600
- Used by: all nations
Siberite power - Allows for the construction of siberite power plants, the most efficient power plants available.
- Research time: 25
- Used by: all nations
Siberite engine - Prerequisite: Siberite power. Allows the construction of siberite powered vehicles. Vehicles powered with siberite are the fastest and most efficient of all other engines, but are expensive to create.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: all nations
Siberite localisation - Prerequisite: Siberite detection. Reveals the location of all siberite on the map in any amounts. This means it reveals not only siberite deposits, but also siberite powered vehicles, power plants, depots, etc. This technology will continue working for as long as at least one siberite laboratory is operational.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Russians.
Siberite fission - Prerequisite: Siberite engine, Rocket. Allows for the production of the siberite bomb, a weapon of mass destruction that can be used to level whole bases. Siberite bombs are expensive, take a long time to build and a vehicle can only fire it once before becoming essentially useless.
- Research time: 1500
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Siberite implosion - Prerequisite: Siberite engine, Explosives. Allows for the construction of mobile bombs, which can be mounted on any vehicle and directed toward the enemy in a suicide attack.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Arabs.
Siberite decay - Prerequisite: Siberite detection. Allows scientists to contaminate siberite deposits with a siberite decay inducing agent, not only rendering the deposit unusable but also making it emit deadly siberite radiation in a certain radius. A scientist using that ability needs to take care to leave the area quickly, as the agent starts working immediately.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Arabs.
Artifact technology - Prerequisite: Siberite power. Allows for the usage of artifact special powers, depending on which artifact is nearby the laboratory. It can give one of three special powers:
Vision - Temporarily reveals a selected portion of the map.
Siberite detonation - Destroys any unit or building with siberite in it.
Mass teleportation - Allows for a one-time teleportation of a large amount of units into any destination on the map.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: all nations
Computer laboratory
Computer upgrade 1 - Upgrades computer vehicle and turret AI.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Computer upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Computer upgrade 1. Further improves computer vehicle and turret AI, increases the speed of AI controlled vehicles and decreases the time needed for hacking enemy units.
- Research time: 200
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Computer upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Computer upgrade 2. Improves computer vehicle AI even further.
- Research time: 400
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
AI - Allows for construction of computer operated turrets, which do not need human intervention to operate.
- Research time: 40
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Advanced AI - Prerequisite: AI. Upgrades AI with the ability to drive vehicles. Allows the construction of computer controlled vehicles.
- Research time: 80
- Used by: Americans, Russians.
Advanced chassis - Prerequisite: AI. Allows the construction of a special type of chassis that combines the speed of wheeled vehicles with the mobility of tracked vehicles.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Americans.
Hack - Prerequisite: Advanced AI. Allows scientists to hack into and take over any enemy computer controlled vehicle, regardless of its state. This does not work on remote controlled vehicles, but is especially effective for taking over incapacitated enemy vehicles before they burn down, and quickly repairing them with a mechanic afterward.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Russians.
Materialization prediction - This technology allows the computer laboratory to predict the next crate materialisation on the map, allowing a transport to be sent to the location and wait for the shipment to arrive, and also ensuring that the shipment does not fall into enemy hands.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Russians.
Targeted teleportation - Prerequisite: Limited spontaneous teleportation, AI. Allows teleports to be built. This teleportation technology is fairly limited, and requires a scientist to inspect the target area of the teleportation before it can commence.
- Research time: 90
- Used by: Russians.
Optoelectronic laboratory
Optoelectronics upgrade 1 - Increases the line of sight of all infantry, remote controlled vehicles and radars.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Optoelectronics upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Optoelectronics upgrade 1. Further increases the line of sight of remote controlled vehicles, as well as remote cameras. Also improves laser weaponry damage.
- Research time: 200
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Optoelectronics upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Optoelectronics upgrade 2. Further upgrades radar line of sight and laser weaponry damage.
- Research time: 400
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Radar - Allows for the construction of radar dishes, which enhance the mounting vehicle's or tower's line of sight, and more importantly: make it terrain independent.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Remote control - Prerequisite: Radar. Allows for the construction of remote controlled vehicles. These can improve the safety of mechanics by allowing them to control vehicles from the safety of the base, using remote control towers. Towers can either be stationary (Americans) or mobile (Arabs).
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Materialization detection - Prerequisite: Radar. Allows the optoelectronics laboratory to mark all materialising crates on the minimap immediately after they appear. While materialisation prediction allows faster reaction, this technology is more accurate.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Americans, Arabs.
Laser sights - Allows for the requisition of sniper rifles for soldiers, effectively turning them into snipers. Snipers have increased sight range, and can effectively kill infantry at long range.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans.
Partial invisibility - Prerequisite: Laser sights, Remote control. Equips infantry with stealth devices, which can render any infantry unit invisible for an indefinite amount of time. The downside, however, is that the unit cannot move or shoot while invisible, and the enemy can still find it using bio-detectors and destroy it by simply attacking ground.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Americans.
High-energy laser - Prerequisite: Laser sights. Allows for the production of laser weaponry at the factory. Lasers are exceptional against armoured foes.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans.
Double laser - Prerequisite: Siberite power, High-energy laser. An improved version of the laser, this weapon can be used in tandem with another one of the same type, and utilise energy feedback to exponentially increase attack power against any units between the two laser emitters.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Americans.
Hidden camera - Prerequisite: Remote control. Allows engineers to install hidden cameras on trees, effectively allowing a permanent view of the area around the tree. The only way the camera can be removed is if the tree is bulldozed.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Arabs.
Remote controlled charge - Prerequisite: Explosives, Remote control. Allows infantry units to set remote controlled mines on the ground. Each infantry unit can place one mine of this type, and can detonate it at will.
- Research time: 20
- Used by: Arabs.
Space-time laboratory
Space-time tech upgrade 1 - Improves all space-time technologies and devices.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Russians.
Space-time tech upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Space-time tech upgrade 1. Further improves all space-time technologies and devices.
- Research time: 200
- Used by: Russians.
Space-time tech upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Space-time tech upgrade 2. Even further improves all space-time technologies and devices.
- Research time: 400
- Used by: Russians.
Spatial anomalies - Prerequisite: Siberite detection, Bazooka. Equips bazooka soldiers with a new type of rocket, which can teleport any unit away from the rocket's point of detonation. Space-time tech upgrades increase the radius of the teleportation.
- Research time: 40
- Used by: Russians.
Local tau-field - Prerequisite: Siberite detection. Slows down the health drain of incapacitated infantry units. Space-time tech upgrades further slow down the drain.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Russians.
Homogenous tau-field - Prerequisite: Local tau-field. Allows the construction of time lapsers, which slow down the movement of any and all units in its radius without this technology researched. Space-time tech upgrades increase the time lapsers radius and strength.
- Research time: 60
- Used by: Russians.
Limited spontaneous teleportation - Prerequisite: Siberite detection. Equips all vehicles with a device that automatically teleports them a short distance towards the nearest depot whenever they are critically incapacitated. This is invaluable for manually controlled vehicles, as it can save both the vehicle and the driver from certain death in bad situations. Space-time tech upgrades increase the distance of teleportation.
- Research time: 40
- Used by: Russians.
Tau-radiation - Prerequisite: Siberite detection, Bazooka. Equips bazooka soldiers with a decelerator rocket, which on impact creates a field similar to that of a time lapser. Unlike the time lapser however, the field dissipates with time. Space-time tech upgrades increase the lifespan and range of the field.
- Research time: 40
- Used by: Russians.
Biological laboratory
Biotechnology upgrade 1 - Decreases apeman taming duration, increases healing speed and upgrades effect of biostimulation drugs.
- Research time: 100
- Used by: Arabs.
Biotechnology upgrade 2 - Prerequisite: Biotechnology upgrade 1. Upgrades apemen nervous system vehicle control, improves biodetection and further upgrades the effect of biostimulation drugs.
- Research time: 200
- Used by: Arabs.
Biotechnology upgrade 3 - Prerequisite: Biotechnology upgrade 2. Further improves biodetection and apemen nervous system vehicle control.
- Research time: 400
- Used by: Arabs.
Biodetection - Prerequisite: Radar. Displays the exact location of every single living, non-mechanical unit on the minimap. This includes vehicle drivers and wild apemen.
- Research time: 30
- Used by: Arabs.
Apeman Brainwashing - Prerequisite: Apeman Agression, Explosives. Allows apemen to be trained as suicide bombers in the barracks. Apemen in this role are strapped with large amounts of explosives and sent at enemy lines, with the explosives remotely detonated once they get close enough.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Arabs.
Stimulation drugs - Under the influence of these drugs infantry will never become incapacitated, and will always fight to the death no matter their health status.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Arabs.
Apeman Neural System - Prerequisite: Apeman Agression. Allows apemen to be permanently grafted into a vehicle as a controller, akin to computer AI control. The downside here is that an apeman will be required to build the vehicle.
- Research time: 50
- Used by: Arabs.
Autor: zoNE
Translation: Yuri_S