Throughout the game will accompany us different people. Sometimes the characters will be positive, and sometimes not. Below is a list of the most important peoples in the game with short descriptions.
Main heroes

John Macmillan - 33 years old american soldier. In American campaign he is a first person, who we will meet. John is soldier and also main character of american campaign. He is real war hero, as evidenced his quickly advances. He is fully committed to his country and values the dedication and obedience more than his life.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Quickly promoted
- Main Profession: Soldier

Yuri Ivanovich "Burlak" Gorky -
In Russian campaign he is a main character. He is 29 years old mechanic, call sign "Robin 5". At the beginning he is third class mechanic, but rapidly evolve. As commander behave oneself good, and same as MacMillan he is quickly promoted. About his family we don't know much, but he has brother, who die from Macmillan hands in retaliation for Joan death. Yuri is a trustworthy person.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Quickly promoted
- Main Profession: Mechanic
Other characters
American Campaign:

Andy Cornell
- In campaign we won't see him a lot times. In third mission, he'll lead second branch, which will be diffuse by russians, and he will be captured. But not all is lost, if in second mission we'll catch Mikhail Berezov and didn't kill him, he'll rescue him later. Andy has 28 years and is faithfully friend of MacMillan's, whereabouts we can see in third mission. He often joke with John about serious thing. He is ready die to for his friends.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Arthur Powell - Excelent soldier. He has about 40 years and thinks only about win. After undertake bad decisions with Arabs, he begins to more belive MacMillan's intuition, who know from the beginning that this is bad idea. When he lose his self-confidence and his soldiers doesn't cope with enemy, he decides to take case to his hands and dies in heroic suicidal attack to Legion's factory in last mission. He isn't very popular person, but at some point he become General of the Army USA.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: General
- Main Profession: Soldier

Bobby Brandon - He is one of the first persons, which we will closer cognize. Bobby is 26 years old mechanic, who we'll meet in first mission during searching comrades in area, and then going to north-east side. If he survive this mission, he will be faithful to MacMillan to end of his life. He is one of those persons, who can do anything for John.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Mechanic

Cathy Simms -
Perfect scientist, fluent in technologies related with siberit. She belong to scientists group cooperating with Denis Peterson. Similarly as some others scholars she is assigned to our team in missions, where we must develop siberit technologies. When Peter Roth assumes Freedom, as most scientists she passes to him too.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Female
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Cyrus Parker - Similarly as Booby, we meet him at the beginning, when already proving reluctance to commanders (not applicable to MacMilan). He is 38 years old and impulsive person. He has hard nature, but can withstand with him.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Denis Peterson -
He has 26 years, often jokes. His specialization is opto-electronic. He is proficient specialist from radars, whereabouts we will see in fifth mission, when he comes to us and help develop radars. Latterly with others scientists he passes to Freedom, with a view of fast end of war.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Frank Forsyth -
He has 30 years, and his main occupation is scout. Very often he jokes about situation or about his and others skills. His main advantage is that he can survive even from difficult missions. He can - as he told - take pictures inside MacMilan ass and he wouldn’t even know!
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Corporal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Gary Grant -
Gary has 31 years. He is soldier, as his father. We will meet him in mission, where he lead Ovsyenko Base - russian base, which was taken by Powells army. After acquisition of command by John MacMillan, he doesn't oppose.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Sergeant
- Main Profession: Soldier

Hugh Stevens -
Experienced scientist. He deals mainly with technologies related with siberit, primarily with siberit rocket. He is the first, who performed test about siberit rocket, and he alone with expose his life he check effects. He is one of this people, who are opposed to use bomb. It the future he was an proffesor in Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. According to russian timeline he taught in Berlin about disturbing radars, where meet prof. Petrosyan.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Professor
- Main Profession: Scientist

Jeff Brown -
He lead Gamma base before our arrival. With desire he forward command for John, which we can return back to him later.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Main Profession: Soldier

Jeremy Sikorski -
He is unceremonious and tactless, what he proves already at the start, before entrance to EON (TAWAR). In 8th mission he leads reinforcements to us. After that in next mission we inquire about that he die.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Major
- Main Profession: Soldier

Joan Fergusson - Professional scientist, although she doesn't advise with independent leading base, whereabouts we can see in 14th mission. She is intelligent, has 27 years old and is in love in John, without sake about situation always go with him. After take over control on EON by mercenaries, injured moves to past and appear in the middle of MacMillan's base, where is cured. By her, John comprehend that to peace don't endeavor only through war.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Female
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Lisa Lawson - She is hard, direct and clever. We will meet her in 2nd mission, when she instruct us that, we didn't careful. She always perform John's commands, even if she disagree with that. She has 28 years.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Female
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Lucy Donaldson - We meet her at the beggining, when Sikorski bothers her. She has about 20 years old, but she is characterized with leadership capacity, thus we can give her lead of Gamma base, when we will be forced to leave it for some time.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Female
- Rank: Sergeant
- Main Profession: Soldier

Paul Khattam -
He is physicist and fight in american army. He is Muslim, whereabouts we hear scarcely in 10th mission, where after stayed with arabs, he decide to fight for Allah, leaving us (however it doesn't crash his attitude with MacMillan). He has 35 years.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Peter Roth -
One of the best american scientists. He deals technologies related with stranger technology. He is opposed to war and using siberite rocket. Latterly with some Russians he assumes Freedom, to which join most of scientists.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Ron Harrison - He has 34 years. As respectable commander by MacMillans, and by others Americans. After his deatch everybody remember him as good general, inverse to Powell.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: General of the Army USA
- Main Profession: Soldier

Tim Gladstone - First person from USA, who landed in past. Galdstone is scientist, and this fact saved his life. After arrival to this place, he lived with apes for long time, and learn their language and culture. Thanks to that, he become an specialist in this domain. He first start teach monkeys to american army.
- Nation: American
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Mikhail Berezov - He serve in russian army, but we explore him in americans campaign where he appear in the center of acquired by americans russian base. He is fan of hamburgers and hasn't anything against to Americans. At some point in splite of nation, he help escape american soldier from slavery.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Mechanic
Russian Campaign:

M. I. Borodin - He leads orange base on north in 12th mission. Always hang out with winners, so if you want cooperate with him, you must have count dominance.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Colonel
- Main Profession: Soldier

A. E. Bystrov - Great scientist, who discovered dependence between Motherlode and siberit. With using artifacts he lead us to Motherlode, where Russians will build own base, and will take the last battle.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Caricyn - Real soldier, follower of Marxism and Leninism, fully devoted to his country. In 12th mission he leads yellow base on south. You can guess, that main things of which he will ask us are books about Marxism, Lenin's reign, or simply about USSR history.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Colonel
- Main Profession: Soldier

David Nikolayevich Platonov - After obtainment control on Russian forces he shows his mania of power on everybody and everything. His main target in this war is build siberite rocket, and destruct all his opponents. He doesn't tolerate "better" than him. The only penalty, which he do is deatch sentence by shooting. We have to do with him for most of game.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Marshal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Pyotr P. Davidov - As scientist he leads white base on north-east. He thinks only about technologies, so only thing that he interesting in is science and stranger's artifacts. In contrast to others commanders, he values science more than war.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Colonel
- Main Profession: Scientist

Dmitri A. Gladkov - Rebellious. He opposes to Platonov's reign, when Gladkov inquire that he wants to kill Burlak. He immediately inform him about that, and offers help. In game we don't have a lot of contact with him, although he is important person in game (mainly at the end of game)
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Officer
- Main Profession: Soldier

Eisenstein - He leads green base on east in 12th mission. He is hard soldier no brooked mollusks. For him counts only strenght and win. To make with him any agreement, we must show him our strenght in battle. If he is on our side, then nobody can't gainsay our power.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Colonel
- Main Profession: Soldier

G. M. Petrosyan - Scientist with high rank, he first developed ape's language for russian. He interest in application of siberit in space-time technologies, so he can do irreplaceable invention related with this topic for Russian, giving them advantage over Americans.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Professor
- Main Profession: Scientist

Gossudarov - Educated scientist with great practice, fluent in stranger's technologies. In russian campaign he is one of greatest scientists. He was kidnapped by Arabs in time of transporting artifact. At the end of game, he passes with others scientists to Freedom.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Ilya Ilyich Kovalyuk - We don't know much about him. In 2nd mission he is assigned to our branch as mechanic, who is to help us in expansion of Beria base and build tank for Kirov base.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Mechanic

Ivan Platonovich Kurin - To his base we'll be directed after 1st mission. He is respected and popular commander, unfortunately he dies in 3rd mission by Arabs during their attack for Kirov base.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Colonel
- Main Profession: Soldier

Yelena P. Kirilenkova - In Russian timeline nurse from Belkov's team, in American future she leads First International Serbian Brigade in 2001 under Monte Negro. In this timeline arabic mercenary Raul Xawier was under her command, so now he join to her branch too. She has about 30 years.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Female
- Rank: Doctor
- Main Profession: Scientist

Lev T. Titov - Very good soldier and simultaneously good mechanic. He is very diligent, but he appreciate family value too, whereabouts we can see when Burlak is in out on a limb and need help.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Mikhail Vasiliyevich Pokryshkin - He is one of the first persons, who we will meet in russian campaign. From him Burlak inquire what is going on, and what is situation at the front. Unfortunately he dies in 1st mission from American during attack for american baze.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Lieutenant
- Main Profession: Soldier

N. M. Yashin - Dazzled his pride and gold vision of victory, he hates disputing his competence. He has supreme rank in army. He dies during attack for Beta base.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Marshal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Nikita S. Kozlov -
Enlightened mind of USSR, as scientist he is irreplaceable in branch. Thanks his widely knowledge, he copes with build complicated fighting machines, same as with engineering. In american campaign at the end ow game he was presented as deserter, who help Legion in development siberite bomb. He sugessted to build for Burlak his own tank, which was named Masha.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

N. P. Petrovova - Excellent soldier and good mechanic. She is very courageous, with desire she went to kill without vehicle, whereabouts she tells in one mission. When she isn't needed as soldier, she will be certainly usefull in factory.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Female
- Rank: Corporal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Oleg K. Gleb - He faithfully serve in army, he favor as public prosecutor, inter alia Burlak can get under his court, when he betrayed armies. He isn't fan of Platonov, although serves him faithfully for some time.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Public Prosecutor
- Main Profession: Soldier

Olga N. Kapitsova - She is very good and qualified scientist. Despite research work she develops mechanic capacity too.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Female
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Scientist

Peter Alexeivich Morozov - In campaign we never meet him personally. He is main commander, because as first person arrived to past. It was on 7th November first year of the New Reckoning, since his arrival is count years of New Reckoning. He founded V. I. Lenin base.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: General
- Main Profession: No data

Peter Mikhailovich Belkov - Enthusiastic soldier, to war he comes with a kind of charisma. After that Burlak saved his branch two times, he becomes faithful him to end of life.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Corporal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Gennady Trofimovich Scholtze - Enthusiastic scientist, even workaholic. If we will give him needed equipment, he will start working in the twinkling of an eye. Thanks for that he quickly develops task assigned to him. He isn't good soldier, so sometimes he need Burlak help.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Professor
- Main Profession: Scientist

Semyon Davidovich Gnyevko - He is one of the firs persons, who we will meet in campaign. If we saved him in 1st mission, he will will be grateful for end of life. If he would, he will go with us to hell, what proves in 13th Freedom mission.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Corporal
- Main Profession: Soldier

Sergey Ivanovich Popov - He take over leads on branch in Kirov base, when Kurin is killed by mercenaries during their attack for this base. We see him rarely, mainly we talk with him by radio. He dies similarly as marshal Yashin, during attack to americans Beta base. Nobody complains to his decisions.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Captain
- Main Profession: Soldier

Timur Mikhailovich Gaydar - Saucebox, he doesn't respect Butlak's service. While evacuation mission we must rescue him, he notes that if he would rely on Burlak, he will not live already. Similary as most commanders, he dies during attack to americans Beta base.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Captain
- Main Profession: Soldier

Vsevolod Ivanovich Gorky -
Pseudonym Swallow 7. Deserved soldier, hero of Socialism, experienced soldier, althought sometimes he take hasty decisions, what often ends badly. He is older brother of Burlak, so Sevi (diminutive from Vsevolod) combines with Yuri not only war, but also family ties.
- Nation: Russian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Raul Xavier - He is arabian mercenary, althought nothing combines him with Arabs. He has more than 30 years. After arrival to Russian base, he recognizes Yelena, who in the future (in his timeline) was commander of First Serbian International Brigade, which he belong in 2001. After conversation with her, he decides to join Russians. He is capable and absolute soldier.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Abdul Shariff - He leads as sheikh arabian base in 13th mission. He has very low opinion of Burlak.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Desert warrior
- Main Profession: Desert warrior

Dietrich Gensher - He leads Arabs practically from beggining. He deceived Americans writing down an alliance with them, which had only steal their siberit technologies. He is self-confident and repeatedly he threatens Russians.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: General of the Arabian Army
- Main Profession: Soldier

Heike Steyer - 20 years old German wooman, with difficult childhood. She survived loss of her parents, and she land in family, which she doesn't love. After that in 7 years old she escaped from house, and in 13 years she joined to gang. In 17 years old she joined to army. In past she leads mercenaries to some time, before she decides to assumed Legion, which she becomes commander.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Female
- Rank: The commander of mercenaries
- Main Profession: Soldier

Kurt Schmidt - He comes from Germany, and has about 30 years. True poker, he never starts from military actions. He is willing to negotiations, so that noone from his peoples doesn't suffer. However when any of his peoples threat of death, he doesn't hesitate to use force.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: No data
- Main Profession: Soldier

Omar Ali - He leads small arabs group, which is responsible for prevent Russian branch from crossing the river. On the other hand in americans campaign he leads small branch aimed at gain deposites of siberit in last mission. In both cases he dies during fighting.
- Nation: Arabian
- Gender: Male
- Rank: Desert warrior
- Main Profession: Desert warrior
Autor: zoNE | Translation: Gothuk