Ingame, besides humans, various animals having a big impact on the game are available. Using them, we can increase the power of our attacks, speed up the base building and much more.
Tameable animals
Apeman - Our ancestor, accompanying us throughout the whole game. This humanoidal mammal has lived on our planed 2 million years ago. Thanks to special research, our scientists are able to communicate in their language and to make them join our unit. After taming an apeman, we can teach him engineering, soldiering and even driving vehicles.
Standard skills (with a possibility of increase)
- Speed: 10
- Defence: 10
- Against soft targets: 11
- Against vehicles: 5
- Against buildings: 9
Sabre-tooth tiger - A more powerful version of a common tiger. This huge-sized mammal equpiped with large- and sharp-fanged jaw is probably the most dangerous predator of those times. You can tame it and use it to defend sheikhs or as their "pets". Anyway, the often finish their lives as hunting targets.
Standard skills
- Speed: 15
- Defence: 10
- Against soft targets: 25
- Against vehicles: 11
- Against buildings: 11
Hunting targets
Baggie - A medium-sized creature of echidnae, living until today's times. Eating insects, stuck to his glue-like-saliva-covered body. Usually just a hunting target.
Standard skills
- Speed: 10
- Defence: 5
- Against soft targets: 0
- Against vehicles: 0
- Against buildings: 0
Phororhacos - Prehistoric, double-sized cousin of modern ostrich. This bird of breath-taking size is a very good hunting target.
Standard skills
- Speed: 10
- Defence: 5
- Against soft targets: 0
- Against vehicles: 0
- Against buildings: 0
Fish - Pre-ancestor of our fish, one of the oldest vertebrates in our world. Moves only in water, outside of it, it dies. Useful as shooting training target.
Standard skills
- Speed: 10
- Defence: 5
- Against soft targets: 0
- Against vehicles: 0
- Against buildings: 0
Eohippus - One of furthest ancestors of today's horse. This fast and small animal wasn't however used ingame, although you still can do it.
Standard skills
- Speed: 15
- Defence: 10
- Against soft targets: 0
- Against vehicles: 0
- Against buildings: 0
Means of transport
Mastodon - Those giant proboscideae are extinct ancestors of our elephants. Thanks to their size, they are useful for fight and transport. Sheikhs can tame them as private combat devices.
Standard skills
- Speed: 11
- Defence: 80
- Against soft targets: 30
- Against vehicles: 60
- Against buildings: 50
Author: zoNE
Translation: Gwrhkhsh