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Patch (BETA) released!

Posted by zoNE, on 6th January 2023, 04:16 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: List of Building in Active Area menu option to editor
    Added: CLOTHES setting for people.txt
    Bug Fix: Prevent editor from allowing larger environment objects to be placed in areas they should not be allowed
    Bug Fix: Fix for locking cutscene speed which failed on some maps
    Changed: Mods can now have more than 3 difficulty levels for missions
    Changed: Dedicated Servers ran by the Dedicated Server Manager will terminate their process after completing a match

    Advanced metalurgy:
    Research time increased:
    TIME 120 -> 220

    Heavy tracked (US/RU):
    Cost increased:
    CANS 40 -> 50

    Morphling chassis:
    Cost decreased:
    CANS 50 -> 40

    Self-propelled bomb:
    1010 505 1010
    100 200 600
    1010 805 1010
    100 300 600
    Added: Artillery Weapon Type
    Added: Select and Death sounds for human units can now be set
    Added: New SAIL Events - CommandUnitXY, ClassChanged, TakeMaterials, SailEventCustom
    Added: New SAIL Functions - SetBuildingStage, IgnoreSideSettingsCRC, RaiseSailEventCustom, SetCanUseMines
    Added: System to regulate ticks for multiplayer games
    Added: Ability to reveal secret achievement descriptions
    Bug Fix: Reduced memory leaks
    Changed: Increased Upgrade Levels from 3 to 10
    Changed: Waves can now be rendered with shorter paths

Patch (BETA) released!

Posted by zoNE, on 20th May 2022, 10:59 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Ability for GroundAnim fps to be set
    Added: Custom Animation for units
    Added: Head turning while no activity
    Added: Targetable SAIL command
    Added: Ability for vehicle weapons to not allow construction based on controller type
    Added: Option to disable Original War from centering your view in multiplayer when there is a Siberite Explosion
    Added: Multiplayer map WRI files can now have options disabled
    Added: Skinned chat box
    Added: Added mute player to chat box
    Added: Added limit cursor into ingame options
    Changed: Multiplayer map options are now ordered based on their position in the WRI
    Changed: Vehicle and Building backgrounds are now seperate for easier modding
    Changed: Editor no longer tries to use Original War folder over OWP files
    Changed: Increased max GroundAnim amount
    Changed: Dedicated Server Manager overhauled
    Changed: Trees changed in Mudbath multiplayer map
    Changed: Fish removed from lake in Flags multiplayer map
    Bug Fix: Workshops no longer get disabled when there is no power
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug which crashed dedicated servers when reading certain map WRIs
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer Ape script fixed
    Bug Fix: Removed bots from recipients
    Bug Fix: Fixed lua error in options
    Bug Fix: Potential fix for issue with spectator bar when not all players are showed
    Bug Fix: Missing bot ready texture (for MP room)

Patch (BETA) released!

Posted by zoNE, on 18th April 2022, 01:54 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Calendar for 2022

Posted by zoNE, on 16th April 2022, 10:48 PM

Do you keep forgetting what day it is? Are you lost in time and space? Did EON transported you to our times, and you have no idea how to get by? No worries! On the occasion of Easter, we have a small gift for you!

User Anthor has prepared a printable (or to be used on PC) calendar for 2022 dedicated for this community! Calendar has been prepared in the A3 format and is ready to be printed, but you can scale it to A4 or smaller format if you do not have a proper printer. Project is available in 2 languages: Polish and English, and it can be downloaded from Image Gallery.

Calendar download links:

(EN): https://original-war.net/gallery.php?c=136
(PL): https://original-war.net/gallery.php?c=135

We encourage you to download it and we wish you happy and joyful Easter!

Patch released!

Posted by zoNE, on 21st January 2022, 04:39 PM

Patch has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Multiplayer and Skirmish Map Name now shown in Steam Status
    Added: Save and Backup option added to Editor
    Added: GetModINIParam Sail commands
    Added: Past error into Error log (for better tracking)
    Added: Replacing layer for Russian interface (Fixed issue when polish had alaskyt instead alaskit), also now replacing EON to TAWAR and other pairs in different languages
    Added: Buildings editor (buded.exe) now can export images of all buildings, also there button for ping background without shadows
    Changed: Icon system (vehicles and buildings) - Now is shared between all nations (with own background) and in better quality
    Changed: Arabs have own background on panel units
    Changed: New horse portrait
    Changed: Restored original Campaign units balance
    Improved: Pathfinding now able to find longer distance do routes
    Improved: New diplomacy offers (redesign)
    Fixed: Environment causing building not to be placed on map load
    Fixed: SetSide sail command now effects Behemoth's weapons
    Fixed: Achiev's scrollbar issue (infinity scrolling)
    Fixed: firstSettings - when changed language cause error, also caused flip classic-modern texts
    Fixed: white texture in some places after start the game
    Fixed: Polish text (dialogs and subtitles)
    Removed: all "/alaskite" from all language from command buttons and hints texts

Sand of Siberia version 1.5.0

Posted by zoNE, on 24th December 2021, 05:59 PM

Today (December 24) at 7 p.m. the new version of Sand of Siberia 1.5.0 mod will be available with two campaigns: Ares (episode I - 5 missions) presenting the fate of Heike Steyer and a remake of the Russian campaign (episode I - 4 missions). In addition, the mod has received a number of improvements - extensive GUI, new technologies, new weapons, improved skirmishes.

The mod will be available for download on our site and of course on Sand of Siberia site (https://sand-of-siberia.pl/), on the Steam workshop and on the moddb portal (https://www.moddb.com/mods/sand-of-siberia/news/version-15-is-here).

Download link: https://original-war.net/files.php?id=186

Patch (BETA) released!

Posted by zoNE, on 14th November 2021, 09:12 AM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Alternative Factory UI (WIP)
    Added: Frog model (by Jacok)
    Added: Update System
    Added: SAIL Events (OilExtracted and SibExtracted)
    Added: SAIL Functions (ForceExclamation, UnitInBattle and InitHc_All)
    Bug Fix: OW now looks inside AR folder for Arabian exclamations
    Bug Fix: Misc bug fixes
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Rewarding Units screen
    Changed: Redesigned Modern UI
    Changed: Multiplayer IRC Lobby now using irc.owsupport.com
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