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1v1 CB - RU vs AM - Tutorial

Posted by zoNE, on 21st August 2019, 10:24 AM
Simple tactics for Russians against Americans.
Map: Alien Base
Rules: Clan Base

Original War Balance Mod v1.8.7.1 by Enguzrad

Posted by zoNE, on 14th July 2019, 10:23 PM

Version of Balance Mod has been released (test version)!

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l31xa3m0hqkew0u/Balance%20Mod%
Changelog and more about:

Attached archive contains Original War folder. Merge it with your Original War installation.
Requires current WIP patch installed (https://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=6088).
Currently only Alien Base and Flags are modified to support respawning apemen and day/night cycle.

From now on until further notice, regular play sessions of Balance Mod will be held according to this schedule:
  • Friday - starting at 20:00
  • Saturday - starting at 20:00
  • Sunday - starting at 20:00

(Central European Time)

More information: https://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=6129

A multiplayer match shall be hosted by anyone who shows up first. If at least 4 people show up during following half an hour, we play. The main goal now is to test all default maps and multiplayer modes.

For more information contact Enguzrad (the project manager). You can use #ow-balance section of Original War discord for organization and talk between matches.

1vs1 CB - Computer cargo bay - Tutorial

Posted by zoNE, on 9th May 2019, 12:37 PM
American tactic - computer controlled cargo bay.
Map: Alien Base
Rules: Clan Base

1vs1 CB - AM vs AR Tutorial

Posted by zoNE, on 7th May 2019, 02:46 PM
Basic tactic for dealing with Arabs as Americans.
Map: Alien Base
Rules: Clan Base

Original War Balance

Posted by zoNE, on 16th April 2019, 08:20 AM

As we have known for years, Original War has many balance problems - especially in multiplayer. Many types of units are simply useless in multiplayer, with their strength and functionality they are not balanced with each other, and maps are a far cry from being balanced. The first attempts to solve this problem took place already in 2007, when we were looking for solutions to this problem within the "Balance Mod" and "Alternative Game Balance" projects. However, it was not easy to solve, as these changes also affected the campaign.

However, there was a breakthrough in this respect. One of the upcoming game functionalities is loading GameInit data files from three separate locations for the campaign, multiplayer mode and skrimish. For this reason, Enguzrad's initiative led to the creation of a group whose task is to try to create an Original War that is more balanced (more details in his document: https://owsupport.com/files/Original_War_balance.pdf).

Work on the balance will be divided into several phases:

Phase one
It will be focused on each individual nation to make them more balanced. Testers will only play with a given nation in search of unused weapons, buildings, professions, technologies, in order to make them more useful - at least to some extent.

Phase two
Similar to the previous one, but focused on the whole, so that all elements are balanced with each other and between all nations.

More information on the currently tested changes can be found on the forum: https://forum.stucuk.net/viewforum.php?f=107

Project managed by: Enguzrad.
Current team members: Enguzrad, Stucuk, Sali, Morgan, Bren, Thorgall, Nefarem, zoNE, Jakes.

Original War Streamers Tournament 2019 - Best Actions!

Posted by zoNE, on 15th April 2019, 06:09 PM

Original War Streamers Tournament 2019 - The final classification!

Posted by zoNE, on 31st March 2019, 04:38 PM

After two days of interesting matches we reached the end of the tournament! After 42 fierce battles, in which as many as 7 players fought against each other, we were able to successfully select the top four players of the Original War Streamers Tournament 2019. Applause for our champions!

The final classification is as follows:
  • 1st place: Bren 8,5pt
  • 2nd place: Thorgall 8pt
  • 3rd place: Sali 6pt
  • 4th place: Nefarem 5.5pt

Ladders of the tournament and records of all fights can be found at the address: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=streamerstour2019

We would like to thank the contestants for their participation in the contest, all those who helped with the organization for their cooperation, and the spectators for their participation! There may be another tournament after some time, but we will inform you about it in the future! And may the Force be with you always.
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