Added: UpgradeStartedKind event to SAIL
Bug Fix: Human skills using skirmish exp limits instead of campaign limits in singleplayer
Bug Fix: Crash when mines are placed ( bug)
Bug Fix: Animated avatars not loading parts in multiplayer
Bug Fix: UpgradeStarted event having wrong starting kind
Bug Fix: Fixed freeze issue with multiple OW Clients and Steam Achievements
Changed: Error logs now state build date
Added: OW_GET_MAP_DESCRIPTION for modders
Added: OW_GET_SIDE_DAMAGE_DONE for modders
Added: mission_exp_limits_ex, mission_exp_skip_ex, mission_min_rewards_ex and mission_max_rewards_ex for modders to gameinit
Added: MinePlaced, MineDetonated to SAIL for modders
Added: Added Recycle Cost to Recycle Vehicle tooltip (Issue #633)
Changed: Increased max campaign missions for mods
Fixed: Some INI settings loading from incorrect section
Bug Fix: BNames, CharName and MultiDesc failed to read first item
Added: USEUPSCALE parameter for Borderless Fullscreen Window which causes upscale shader to be used
Added: ISWAREHOUSE for buildings which makes it use warehouse range
Added: ISEXTENSION for buildings which causes the game to treat it like an extension for factories
Added: ALLOWEDTODRIVE for humans which allows them to be drivers
Added: SAIL Constants: f_lab, value_undef, value_int, value_real, value_addr, value_string, value_list
Added: SAIL Functions: GetUnitVoice, SetInvulnrability, GetVariableType
Added: SAIL Variables: ShipmentPredictionWithoutBuilding, ShipmentDetectionWithoutBuilding, BioDetectionWithoutBuilding
Added: SAIL Variables: SiberiteDetectionWithoutBuilding, InvisibilityWithoutBuilding
Bug Fix: Borderless Fullscreen Window setting could not be disabled
Changed: Original War now controls screenshots rather than windows
Changed: Changed font for base names to Unicode font
Improved: Minimap Scaling
Bug Fix: Crash when getting weapon name
Bug Fix: Dedicated Server crashes on start
Bug Fix: Self Destruct does more than 1 tick of damage
Added: Exclamations volume setting (in-game only currently)
Added: NOFPSSLEEP parameter
Added: SAIL constant f_full for filters
Added: GetBuildingCapacity SAIL function
Bug Fix: OWorkshop bug with some pngs causing it to crash
Changed: Critter xicht forground images can now be transparent
Changed: SAIL list sorts now use quicksort
Improved: Removed more memory leaks
Added: Ability to select monitor
Added: Ability to select sound device
Added: Borderless Fullscreen Window mode
Added: ChangeMissionObjectives_Silent SAIL command
Added: Custom Random Environments to editor
Added: Custom SAIL Constants to editor
Added: Editors gallery select avatar screen now shows ID and Voice
Added: Message box to SAIL editor for errors and messages that happening during compile
Added: SAIL stats window
Bug Fix: destroy_unit - Access violation (Issue #674)
Bug Fix: AM11 - PlaceUnitArea (Issue #675/#676)
Bug Fix: Save image missing when F2 is used rather than menu (Issue #677)
Bug Fix: Fixed dots in savegame names
Changed: OW will take most settings from eset.ini rather than owar.ini if they exist
Changed: Video Subtitles now use Language used for Text
Improved: Faster at creating window and overall loading
Improved: Improved editor mod selection window
Improved: Most SAIL commands which have unitid as input will handle out of range ids
Updated: Classic Menu now on more recent version
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