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Original War Streamers Tournament 2019 - Make Multiplayer Great Again!

Vložil zoNE, dne 14. Březen 2019, 06:18 PM

The time has come for the Great Games! We would like to invite you to the Original War Streamer Tournament, which will take place on 30-31.03.2019 at 12:00-17:00 GMT+1! The main goal of the tournament is to test all default maps, multiplayer modes, sync lost, game exploits, SGUI in multiplayer and most importantly, have fun! During the tournament, several streams will be started by your favourite streamers, and the tournament will be attended by Stucuk himself, the patch maker of the Original War! With the tournament we want to catch all the multiplayer bugs, restoring the play-ability of all maps, so that the multiplayer experience can be even better!

What's more, Sali and Stucuk suggested the tournament to be played on the brand new WIP patch, with developmental version of SGUI. Stucuk has decided to speed up his work on the patch to make it possible for contestants to test out, and show the world brand new Original War user interface!

Thanks for Sali and Stucuk for their hard work! Live streams on their YouTube channels will provide: Bren, Dragon5fly, Jakes, Nefarem, and Thorgall!

Combining fun with useful, we will be able to carry out in-depth tests of the game, and you will see your favourite streamers in action! The following people agreed to participate: Bren, Dragon5fly, Jakes, Nefarem, Sali, Stucuk and Thorgall. Their fights will take place in parallel due to time constraints.

In organisational matters, contact Original-War.net administration.

Tournament rules:
  • The main goal of the tournament is test all maps and game modes.
  • Game rules:
    • Base Level: Fortified
    • Amount of People: 24
    • Skill Level: More experienced
    • Starting Resources: Lots
    • Shipments Density: Very High
    • Extra Oil deposits: Extra
    • Extra Siberite deposits: Extra
    • Shared Vision: Yes
    • Morale Flags: Not Decreasing
    • Siberite detection: Researched
    • People Respawning: Common
    • Amount of Apemen: Lots
    • Siberite Bomb: Allowed (if available)
    • Build Up Time: 10 Minutes (if available)
  • Game speed: default multiplayer mode (throughout the game).
  • In addition: Everything is allowed in the game except for rushing people at the beginning of the game (in modes that do not require it) when Build Time is turned off and except for artificial dragging the game! So you can bug, use exploits and do whatever comes to your mind. You have crash this game!
  • Number of fights: each with each of them will play after 2 fights, a total of 42 fights will be played.
  • Each of the streaming players is obliged to stream all battles - preferably on one live, without delay. Players do not watch other players (especially opponents) in order not to generate additional lags in the game. There should be nothing on the game screen during the stream, except for the game itself (so that everything is clearly visible). Streams should be in 720p or 1080p resolution. Persons who can't stream are obliged to record all battles and then share the recordings. All recordings are to detect the causes of errors and sync losts - in combination with sync logs it will be possible to determine the exact time of sync lost and what happened at that time in the game for both 1 and 2 players. This will help us to better identify the causes of sync lost and errors.
  • After the game day, each player sends to the administrator a "zoNE" in a private message, packed with all the sync log files. These files are located in the "debug" folder of the game. It is best to pack all the files that are there and send them. These files, together with recordings and descriptions, will be forwarded to Stucuk. These files are necessary to locate the causes of sync lost or game exploit.
  • In case of a game error, please also send us the error logs located in the folder "Error_Logs", in the folder with the game - only logs from the given day.
  • After the tournament is over, places will be drawn according to the sum of points from the fights. Players receive 1 point for each win and 0 for each loss. If more than one player on the podium has the same score, overtime between these players will be possible.
  • Since the main reason for the tournament are tests, each player is obliged to complete the following information in the table of fights after each fight:
    • "Points" in the main table of fights - points for win/loss in a fight.
    • "Sync? (Y/N)" in the main battle table - "Y" if there was a lost sync during the game, "N" if there was no sync (also applies to sync losses on the counter, which do not throw out of the game.
    • "Bugs? (Y/N)" in the main battle table - were there any errors in the game except for sync losts.
    • "Player 1 Description" in the main table of fights - a place for the description of errors and sync lost in a given game for player #1.
    • "Player 2 Description" in the main table of fights - a place for the description of errors and sync lost in a given game for the player #2.
    • "Description" in the player's side table (with the color of a given player) - a place for additional remarks and a description of errors that occurred in the games and which he did not describe in the main table. If something bothers you and someone has already described it, don't worry, also describe what you think about it. The more submissions, the better it will be possible to determine the problem and its priority!
    • "Stream" in the player's side table (with the player's color) - a place for direct links (not universal, but direct) to streams from battles, so that you can compare the recordings with game logs.
  • Organizers reserve the right to change the regulations during the course.

The list of fights is available at the address: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jPQtlFs0NSc3fR12hWbSEXi_Kvhp-XUJsOz0nOpVFwY/

We wish the contestants successful fights and the audience a wonderful experience with your favorites streamers!

Original War Tournament 2019 - Best Actions!

Vložil zoNE, dne 9. Březen 2019, 03:28 PM

Original War Tournament 2019 - Prizes for charity!

Vložil zoNE, dne 9. Březen 2019, 11:03 AM
As games unite, not divide, we wish to inform you that according to the arrangements made during the grand finale of the Original War Tournament 2019, cash prizes for the 1st and 2nd place have been given to a charitable organization chosen by you in a vote! This time, prizes with a total value of 800 PLN went to the charitable foundation "Fundacja Rak’n’Roll - Wygraj życie" (win a life). Probably everyone knows, has or had someone in the family who has suffered or suffers from cancer. Rak’n’Roll foundation changes ways of thinking about cancer and works to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. We hope that this amount, although small, will contribute to someone's happiness at least to a small extent.


Thank you to all participants for taking part in the tournament and voting in the poll. Thank you to all the finalists for agreeing to hand over the prizes! Proof of payment can be found below. We also invite you to the foundation’s website: https://www.raknroll.pl/.


Original War Tournament 2019 - The final classification!

Vložil zoNE, dne 25. Únor 2019, 12:15 AM

After two weeks of interesting matches we reached the end of the tournament! After 50 fierce battles, in which as many as 26 players fought against each other, we were able to successfully select the top four players of the Original War 2019 Tournament. Applause for our champions!

The final classification is as follows:
1 place: Bren
2nd place: MarianPL
3rd place: Lazarus
4th place: Rutek

Prizes will be sent out by 10.03.2019 - but you can expect them much earlier!

Prizes for charity!
By the decision of the competitors there was a small change in the prizes! Due to a small clash between the finalists over the prizes, we decided to propose a peaceful solution in the form of cash prizes for the first and second place in charity. According to the decision and consent of both finalists, the cash prizes for the first and second place, i.e. exactly 800 PLN, will be transferred to a charity chosen by the participants of the tournament! We would like to thank the players for this gesture. The choice of organization will be based on voting on original-war.net forum. For this purpose, a topic will be created, in which only participants of the tournament will be able to speak, choosing from the list of proposed organizations the one to which the money will be transferred. The survey will last from 26.02.2019 to 03.03.2019!

The remaining prizes remained unchanged successively:
1 miejsce - a key to a random game (a cash prize donated to charity)
2 miejsce - (cash prize donated to charity)
3 miejsce - 20% of the current prize pool 200 PLN

Consolation awards:
4th place - the key to a random game.

Ladders of the tournament and records of all fights can be found at the address: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=tournament2019

We would like to thank the contestants for their participation in the contest, all those who helped with the organization for their cooperation, and the spectators for their participation! There may be another tournament after some time, but we will inform you about it in the future! And may the Force be with you always.

Don't Forget!

Vložil zoNE, dne 7. Únor 2019, 09:26 PM

The First Hardcore - US Campaign Speedrun!

Vložil zoNE, dne 21. Leden 2019, 10:25 PM
The First Hardcore - US Campaign Speedrun!

Other speedruns: https://original-war.net/ranking.php?mode=speedrun

Hardcore - US Campaign Speedrun Rules:
1. Time starts on clicking "Run" in the "New Campaign" window with "New Campaign" selected and ends on the main character final dialogue
2. Play on "Master Strategist" difficulty, with all medals and without casualties (exception: Am08 are died 3 soldiers during the cutscenes, others can't die)
3. Play without replaying missions
4. Play on any game speed mode you want
5. Timed via RTA (you count loading times, cutscenes etc. to your total run time)
6. Don't use glitches, bugs, cheats and mods
7. Pausing is allowed, but discouraged
8. Save and load isn't allowed

Original War Tournament 2019 - Win Real Cash!

Vložil zoNE, dne 20. Leden 2019, 10:29 PM
As administration of Original-War.net, in cooperation with YouTube channel: Livid, we would like to invite you to sign up for the biggest international Original War Tournament with cash prizes! Registration for the tournament starts on 20.01.2019-09.02.2019. Tournament rules below!

Current prize pool:
€220! (1000PLN)


(The prize pool may increase appropriately to the new donations during live: Livid’s channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXaSYYWvb_0yVyOBOFK_68g. All donations will be used for rewards!)

1st place - 50% current prize pool and the key for a random game.
2nd place - 30% current prize pool.
3rd place - 20% current prize pool.

Consolation prize:
4th place - Key for a random game.

In order to participate, you need to submit a ticket for the relevant topic in the forum dedicated to this topic. The topic can be found under the link: https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?p=55272.

Tournament rules:
  • The tournament will consist of 2 phases: Qualification round and play offs. The 8 best players of qualification round will advance to the play off phase. We will be able to determine the exact tournament formula after the recruitment process was completed. If the required number of 8 players isn’t registered, we reserve the right to change the formula of the tournament.
  • The tournament will be played on a Clan Base rules (current rules available at this link: https://original-war.net/articles.php?a=multiplayer_matchtypes).
  • Qualification phase will be played on „Alien Base” map. To prevent unnecesarry prolonging of the qualification matches, „Siberite Rocket” technology will become available.
  • In the play off phase, the map will be selected via pre-game ban during which, players will receive a list list of total 3 maps, then every player will decide which map they DON'T want to play. The map that will remain as the last one, will be the one used in the play off phase.
  • The tournament will be played on the current official version, which is as of the time of writing. The patch may change if an official update is released before the tournament.
  • In case a player is disconnected or Synchronization is lost,each player is allowed to repeat each game once again. The tournament organizers will verify whether the participant actually got a synchronization lost or deliberately left the game with no chance of winning. Cases of obvious loss of one of the parties are not subject to complaint.
  • Usage of any kind of game bug, glitch or cheats is strictly forbiden.
  • In case of win in a tournament, we will contact the winners with further instructions of transfer the prize. Informations required to payout the prize will be collected by site administrator and then passed to the tournament organizer (YouTube channel Livd: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXaSYYWvb_0yVyOBOFK_68g), to perform the payout of the prize. Every information obtained this way will only be used for this purpose
  • The dates of matches will be set and published in the Original-War.net forum 12.02.2019. (Link pending) The allowed time delay for your fight is 15 minutes, then the walkover will be announced.
  • In the event of a transfer of fights, the player who doesn't match the date or time, is obliged to agree with the player with whom he wants to exchange for fights. In this case, the consent of 4 players is required (a player who wants to change the date of the fight with someone, his opponent and both players with whom he wants to change the date). Requests and approvals to change the date must be reported to the site administrator: zoNE, up to a maximum of 24 hours before the specified date of the fight.
  • The organizers reserve the right to change the rules and regulations before and during the whole tournament.

Tournament start date: 15.02.2019 (exact start time of the tournament will be published along with the date of the fights).

Participants willing to join the tournament must meet all of the below requirements:
  • They are at least 18 years old.
  • Have an account on original-war.net (where we will verify the identity of players).
  • Provide their application no later than 09.02.2019 at 23:59.
  • Have Original War ;).

A valid application must have:
  • Player’s nickname. (The Original War nickname must be the same as the Original-War.net nickname - this will make it easier for us to identify players).
  • Information “I want to participate!” (for example: zoNE – I want to participate!).
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