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Patch to (Requires:

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Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

Added: Multiplayer and Skirmish Map Name now shown in Steam Status
Added: Save and Backup option added to Editor
Added: GetModINIParam Sail commands
Added: Past error into Error log (for better tracking)
Added: Replacing layer for Russian interface (Fixed issue when polish had alaskyt instead alaskit), also now replacing EON to TAWAR and other pairs in different languages
Added: Buildings editor (buded.exe) now can export images of all buildings, also there button for ping background without shadows
Changed: Icon system (vehicles and buildings) - Now is shared between all nations (with own background) and in better quality
Changed: Arabs have own background on panel units
Changed: New horse portrait
Changed: Restored original Campaign units balance
Improved: Pathfinding now able to find longer distance do routes
Improved: New diplomacy offers (redesign)
Fixed: Environment causing building not to be placed on map load
Fixed: SetSide sail command now effects Behemoth's weapons
Fixed: Achiev's scrollbar issue (infinity scrolling)
Fixed: firstSettings - when changed language cause error, also caused flip classic-modern texts
Fixed: white texture in some places after start the game
Fixed: Polish text (dialogs and subtitles)
Removed: all "/alaskite" from all language from command buttons and hints texts
Added: ModDir variable to SAIL
Fixed: OWorkshop progress bar bug when mods are over 2GB
Fixed: No Face with exclamations
Fixed: infinite loop when resolving counters
Fixed: wri loading code clipping last character
Added: SayEX sail command
Added: SayRadioNoFace sail command
Added: ForceSleep sail command
Added: EvacuateBuilding sail event
Added: Fallback for creature faces to use RU or AM
Added: Complete Slovak Localization
Fixed: Fixed Loading Screens using AM01 for all missions
Fixed: profilename sail variable now uses profile name rather than directory name
Fixed: when after changed gametype with random nations onto non-random nations caused unable allow nations
Fixed: creating Fixed AI
Fixed: teams icons
Fixed: specific issue when you can have different Nation interface than Alien in main menu
Changed: Relocated components help to the area above the facepanel
Implemented: Say commands can now hide face and name
Added: Alternative Factory UI
Added: Ability for ForceScreenshots
Bug Fix: Frogs no longer display Level in info
Bug Fix: Misc Bugs Fixed
Added: Alternative Factory UI (WIP)
Added: Frog model (by Jacok)
Added: Update System
Added: SAIL Events (OilExtracted and SibExtracted)
Added: SAIL Functions (ForceExclamation, UnitInBattle and InitHc_All)
Bug Fix: OW now looks inside AR folder for Arabian exclamations
Bug Fix: Misc bug fixes
Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Rewarding Units screen
Changed: Redesigned Modern UI
Changed: Multiplayer IRC Lobby now using irc.owsupport.com
Bug Fix: Fixed bug with save games and saving maps in editor (Introduced in 302)
Added: Ability to compile all maps SAIL in editor
Added: Flamethrowers can now have two turrets (Modding)
Added: New SAIL Event for camera placement (Modding)
Bug Fix: Fixed setting of speed in multiplayer
Improved: Heightmap export speed increased in editor
Added: TargetableSAIL button command
Changed: Flamethrower now stops attacking if it destroys a tree
Changed: Multiplayer chat stands out more
Fixed: Alien Base Extended depot 4 was not spawning
Fixed: ImageButtons now show correct image when parent is disabled
Fixed: Save Dialog now disables while saving/deleting
Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
Added: New map added - Alien Base #2 (Big Alien Base) by Gogeta & Serpent
Added: New map added - Competitions by Gogeta
Added: New map added - Big Circle by Gogeta & Serpent
Fixed: Am11 artifact dialog freeze [Issue #659]
Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
Changed: Fishes removed from flags map
Multiple LUA fixes
Latest Multiplayer fixes
Added: Classic Menu (Work In Progress)
Improved: Improved modern menu (Work In Progress)
Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
Added: FREQDELAY paramter for modders to change delay between burst shots
Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
Added: Two additional campaign slots for mods to use
Added: Animated Tree option added to map options in editor
Fixed: Profile directory should no longer be used for multiplayer name
Fixed: Misc Bugfixes
Added: New multiplayer map Mudbath
Fixed: Dedicated Servers keeping match alive when only bots are present
Fixed: Bots will now be kicked when map or gametype changes
Fixed: Pointer error with image masks
Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
Added: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
Added: Sync Squares added to multiplayer room
Added: Round and Trunc commands to SAIL
Fixed: Bug which corrupted american campaign saves
Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
Improved: Multiplayer code improvments
Improved: Video system improvements

Rocky Land:
- Waterfall animations fixed

Balance changes - check BalanceChangelog.txt

Flags (by Tomasz):
- Build Time zone(top right base) corrected
- Possible exit with wheeled tanks on the right side from the top center position(players decide yes/no)

- New map: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
- A library People_respawning has been added to almost every map
- Tree animation has been activated on Rocky Land
- Build Time zone(right middle and right bottom) corrected on Siberia
- Removal of unused: DayNight.src, crates_loading.src, crates_loading_ii.src, respawning, colors_night.txt with map
- obnova.src removed on Night Fight map(Replaced with library People_respawning)

Mastodons Trail (by Tomasz):
- More trees added
- Crate materialization changed
- Second oil depot added
- Second sib depot added
- Sheik person for Arabians added(As an option)
- More Mastodons added(As an option)

Table Mountain (by Tomasz):
- Position of the houses on the minimap(lobby) has been corrected
- Tree animation has been activated

The US_BuilUp.src library has been updated
The US_Init_Resp.src library has been updated
The US_MP_Inicialization.src library has been updated
A new East versus West mode has been added to The Abyss map
Fixed: Spectator sees fog buildings on minimap
Fixed: When Character Select screen shows it has ok button disabled even if conditions are met
Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
Fixed: Misc fixes

Materialization fixed on the map Bloody Valley (by Tomasz)
Multidesc Kill 'em all max players fixed on the map Flags (by Tomasz)
Fixed: Latest Multiplayer map fixes
Fixed: Remote mines now hidden from spectator
Fixed: Save games causing crash
Fixed: Theora videos audio and video not in sync
Improved: LIMITMOUSE3 parameter now works on windows
Added: Spectator bar
Added: latency pings
Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
Fixed: Bug with listboxes
Fixed: Multiplayer base names showing invalid characters
Improved: Increase limits of voices & exclamations probability [Issue #579]
Improved: Expanded AI settings on maps which support it
Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
Fixed: Ru12a - Gossudarov block [Issue #626]
Fixed: Spectator fixes
Improved: Spectator now works on all maps
Fixed: Ru06 - Achiv additional condition [Issue #625]
Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
Fixed: Additional Serpent Fixes which were not put on the bug tracker so you get this message instead :P
Fixed: Ru15 - medal condition [Issue #617]
Fixed: Am13a/Ru13a - Base Name missing [Issue #618]
Fixed: Joining Multiplayer match fails to join when different mod is used [Issue #622]
Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
Improved: Legacy Mod Main Menu GUI [Issue #619]
Improved: Make Spectators use a new Side [Issue #620]
Improved: Implement improved profile system [Issue #621]
Fixed: [multiplayer, SGUI] Allied victory tickbox [Issue #607]
Fixed: Ru05, Ru06, AM15 [Issue #612]
Fixed: SetSide can cause Sync Loss in Multiplayer Game [Issue #614]
Fixed: Ru08 - people stay on a vacation [Issue #615]
Fixed: Animal names [Issue #600]
Fixed: Ru12a - Achiv conditions fix [Issue #606]
Fixed: Small Maps can have red areas at the sides [Issue #608]
Fixed: With Japanese language base names show garbled characters [Issue #609]
Fixed: ESC key opens menu while giving orders [Issue #610]
Fixed: Multiplayer Loading screen doesn't go away [Issue #611]
Fixed: AM04 achievement [Issue #613]
Fixed: loading a save when user profile has alot causes crash [Issue #601]
Fixed: OW tools show memory leak information on exit [Issue #602]
Fixed: ESC stops bringing up menu after loading save which is outdated [Issue #603]
Added: Memory Usage added to FPS counter
Fixed: Miscs bug with Campaign Tree
Fixed: Ru08, Ru11 - Achiv conditions [Issue #599]
Fixed: Memory Usage indicators now work (Map Editor)
Fixed: Ru02 - Bielkov tank bug [Issue #593]
Fixed: Ru02, Ru03 - Dangerous oil barrels [Issue #594]
Fixed: When Resolution is not set the game has a window height of zero [Issue #595]
Fixed: Mission Tree creates new branch even if there is no next mission [Issue #597]
Fixed: Dedicated Server Crash [Issue #598]
Improved: Make Load/Save dialogs stagger the loading of save preview images [Issue #596]
Added: PRESS A KEY on loading screens
Added: Dedicated Server option to make first client able to change settings
Changed: BName increased from 9 to 20 characters
Fixed: bug with american depot not being upgradable
Fixed: bug with reward screen on higher resolutions (Buttons not being clickable)
Fixed: bug with character selection screen on higher resolutions
Fixed: Ru12 - Platonov freeze [Issue #592]
Improved: Character Selection and Reward Screens sort now uses faster sort
Added: Holding middle mouse button and dragging will now move the screen
Changed: SetLives will now limit the amount of HP set to a maximum of the units maxhealth
Fixed: Selection bug relating to command panel buttons
Improved: Enchance SetMark function for additional flag colours [Issue #519]
Added: VehicleRecycled Event [Issue #408]
Added: SAIL - IsInvisible
Fixed: LIMITMOUSE causes game to hang [Issue #588]
Fixed: AM07 Steam Achievements
Changed: Faces of units now have a larger maximum size in unit lists
Added: Sort for unit face panels
Fixed: Ru12a - cannot complete the mission [Issue #590]
Fixed: Memory overflow introduced in
Fixed: Error in czech tooltip for placing turret weapon [Issue #382]
Fixed: AutoEnemy needs to be switched back on (RU07) [Issue #496]
Fixed: Fixes for AM10_cont, AM14 and AM15 [Issue #498]
Fixed: Fixed prakun model [Issue #500]
Fixed: Fixes for Am09 [Issue #502]
Fixed: Fixes for AM06_cont and AM12 [Issue #510]
Fixed: Fixes for Am08 [Issue #512]
Fixed: Fixes for Ru05 [Issue #513]
Fixed: (Multiplayer) Rocky Pass, Wilderness [Issue #520]
Fixed: Am 03, Ru 02, 03, 05, 08 [Issue #524]
Fixed: Ru 03, 11, 13, 14, 15 [Issue #525]
Fixed: Ru 06, 12a [Issue #526]
Fixed: Ru 04, 05, 08, 10 [Issue #533]
Fixed: Cinematics skip - music still playing [Issue #547]
Fixed: AM 11_Cont doesn't end when objectives complete [Issue #561]
Fixed: Am10_cont - invalid chassis [Issue #563]
Fixed: Am09_cont - missing dialog and disabled barracks [Issue #564]
Fixed: Am15a - missing Coonie Travers [Issue #565]
Fixed: Ru10 - InGameOn bug [Issue #566]
Fixed: Ru11 - units can't move [Issue #567]
Fixed: Ru09_cont - water issue [Issue #568]
Fixed: Ru02 - how to kill Platonov [Issue #569]
Fixed: Am12 - Fail retreat [Issue #570]
Fixed: Am11_cont - starting scene and polish dialogs fix [Issue #571]
Fixed: Am09_cont - disabled barracks after arabs barracks build [Issue #572]
Fixed: Ru03 - missing dialog | attacking Omicron by barracks | blockade in Kirov [Issue #573]
Fixed: Ru10 - Vsevolod blockade in intro [Issue #574]
Fixed: Ru08 - delete Masha variable if Masha not exist [Issue #575]
Fixed: Am07_cont - missing medals descriptions [Issue #576]
Fixed: Am09_cont - infinity loop while arabian barracks construct [Issue #577]
Fixed: Am11_cont - two times ending mission [Issue #578]
Fixed: Am13a - killable Gossudarov squad members [Issue #581]
Fixed: Ru02 - build lab and workshop objective [Issue #582]
Fixed: Ru03 - kirov mechanics stuck [Issue #584]
Fixed: Am15a | Ru15a - americans cannot rebuild sib mines [Issue #585]
Fixed: Am15 - Bugs [Issue #586]
Fixed: Am02 - JMM squad dead on mission start [Issue #587]
Improved: Remade OW Intro [Issue #562]
Improved: Allow multiple buildings to be placed when SHIFT key is held [Issue #532]
Improved: Make Flamethrower Destroy Environment and Burn Grass [Issue #543]
Improved: Add SAIL Libraries inside mod directory [Issue #544]
Improved: Editor - Inspect Profile Tool [Issue #553]
Improved: GUI Replaced with SGUI
» Indeks > Patche > Stare patche > Patch to (Requires:
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