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» Indeks > Patche > Stare patche > Patch 1.03 (Full)

Patch 1.03 (Full)

Nazwa pliku OWPatch_1.03.exe
Rozmiar 15.69 MB
Przewidywany czas transferu
  • 256 kbit/s: 8 min. 35 sek.
  • 512 kbit/s: 4 min. 18 sek.
  • 1 mbit/s: 2 min. 12 sek.
  • 2 mbit/s: 1 min. 6 sek.
  • 4 mbit/s: 33 sek.
  • 20 mbit/s: 7 sek.
  • 100 mbit/s: 2 sek.
Pobierz plik
Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


Original War Game
- Added: Ability to load from mods
- Added: Checking to see if mod and mod versions are different when joining a multiplayer game
- Bug Fix: Large mouse movements no longer crash the credits screen
- Bug Fix: Misc Bugs/Errors
- Changed: Protocol Version has been changed
- Changed: VIDEONAME added to campaigns/SIDE/missions.dat to allow varible videos to be loaded. VIDEO = 1 is needed to play a video
- Changed: Mods have there own profile saves location (Userprofiles/Mod)

Original War Editor 2.0
- Added: Raise and lower hex tools added
- Added: Delete source tool
- Added: Gallery browser for selecting portraits
- Added: The ability to delete units, env, grass and water one by one
- Added: Mod support
- Changed: Terrain now changes all the selected hex's rather than one
- Changed: User interface has been improved
- Changed: FOW only effects the ingame side of the editor
- Changed: Minimap defaultly refreshes
- Changed: Unit,Env,Grass and Water deleteing is now done independantly of the current layer

PakView 2.0
- Changed: Updated the interface to be more like WinZip

PRCiX 2.0
- Added: Image convertion down to 8bit with dithering option
- Added: Ability to use palette files insted of getting a palette from the bmp. (JASC Palette files are compatible)
- Changed: Interface improved
» Indeks > Patche > Stare patche > Patch 1.03 (Full)
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