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Patch (Full)

File details
File name OWPatch_2.0.6.132.rar
File size 202.54 MB
Estimated download times
  • 256 kbit/s: 1 hr 50 min 37 sec
  • 512 kbit/s: 55 min 19 sec
  • 1 mbit/s: 28 min 20 sec
  • 2 mbit/s: 14 min 10 sec
  • 4 mbit/s: 7 min 5 sec
  • 20 mbit/s: 1 min 25 sec
  • 100 mbit/s: 17 sec
Download locations
(External mirror)
Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

Added: Equalize Hex Height Tool (Issue #398)
Added: Wall Building Type
Added: COLOR parameter to grass (R G B)
Added: CLASS_OVERRIDE to people
Added: ICON to People and Buildings
Added: HEIGHT to people (For laser end point)
Added: SPAWNONDEATH to buldings (ClassID Count)
Added: WEAPON to buildings (WeaponID)
Added: EnterVehicle event to SAIL
Added: EnterVehicleFromBuilding event to SAIL
Added: LeaveVehicle event to SAIL
Added: CrateSpawn event to SAIL
Added: Identify and Note area to SAIL Editor main window
Added: IsSleeping, GetBuildingCost, PlaySoundXYLoop and StopSound to SAIL
Added: top_right, right, bottom_right, bottom_left, left and top_left SAIL constants
Added: CommunityMaps folder allowing community maps in Vanilla OW Multiplayer
Added: Arabian Interface to SGUI
Added: SGUI version of Editor
Added: ToLua Sail Command (SGUI only, no effect in normal OW)
Added: solar_recharge_percent variable to SAIL
Added: changing the colour of crate/artifact in a map
Added: texts.wri can now be used for Skirmish and Multiplayer maps
Added: PakView can now extract all WAV files
Added: Multiplayer Host can now change game speed in game
Added: sound.owp can now be used by mods
Added: Ident Descriptions for Editor - McBenn
Added: Wood Tool to Editor
Added: GroundAnims now support 16bit BMPs (24bit is converted to 16Bit)
Added: GBIs now support an imbedded PNG image
Added: Vehicles and Buildings can now force an attack Ground button (Issue #370)
Added: CacheColorsTXT SAIL command added
Added: profile_name SAIL variable (read only)
Added: simple editions of all multiplayer maps
Added: Small graphics included in Ow_editorOGL_Small.exe and owarOGL_Small.exe
Added: CUSTOMSOUND added to people.txt allowing custom sounds
Added: HEAD added to people.txt with 0 being no head (Defaults to 1)
Added: CustomCommand SAIL event
Added: GetEnvironmentType and IsEnvironmentDestroyable SAIL Commands
Added: GM Factory now included (Successor to GM Editor)
Added: SINGLEDIRECTION added to buildings.txt removing the need for a building to have graphics for each direction
Added: SIGHT added to buildings.txt allowing the default to be changed (Defaults to 0)
Added: Buildings can now have a charge animation
Changed: Multiplayer Lobby will now show all games
Changed: Counters.wri, BNames.wri and CharName.wri will load from maps folder if they exist
Changed: Increased Scroll Speed
Changed: Increased MaxRegBackRects from 1000 to 2000
Changed: Increased max Building Phases to 70
Changed: Window Scroll Speed Increased
Changed: Increased Multiplayer Protocol Version
Changed: crc.bin is now redundent
Changed: only editor will compile SAIL if code.bin exists
Changed: Maps can now have up to 20000 units (10x more)
Changed: Texts.txt will only be loaded from mod folder (Unless wri is missing) (Issue #258)
Changed: Multiple Core Mode is now default. Use singlecore parameter to force singlecore
Fixed: various MC errors
Fixed: Invincible but dead russian apeman armed with machinegun (Issue #392)
Fixed: PlaySoundXY now works correctly
Fixed: Minimap Window in Editor
Fixed: Rare Crash relating to placing or destroying a unit
Fixed: Sound Systems StopAll could prevent future sounds playing (Issue #387)
Fixed: StoneEd now works from the Original War Directory (Its not mod compatible)
Fixed: OW's Bin format can't handle strings larger than 255 (Issue 180)
Fixed: WaterZBuffer is calculated when using the Water Editor
Fixed: Saves with -1 as a unit id reference crash OW (Issue #366)
Fixed: SetCargo - 100 resources limit (Issue #368)
Fixed: AM12 - Russian attack script (Issue 321) - Nefarem
Fixed: Multiplayer maps, Polish corrections needed (Issue 109) - Nefarem
Fixed: Multiplayer map Siberia - Fixed Czech translations - Gravitr
Fixed: Ru03 - Missing Russian translation of dialogue D10a-Bur-1 - McBenn
Fixed: counter in Am06 (Polish). Showed digits when it should show time. - McBenn
Fixed: Editor not showing Weapon colour updates(On Buildings) when palettes are changed
Fixed: AM15 - Legion secondary objective (Issue 326) - Nefarem
Fixed: AM06 - An event spawning Joan Fergusson doesn't trigger (Issue 378) - Nefarem
Fixed: Ru03 - The player would always get the medal for destroying many American reinforcements - McBenn
Fixed: Am13 - The final objective was given a few seconds after mission start (Issue #369) - McBenn
Fixed: ComBuild fixed (RU05)
Fixed: RU02, RU06, RU07, RU11 fixes (Issue #446) - Nefarem
Fixed: AM09, AM10, RU03, RU11 Fixes (Issue #452) - Nefarem
Fixed: AM15 - Wrong condition for appearance of arabians (Issue #324) - Nefarem
Fixed: RU14 - Arabian attacks not commencing (Issue #214) - Nefarem
Fixed: OW can now do games with more than 8 players
Fixed: OW Editor no longer extracts texts.bin when you make a new mod
Fixed: Diplomacy window will now always display correctly
Improved: OW Editor interface
Improved: Multiplayer Stability
Improved: Error Logging
Improved: Reduced CPU usage
Improved: Editor tool speed increased (ALOT)
Improved: Most tools now work when click and dragged
Improved: OW_EditorOGL now uses FastMM for the memory manager
Improved: OW_EditorOGL now uses LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE allowing up to 4GB of memory in 64Bit systems
Improved: Czech translation of multiplayer map names - Sali
Improved: Czech translation to multiplayer map Siberia - Sali
Improved: Translated the technology option to Czech - Sali
Improved: You can now add new People (99 total)
Improved: exclamations will now search through the different nations for a sound (Meaning you only need them in one nation)
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