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Liste des fichiers

  • Original War Patch 1 (by Altar) [2001-08-20]

    This patch fixes the problems and missions outlined below. Regretfully, you will not be able to use saved games from within those missions. You can use the patch program to select which missions you want to have patched.

    • American mission 5: Soul of Apeman - Occasional problems with dialogues, potential lock-ups. (Medium problem)
    • American mission 10: Arabian question - Problems with secondary objetives, some inconsistencies in dialogues. (Minor problem)
    • American mission 13: Original Cold War - Multiplication of certain characters. (Minor problem)
    • American mission 14: One on one - Russian attacks sometimes fail to appear. (Minor problem)
    • Alliance mission 15: War is Peace - Game crash with "Range check error" message. (Serious problem)
    • Russian mission 13: Triangulation - Game crash when playing in 800x600, low level of detail. (Serious problem)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:05
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 24 May 2022, 21:06
    This patch fixes the problems and missions outlined below. Regretfully, you will not be able to use saved games from within those missions. You can use the patch program to select which missions you want to have patched.  
  • Original War Patch 2 (by Altar) [2001-08-27]

    This patch fixes the following problems appearing in multiplayer game:

    • Empty combo boxes when playing over Internet and when the server computer is much slower than the client one;
    • "Synchronization lost" error message on maps with flying birds;
    • Minor glitches when typing messages to other players;
    • Problems with respawning of the people when the player has tamed Apemen, and some other minor issues on certain multiplayer maps.

    !WARNING! This patch will change the version number of your installation of Original War and you will no longer be able to play multiplayer games with players who did not apply this patch.

    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:08
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:34
    This patch fixes the following problems appearing in multiplayer game.  
  • Patch 1.03 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Original War Game
    - Added: Ability to load from mods
    - Added: Checking to see if mod and mod versions are different when joining a multiplayer game
    - Bug Fix: Large mouse movements no longer crash the credits screen
    - Bug Fix: Misc Bugs/Errors
    - Changed: Protocol Version has been changed
    - Changed: VIDEONAME added to campaigns/SIDE/missions.dat to allow varible videos to be loaded. VIDEO = 1 is needed to play a video
    - Changed: Mods have there own profile saves location (Userprofiles/Mod)

    Original War Editor 2.0
    - Added: Raise and lower hex tools added
    - Added: Delete source tool
    - Added: Gallery browser for selecting portraits
    - Added: The ability to delete units, env, grass and water one by one
    - Added: Mod support
    - Changed: Terrain now changes all the selected hex's rather than one
    - Changed: User interface has been improved
    - Changed: FOW only effects the ingame side of the editor
    - Changed: Minimap defaultly refreshes
    - Changed: Unit,Env,Grass and Water deleteing is now done independantly of the current layer

    PakView 2.0
    - Changed: Updated the interface to be more like WinZip

    PRCiX 2.0
    - Added: Image convertion down to 8bit with dithering option
    - Added: Ability to use palette files insted of getting a palette from the bmp. (JASC Palette files are compatible)
    - Changed: Interface improved
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:13
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:34
  • Patch 1.03g (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Bug Fix: Fixed loss of music when data\gameinit\game.txt was used in a mod.

    Added: Additional moddability. See Mods\Test\Data\gameinit\game.txt

    Bug Fix: Language problems fixed
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:18
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:34
  • Patch 1.04 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    - Added: Ability to load mods from a owp file
    - Added: Ability to modify the menus
    - Added: Mods section in main menu
    - Added: Game version label on main menu
    - Added: Clients connecting to a host no longer have to select the mod the host is using. It will automaticaly load the mod the host has if its on the clients pc.
    - Bug Fix: Colour, Team and Position checkbox's no longer cause violations if a player joins when another player is selecting one of them.
    - Bug Fix: Cutscenes after the first play correctly now. (they were broken in 1.03)
    - Exploit Fix: Apemen can no longer become invisible. Only soldiers can place mines(note: other units will still walk to the location, but not place mines).
    - Exploit Fix: No longer can you use enemies vehicles when u have the factory selected when it builds a unit or when a mechanic enters a vehicle.
    - Exploit Fix: Holding down S before exploding a Self Destructing Car no longer causes a large explosion based on how long the S key was held.
    - Changed: Pause disabled in multiplayer games. Restart and Quick Restart shortcuts disabled in Multiplayer.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:20
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.05 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    - Added: Arabians have there own menus (Currently just a copy of the russian one)
    - Added: Enter IP option added to the multiplayer menu
    - Added: Additional language system so new buttons can use the users language
    - Added: CRC check added to multiplayer. Makes mods safe which are in an owp.
    - Added: Ability to use different language if they exist
    - Bug Fix: Sound is now loaded from the Mod first and Game second.
    - Bug Fix: Problems with mod credits fixed (bug with colours going over byte limits and bug with gap between credits)
    - Bug Fix: Medals nolonger crash with arab campaigns
    - Changed: Protocol Version has been changed
    - Changed: Menu System Improved.
    - Exploit Fix: Pressing the self destruct key multiple times no longer causes multiple explosions.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:22
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.06 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Will change to 16bit if needed when -window is used in the paremeters
    Added: German translations for some of the editor
    Added: Autoupdate feature on the launcher
    Bug Fix: Arabian interface selection bug
    Changed: Buildup time added to Alien Base, Babylon, Bastard Pass and Bloody Valley
    Changed: Due to the rebuild of the launcher it nolonger does a cd check
    Changed: Mouse hidden at credits screen
    Changed: Pause restored in multiplayer
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:25
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.07.1 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Allow and Disallow map lists.
    Added: Allow Multiplayer Maps to have units which talk in them. (as in Dialogs)
    Added: AreaToList SAIL command.
    Added: Campaign buttons can now display text.
    Added: OW Now can use sound in a mods mod.owp file.
    Added: Exit button on the select mod screen of the editor.
    Added: When OW catches an error it will generate an error log (OWEL) with extended info (i.e Win Ver, CPU Speed)
    Added: Clanbase support. OW Players can now have ranked multiplayer games!
    Added: Edit boxes can now have text copyed and pasted. Only basic. No selection.
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer area (bit where u select team) now correctly works when u change mod and go back to it.
    Bug Fix: Floats are now fixed on systems which use a comma insted of a dot.
    Bug Fix: Misc bugs when changing mods.
    Bug Fix: the launcher nolonger minimises OW.
    Bug Fix: txtXX.wri files are now trimright'd, meaning any spaces at the end are cut off.
    Bug Fix: PakView now correctly handles Wav files that use the optional 2 byte field at the end of the header.
    Bug Fix: 42(+12 is not a number error is fixed.
    Bug Fix: Editor now correctly names directories when it creates a mod.
    Changed: Proper Unicode Launcher.
    Changed: New Interface for Launcher.
    Changed: PakView speed increase.
    Changed: sounds in OWP files can be in Sound\Dialogs\ as well as Dialogs\
    Changed: OWP files saved by PakView are now saved with the OWP3 format.
    Changed: all maps made with the editor will now have anti-trainer code built in.
    Updated: OWS Video (Startup logo thingy) updated to the OWS site theme.

    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:28
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:31
  • Patch 1.07.2 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Allow and Disallow map lists.
    Added: Allow Multiplayer Maps to have units which talk in them. (as in Dialogs)
    Added: AreaToList SAIL command.
    Added: Campaign buttons can now display text.
    Added: OW Now can use sound in a mods mod.owp file.
    Added: Exit button on the select mod screen of the editor.
    Added: When OW catches an error it will generate an error log (OWEL) with extended info (i.e Win Ver, CPU Speed)
    Added: Clanbase support. OW Players can now have ranked multiplayer games!
    Added: Edit boxes can now have text copyed and pasted. Only basic. No selection.
    Added: Users can create a custom avatar for use in multiplayer games.
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer area (bit where u select team) now correctly works when u change mod and go back to it.
    Bug Fix: Floats are now fixed on systems which use a comma insted of a dot.
    Bug Fix: Misc bugs when changing mods.
    Bug Fix: the launcher nolonger minimises OW.
    Bug Fix: txtXX.wri files are now trimright'd, meaning any spaces at the end are cut off.
    Bug Fix: PakView now correctly handles Wav files that use the optional 2 byte field at the end of the header.
    Bug Fix: 42(+12 is not a number error is fixed.
    Bug Fix: Editor now correctly names directories when it creates a mod.
    Bug Fix: Original War nolonger crashes at the Victory Screen if a multiplayer game was over 1 hour long.
    Bug Fix: Memory leaks when opening a OWP file fixed(Applys to everything that used OWP files including the game)
    Changed: Proper Unicode Launcher.
    Changed: New Interface for Launcher.
    Changed: PakView speed increase.
    Changed: sounds in OWP files can be in Sound\Dialogs\ as well as Dialogs\
    Changed: OWP files saved by PakView are now saved with the OWP3 format.
    Changed: all maps made with the editor will now have anti-trainer code built in.
    Changed: Multiplayer chat system changed. No longer uses hint system for multiplayer chat.
    Updated: OWS Video (Startup logo thingy) updated to the OWS site theme.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:30
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.08 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Czech and Italian game translations (By 5ITH)
    Added: Pakview now has the ability to re-build OWP files
    Added: Pakview now has the ability show how much space is wasted in an OWP
    Added: Pakview now has multilanguage support(Currently English, Polish and Spanish has been translated)
    Added: Japanease support for game
    Added: Multilanguage text support for game (Use #ENG, #FRA, #GER, #ITA, #SPA, #CZE, #JAP or #POL as params)
    Added: Spectator support in multiplayer games (Currently only in Alien Base)
    Added: 5 SAIL commands: LoadCharacter (By Radzio), RegenerateArea, RegenerateUnits, Multiplayer_GetPlayerIsSpec, IAmSpec
    Added: Identify tool in the SAIL Editor
    Added: CUSTOMRES parameter (Usage: CUSTOMRES WIDTH HEIGHT )
    Added: GM Editor created. Allows editing of GMX, GMS and GMZ files
    Bug Fix: Enginear and Cornel spawning bug in AM10 fixed (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Customising avatar in multiplayer now unchecks the "im ready"
    Bug Fix: Misc bug fixes
    Bug Fix: Ingame videos now play (bug introduced in a previous patch)
    Bug Fix: American warehouse image in Rus and Arab interface fixed
    Bug Fix: Exclamations now check Dialogs\ as well as the users language folder
    Bug Fix: Character names nolonger have a gap at the start
    Bug Fix: Dialogs and Videos now play correctly when using a non English version of original war and when you use a langauge parameter
    Bug Fix: Gaps infront of dialog names removed.
    Bug Fix: You may now only transport resources if you have at least 10 of that kind (Stops players transporting 1 and getting 10 at the other end)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:33
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.09 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Palette editor in GM View
    Added: Merge images to GM Views preview window
    Added: Czech, French, German and Italian Pakview translations by 5ITH
    Added: Czech(5ITH,Sali,CPT), Polish(H1R3KD, Yuri, Radzio) and Spanish(5ITH, Gwren1) multiplayer translations.
    Added: Master Server Support
    Added: Mod Setup Creator App
    Added: SetNextMission SAIL command
    Added: 8Bit BMP import to GM Editor
    Added: 8Bit BMP palette import to GM Editor
    Added: SAIL Editors font can now be set
    Added: Multithreading to the Patch System and PakView
    Bug Fix: CD is now checked after checking in OW\Disk2 and OW directories (prevents No Disk errors on some pc/laptops when you have a full install)
    Bug Fix: OW nolonger skips a parameter each time it reads one (introduced in 1.08)
    Bug Fix: Multidesc files are now loaded using the language thats currently selected over using the games language (#ENG, etc)
    Bug Fix: OW now picks files based on Selected Lang -> Game Lang -> English Version (Order it trys to find files)
    Bug Fix: Creates nolonger spawn at spectators starting points
    Bug Fix: Oil/Siberite nolonger spawn at spectators starting points
    Bug Fix: Spectator view nolonger disapears in certain situations
    Bug Fix: Pakview now correctly displays the "Extracted" percentage
    Bug Fix: Default profile is now correctly created. (Broken in an earlyer patch)
    Bug Fix: EXP cheat on AM05_Cont and RU06 fixed by Radzio
    Bug Fix: Launcher no longer removes all parameters when skip is the first one
    Bug Fix: When an error is reported by Original War it will now always set the colours back when the app exits
    Bug Fix: English subtitles on american intro fixed
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer text now causes the gamewindow to do a full refresh when text is shown/hidden
    Bug Fix: Customres nolonger causes access violations with Factories and Workshops
    Bug Fix: InGameOn is now used at the start of RU1 and RU2
    Changed: If running in a window and the colours change to 32bit then OW will set them back to 16bit insted of forcing OW into fullscreen
    Changed: Patch system now checks all CD/DVD drives (including virtual ones) for Disk 2 insted of just the first one
    Improved: AntiTrainer code has been improved
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:34
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.10 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: AVI Support
    Added: SAIL commands: MinimapVideo_Play, MinimapVideo_Stop and MinimapVideo_isActive
    Added: Hamachi games are now listed on the Master Server
    Added: Ability to not list your game on the Master Server (For Private Games using NOLISTING)
    Added: EnableFPSCounter parameter
    Added: Option to enable/disable VSync (only effects fullscreen, is disabled by default)
    Added: Ability to create trampled grass in the OW Editor
    Added: Re-enabled the Create Backup menu option in the OW Editor
    Added: Spectator ability to Babylon, Bastard Pass, Bloody Valley and Flags
    Added: Dedicated Server application (Beta)
    Added: Import\Export multiplayer avatar option to XichtEd
    Added: Russian Support added (thanks to vvlad)
    Added: Multiplayer rooms can now have passwords when created ingame
    Added: Master Sever game list added to inroom game browser
    Added: Icons to game lists to show passworded, dedicated and ping
    Added: BMP screenshots created with F12
    Added: More and better Italian(Hokram), Polish(Gothuk, Radzio, Serpher and Zone) and Spanish(Gwren1) translations
    Added: IRC multiplayer lobby
    Added: Games now show if they are running a mod in the server list as well as if the user has the mod installed
    Bug Fix: Mods multiplayer area nolonger causes an access violation
    Bug Fix: Crate stacking fixed
    Bug Fix: Editor now removes grass correctly
    Bug Fix: Spectators nolonger count as a player when working out if a game can launch
    Bug Fix: Russian question nolonger asked when running a mod and choosing the russian campaign
    Bug Fix: Fixed a division by zero error
    Bug Fix: Misc launcher bugs
    Bug Fix: Unit experience, sources and breastworks in Bastard Pass have been fixed (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Artifacts will now spawn in Free for all mode of Babylon (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Artifacts will now work (Broken in earlyer patch)
    Bug Fix: MasterServer thread nolonger crashes
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer messages are now displayed in the message log
    Bug Fix: Message log was wrongly displaying what choice a user picked in a query
    Bug Fix: Apes spawning fixed on Babylon (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Server list nolonger clears its self
    Changed: Increased ProtocolVersion. Incompatible with previous versions online
    Changed: Spectators nolonger join teams or have the ability to select colour, position, etc
    Changed: Spectators see all multiplayer chat and send to all players (Diplomacy settings don't effect spectators)
    Changed: Base langauge is now controled via the owar.ini
    Changed: Editor now scans for avalible galleries (gallerys.txt is now obsolite)
    Changed: Flags now has a minimum of 9 starting units and a maximum of 24 (by Argoneus)
    Changed: ErrorLogs are now stored in Error_Logs folder in your Original War directory
    Removed: "Low Res" version removed due to increased bugs
    Removed: Apemen listbox removed in Bastard Pass as it never effected the map (By Radzio)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:35
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.10b (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: AVI Support
    Added: SAIL commands: MinimapVideo_Play, MinimapVideo_Stop and MinimapVideo_isActive
    Added: Hamachi games are now listed on the Master Server
    Added: Ability to not list your game on the Master Server (For Private Games using NOLISTING)
    Added: EnableFPSCounter parameter
    Added: Option to enable/disable VSync (only effects fullscreen, is disabled by default)
    Added: Ability to create trampled grass in the OW Editor
    Added: Re-enabled the Create Backup menu option in the OW Editor
    Added: Spectator ability to Babylon, Bastard Pass, Bloody Valley and Flags
    Added: Dedicated Server application (Beta)
    Added: Import\Export multiplayer avatar option to XichtEd
    Added: Russian Support added (thanks to vvlad)
    Added: Multiplayer rooms can now have passwords when created ingame
    Added: Master Sever game list added to inroom game browser
    Added: Icons to game lists to show passworded, dedicated and ping
    Added: BMP screenshots created with F12
    Added: More and better Italian(Hokram), Polish(Gothuk, Radzio, Serpher and Zone) and Spanish(Gwren1) translations
    Added: IRC multiplayer lobby
    Added: Games now show if they are running a mod in the server list as well as if the user has the mod installed
    Bug Fix: Mods multiplayer area nolonger causes an access violation
    Bug Fix: Crate stacking fixed
    Bug Fix: Editor now removes grass correctly
    Bug Fix: Spectators nolonger count as a player when working out if a game can launch
    Bug Fix: Russian question nolonger asked when running a mod and choosing the russian campaign
    Bug Fix: Fixed a division by zero error
    Bug Fix: Misc launcher bugs
    Bug Fix: Unit experience, sources and breastworks in Bastard Pass have been fixed (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Artifacts will now spawn in Free for all mode of Babylon (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Artifacts will now work (Broken in earlyer patch)
    Bug Fix: MasterServer thread nolonger crashes
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer messages are now displayed in the message log
    Bug Fix: Message log was wrongly displaying what choice a user picked in a query
    Bug Fix: Apes spawning fixed on Babylon (By Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Server list nolonger clears its self
    Changed: Increased ProtocolVersion. Incompatible with previous versions online
    Changed: Spectators nolonger join teams or have the ability to select colour, position, etc
    Changed: Spectators see all multiplayer chat and send to all players (Diplomacy settings don't effect spectators)
    Changed: Base langauge is now controled via the owar.ini
    Changed: Editor now scans for avalible galleries (gallerys.txt is now obsolite)
    Changed: Flags now has a minimum of 9 starting units and a maximum of 24 (by Argoneus)
    Changed: ErrorLogs are now stored in Error_Logs folder in your Original War directory
    Removed: "Low Res" version removed due to increased bugs
    Removed: Apemen listbox removed in Bastard Pass as it never effected the map (By Radzio)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:38
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.11.0 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: 24 People, Siberite Bomb, Siberite Detection and Cost of Information options to Party (Gothuk)
    Added: Russian video subtitle support added
    Added: New SAIL Command: GetUnitsNearUnit
    Added: New SAIL Varible: PauseMusic
    Added: English Subtitibles
    Added: Dedicated server can now be controled from inside the chatroom (Requires admin login)
    Added: Create Server dialog now allows you to set the games name
    Added: Arabians now have there own Interface scheme (Morphid)
    Added: SetPerfectExperience function to SAIL
    Added: MISSION_EXP_LIMITS can now be set through game.txt
    Added: McBenn's Ident Descriptions added
    Added: Latest Clanbase Support
    Added: More resolution options in the launcher
    Bug Fix: Improved broadcasting support (Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Polish Alien Base MultiDescs now have proper font (Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer map fixes (SAIL - Radzio, maps - Radzio & Gothuk, MultiDescs - Gothuk & Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Owarfull.dll renamed to Owarfull.exe, this fixes systems which can't run DLL's as EXE's
    Bug Fix: Spectator related crash fixed. Spectators now take up a team slot
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer ingame chat is now logged in the ingame log window
    Bug Fix: Fatal value of MVR on certain maps with customres parameter fixed
    Bug Fix: AM05, AM08, AM10, RU06, RU09 fix (Radzio)
    Bug Fix: Multiple Exploits fixed
    Changed: Dedicated server interface improved.
    Changed: PakView Interface improved
    Changed: Grndsec Interface improved
    Changed: New Buildup Time (Radzio)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:40
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch RC1 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

    Bug Fix: Am missions with a movies are globally broken (Issue 12)
    Bug Fix: Error with loading save (Issue 2)
    Changed: Saving with Editor is disabled when going in-game until the map is reset
    Changed: Re-wrote FacePanel so it streatches properly
    Note: Contains Radzio's Missing 2012 bug fixes
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:18
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:31
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Support for 22 Steam Achievements
    Added: Language Pack Support
    Bug Fix: Am02 - Mikhail is rather aggressive (Issue 4)
    Bug Fix: Am07 - JMM dies but mission successful (Issue 5)
    Bug Fix: Bloody valley tree gives exp multiple times (Issue 11)
    Bug Fix: Polish "From the Future with Love" - %d and %t (Issue 19)
    Bug Fix: Cornell appearance Am10_cont (Issue 25)
    Bug Fix: AM15, Connie Traverse (Issue 29)
    Bug Fix: RU14 generic characters (Issue 31)
    Bug Fix: Am15 W. Gorky event (Issue 34)
    Bug Fix: Bug/Exploit. Chatting as others in the multiplayer lobby (Issue 35)
    Bug Fix: All soliders dont attack legion in 2nd attack 15am (Issue 37)
    Bug Fix: Crash at Start of AM15 under certain resolutions (Issue 39)
    Bug Fix: Ru02 - barracks (Issue 40)
    Bug Fix: AM11 Scout (Yamoko) (Issue 43)
    Bug Fix: Am15 "No loses" medal (Issue 44)
    Bug Fix: Am missions with a movies are globally broken (Issue 12)
    Bug Fix: Error with loading save (Issue 2)
    Bug Fix: [exploit] hacking friendly vehicles is now limited.
    Bug Fix: any apeman could repair adjacent building.
    Bug Fix: reals from SAIL were improperly saved.
    Bug Fix: memory leak from reading compressed files from OWP archives.
    Bug Fix: an integer overflow in the editor.
    Changed: Multiplayer Protocol Increased (Incompatible with previous versions)
    Changed: Saving with Editor is disabled when going in-game until the map is reset
    Changed: Re-wrote FacePanel so it stretches properly
    Enhancement: Error Reporter can identify Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:51
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Bug Fix: 21 Achievements were not achievable
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:53
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch 1.12.2 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: New parameter 'BORDER'
    Added: New parameter 'WINDOWEX'
    Added: Enabled port changing in OwarDedicated (Experimental)
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer map fixes (Party, Bastard Pass)
    Bug Fix: Spectators no longer increase Sync Lost's
    Bug Fix: No longer crashes if a DirectX Application goes fullscreen
    Bug Fix: No longer freezes if you try to do a second multiplayer match
    Bug Fix: No longer crashes if OW tries to draw outside a maps bounds
    Bug Fix: Editor no longer crashes when it comes back from fullscreen mode
    Bug Fix: Apeman engineering Leveling
    Bug Fix: Profession level text not updating
    Bug Fix: Remote vehicles no longer stuck linked to mechanics when destroyed
    Bug Fix: Upgrade bonuses now display correct information
    Bug Fix: Task queues fixed
    Bug Fix: Animals can no longer help build
    Bug Fix: Fixed Remote charges
    Bug Fix: Self-destruction of remote vehicles fixed
    Bug Fix: Quick dismantlement of buildings fixed
    Bug Fix: Sniper/mortar/bazooka massive damage attack fixed
    Bug Fix: Fixed sleeping people shooting
    Bug Fix: Fixed unlimited range attacks while being in effective time lapser's range
    Bug Fix: Fixed attacks on invisible units while being in effective time lapser's range
    Bug Fix: Fixed soporific ammo attacks on invisible units
    Bug Fix: Fixed gaining exp on sleeping people/apemen
    Bug Fix: Fixed gaining exp on crates
    Bug Fix: Fixed counting of spectators
    Bug Fix: Fixed pushing control exploit
    Bug Fix: Fixed random amounts of materials from destroyed depots
    Bug Fix: Fixed 'division by zero' while resizing interface with many buildings
    Bug Fix: Sending fake MS packets no longer causes Access Violations
    Bug Fix: Grndsec no longer crashes when adding water
    Changed: Packets are now encrypted
    Changed: Editor only creates 'libarysources.txt' if needed
    Changed: Charges can only be placed by Arabian soldiers
    Changed: Buildings can be repaired only by human engineers, apeman engineers and cranes.
    Changed: Clients can find servers on non-standard ports (using the MasterServer)
    Changed: Permanent stand ground mode option is forced.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:44
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:33
  • Patch 1.12.8 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: WINDOWFULL parameter
    Added: Window option to launcher settings
    Bug Fix: Original War shuts down when a mission is lost
    Bug Fix: Range Check Errors removed
    Bug Fix: Spanish Translation would crash multiplayer
    Bug Fix: Launcher displays error when sent parameters
    Bug Fix: Fixed several stability issues.
    Bug Fix: finalize_var access violation with multiplayer teams.
    Bug Fix: Memory leak with multiplayer sides players names.
    Bug Fix: Forced hold/free mode on everyone (including CPU).
    Bug Fix: Fixed negative control bonuses. (e.g. remote radars having shorter range than other radars)
    Bug Fix: See_Areas placed by PlaceSeeing are no longer affected by Update_HiddenCameras. (fixes spectator)
    Bug Fix: Hidden cameras' half range.
    Bug Fix: [exploit] Reversed ally check for invisible units. It is no longer possible to hide permanently by using diplomacy settings against an enemy.
    Bug Fix: [exploit] Deselects hacked vehicles to prevent control by enemy.
    Bug Fix: [exploit] Fixed two critical exploits related to vehicles recycling.
    Bug Fix: [exploit] Fixed yet another material multiplication bug.
    Bug Fix: [exploit] Another repairing building experience exploit fixed.
    Bug Fix: No more spam of screenshots in game's dir.
    Bug Fix: No more depot-labs.
    Bug Fix: Fixed inability to attack ground because of status of (0,0) hex. Now it depends on the status of the right hex.
    Bug Fix: Fixed SetPerfectExperience - SAIL function.
    Bug Fix: Removed 1s delay when leaving multiplayer lobby.
    Bug Fix: Clients will now disconnect from IRC and MS when the game starts.
    Bug Fix: Fixed a hang after entering multiplayer lobby if it was left before (as a result of finishing a game or directly).
    Bug Fix: Fixed save load bug.
    Bug Fix: Reset no/priority attack switch when an ape/a mastodon is tamed or SetSide used.
    Bug Fix: Fixed Polish keyboard shortcuts.
    Bug Fix: Fixed Am12 - Arabians will now make a contact even if depot is upgraded.
    Changed: When ran directly OW correctly sets the resolution
    Changed: Launcher no longer runs OW instantly when parameters are sent (Steam Only)
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] Added a new parameter: CUSTOMINI , which can be used to set the ini file to be loaded.
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] Port is now saved on apply.
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] The currently used ini file name is shown in the title bar.
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] Logs are saved with filenames based on the currently used ini file.
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] Ini is written once, after closing the form.
    Enhancement: [OwarDedicated] Reloading after error preserves command line.
    Enhancement: Editor's panels can be hidden now.
    Enhancement: Error Reporter can identify Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
    Enhancement: Error Reporter can obtain CPU information even if running under UAC.
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:46
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch 1.12.9 (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: SAMERES parameter
    Changed: With resolutions above 1024 wide the face panel now scales
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 21:47
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: OpenGL Renderer (98% Complete)
    Added: Basic Zoom to Editor (Overlays do not zoom)
    Added: When creating a new mod via the editor you can now make it extract files from the game
    Added: Ability to scroll the SAIL Editor window with the mouse wheel
    Added: Ability to view variables values at runtime by hovering over them (Except Local variables)
    Added: CenterWindow parameter (Can also be set via eset.ini)
    Bug Fix: Bloody valley - far away siberite detection (Issue 10)
    Bug Fix: Controlling enemy's factories (Issue 13)
    Bug Fix: Restoration of 15a Ru/Am (Issue 48)
    Bug Fix: multiplayer almost always synchronisation lost (Issue 51)
    Bug Fix: Non-Existant Steam Achievements causing Lag (Issue 52)
    Bug Fix: Game longer than 999999 ticks crashes when commands are issued to units (Issue 53)
    Bug Fix: Increased FPS in-game (Issue 54)
    Bug Fix: RU09 - Epsilon mission - messed up dialogs after ammo research (Issue 55)
    Bug Fix: RU11 - Beta base attack mission - Russian soldiers die sometimes during scouting (Issue 56)
    Bug Fix: Bloody Valley - Tree (Issue 59)
    Bug Fix: Windowex parametr: Window resizing & FPS drops (Issue 60)
    Bug Fix: Non-Americans can use partial invisibility (Issue 63)
    Bug Fix: 11RU mission - bug? (Issue 67)
    Bug Fix: Missing/incorrect voice for Burlak's dialogue in RU14a (English) (Issue 69)
    Bug Fix: Joan Fergusson is available in RU15a when she should be dead (Issue 70)
    Bug Fix: Spelling - Czech version (Issue 74)
    Bug Fix: Ru_04 T. Gaidar (Issue 75)
    Bug Fix: Hacked vehicle can still be controlled if it was the active unit (Issue 77)
    Bug Fix: Inability to use non-default commands when player's side equals 0 (any) (Issue 78)
    Bug Fix: Formation move cursor is constantly blinking in editor + access violations + sticky ALT (Issue 79)
    Bug Fix: When GetTickCount returns negative number Range Check Error is tripped (Issue 84)
    Bug Fix: Gaining experience from repairing own damage
    Bug Fix: A vast majority of control exploits was fixed
    Posté par: zoNE , le 25 May 2022, 04:45
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:31
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Bug Fix: Editor does not extract files from patch.owp when creating a new mod (Issue 85)
    Bug Fix: Invalid Colour Codes can crash OW (OGL) (Issue 88)
    Bug Fix: HTTPHandler only sends information once and then never again (Issue 89)
    Bug Fix: Invalid Hint Types set in Custom Maps do not show the fallback image (OGL) (Issue 90)
    Bug Fix: Chance for some Interface Elements not to be initialized before they were drawn (OGL) (Issue 91)

    Added: OpenGL Renderer (98% Complete)
    Added: Basic Zoom to Editor (Overlays do not zoom)
    Added: When creating a new mod via the editor you can now make it extract files from the game
    Added: Ability to scroll the SAIL Editor window with the mouse wheel
    Added: Ability to view variables values at runtime by hovering over them (Except Local variables)
    Added: CenterWindow parameter (Can also be set via eset.ini)
    Bug Fix: Bloody valley - far away siberite detection (Issue 10)
    Bug Fix: Controlling enemy's factories (Issue 13)
    Bug Fix: Restoration of 15a Ru/Am (Issue 48)
    Bug Fix: multiplayer almost always synchronisation lost (Issue 51)
    Bug Fix: Non-Existant Steam Achievements causing Lag (Issue 52)
    Bug Fix: Game longer than 999999 ticks crashes when commands are issued to units (Issue 53)
    Bug Fix: Increased FPS in-game (Issue 54)
    Bug Fix: RU09 - Epsilon mission - messed up dialogs after ammo research (Issue 55)
    Bug Fix: RU11 - Beta base attack mission - Russian soldiers die sometimes during scouting (Issue 56)
    Bug Fix: Bloody Valley - Tree (Issue 59)
    Bug Fix: Windowex parametr: Window resizing & FPS drops (Issue 60)
    Bug Fix: Non-Americans can use partial invisibility (Issue 63)
    Bug Fix: 11RU mission - bug? (Issue 67)
    Bug Fix: Missing/incorrect voice for Burlak's dialogue in RU14a (English) (Issue 69)
    Bug Fix: Joan Fergusson is available in RU15a when she should be dead (Issue 70)
    Bug Fix: Spelling - Czech version (Issue 74)
    Bug Fix: Ru_04 T. Gaidar (Issue 75)
    Bug Fix: Hacked vehicle can still be controlled if it was the active unit (Issue 77)
    Bug Fix: Inability to use non-default commands when player's side equals 0 (any) (Issue 78)
    Bug Fix: Formation move cursor is constantly blinking in editor + access violations + sticky ALT (Issue 79)
    Bug Fix: When GetTickCount returns negative number Range Check Error is tripped (Issue 84)
    Bug Fix: Gaining experience from repairing own damage
    Bug Fix: A vast majority of control exploits was fixed
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:02
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Make it so mods can change Gallery parts and add new ones (Issue #116)
    Added: Add ability to customize SAIL Syntax Highlighting (Issue #120)
    Added: When creating new Unit re-use old slots (Issue #130)
    Added: Error Log Tick (Issue #149)
    Added: Steam Workshop Support (Issue #189)
    Bug Fix: Am08 (Issue #6)
    Bug Fix: problemy z intrem Ru (Issue #94)
    Bug Fix: Am10_cont (Issue #100)
    Bug Fix: Ru02 (Issue #103)
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer maps (Issue #105)
    Bug Fix: Alt tabbing ogl (Issue #106)
    Bug Fix: OWOGL re-loads some textures before drawing each frame (Issue #113)
    Bug Fix: GrndSec throws error about multiple OW's (Issue #115)
    Bug Fix: Clicking on Minimap using OpenGL Renderer doesn't work (Issue #117)
    Bug Fix: OW Editor Leaks memory when using Raise/Lower Hex (Issue #118)
    Bug Fix: Contaminating scientist (Issue #122)
    Bug Fix: Putting driver into sleep with soporific ammunition (Issue #126)
    Bug Fix: Invalid Hint Types set in Custom Maps do not show correct image (OGL) (Issue #137)
    Bug Fix: OW Editor allows users to create files with non-standard ASCII characters (Issue #145)
    Bug Fix: Shift+Exit vehicle bug (Issue #159)
    Bug Fix: Am13 (Issue #167)
    Bug Fix: Am02 (Issue #168)
    Bug Fix: Ru08 (Issue #177)
    Bug Fix: Too many Anim Layers (Issue #190)
    Bug Fix: Too many Lasers (Issue #191)
    Bug Fix: Editor does not display GBI when first imported (Issue #193)
    Bug Fix: Arabian Layout bug (Issue #194)
    Bug Fix: Am06 - Fixed minor misspelling.
    Bug Fix: Am15 - Laggy behaviour was reported
    Bug Fix: Ru09 - Fixed minor dialogue error (dialogue string was misspelled)
    Changed: Am05 (Issue #45)
    Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #156)
    Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #157)
    Changed: Ru15a + Am15a (Issue #158)
    Improved: Implement AVI Videos in OpenGL Renderer (Issue #92)
    Improved: Points of Siberit detection and shipments on minimap (Issue #128)
    Improved: Modify Server to Pause Game when a client requests more than 1 second worth of Ticks (Issue #151)
    Improved: Make Randomize SAIL functions unusable in Multiplayer Maps (Issue #160)
    Improved: Hide "Include"-section in SAIL editor (Issue #169)
    Improved: Increase max environment objects from 1500 to 5000 (Issue #181)
    Improved: Make reg_obj2 a dynamic array (Issue #182)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:03
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Editor now has the ability to export the vehicle image to the current mods interface area
    Added: vehicles.txt - weapons can now use CARGO_SIZE and BASE_WEAPON
    Added: Siberia and Rocky Pass multiplayer maps
    Added: Wave Editor in the OW Editor will now generate the wi image
    Added: "Simple" versions of Multiplayer Maps
    Added: [MULTIPLAYER] - Add technology restrictions (Issue #259)
    Added: Alternate Fullscreen mode for Direct Draw Renderer (Issue #298)
    Added: Add GetMonth to SAIL (Issue #300)
    Added: Add a UnitBury Event (Issue #301)
    Added: Add GetHexHeight and GetHexType function's (Issue #315)
    Added: English Fallback for Lang system (Issue #338)
    Added: Make Depot/Warehouse distance moddable (Issue #341)
    Added: Add isEditor constant to Sail (Issue #342)
    Added: Add LoadPNGOverride (Issue #343)
    Added: Add timer SAIL command (Issue #345)
    Added: Weather System (Issue #347)
    Bug Fix: Save games that used too many references will now load (Some mods saves were affected by this)
    Bug Fix: Remove All Units button in Editor no longer causes crash
    Bug Fix: OGL Renderer doesn't create Screenshots with F12
    Bug Fix: RU13a / AM13a - Side hostility (Issue #219)
    Bug Fix: RU13a - Constant attacks (Issue #220)
    Bug Fix: AM15 - Camera centering during cutscene (Issue #224)
    Bug Fix: [MP MAP FLAGS] - Character spawn (Issue #250)
    Bug Fix: [INFO BOX] - Text colour incorrect (Issue #252)
    Bug Fix: [MULTIPLAYER] - Add various climate conditions (Issue #260)
    Bug Fix: [FOOTBALL] - Height map, terrain (Issue #278)
    Bug Fix: Mission Report missing numbers (Issue #279)
    Bug Fix: Ground Animations Path Error (Issue #281)
    Bug Fix: Environments near edge of map cause access violation (Issue #283)
    Bug Fix: Editor doesn't remove Base Path from GroundAnims (Issue #284)
    Bug Fix: OW loads vanilla bin files if mod map doesn't have a bin file (Issue #285)
    Bug Fix: Secondary objective can't be achieved when enemy destroys a depot in Ru12a (Issue #303)
    Bug Fix: Legion soldiers hired in Am12 are available in later missions (Issue #306)
    Bug Fix: Character died medal RU07 (Issue #307)
    Bug Fix: Ru02 captured breastworks are removed (Issue #309)
    Bug Fix: Ru06 - Captured American factory still produces vehicles (Issue #310)
    Bug Fix: Czech/Polish characters can not be written in boxes (Issue #339)
    Bug Fix: Game never used SAIL Bin files (Issue #340)
    Bug Fix: Units pause when alot of units are moving (Issue #353)
    Changed: Waves random number seed is now considered ASync
    Changed: enablefpscounter can now be used as a parameter for ow_editorOGL.exe and ow_editorDD.exe
    Changed: Fluent Animation is now forced on
    Changed: Cargo bay info (Bottom left) now shows as 100/100
    Changed: Remove Exp Limit for Skirmish Maps (Issue #344)
    Changed: Make OW Ignore MultiDesc*.wri files which have no contents (Issue #348)
    Improved: Workshop Synchronisation will now occur when you open the Mod Launcher (Also added more info to it).
    Improved: Increase number of areas on map in editor (Issue #280)
    Improved: Make OGL Renderer only update the OGL Texture when something has changed (Issue #351)
    Improved: Make Scrolling of the main view independed of FPS and Game Speed (Issue #352)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:05
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch (Full)
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Added: Equalize Hex Height Tool (Issue #398)
    Added: Wall Building Type
    Added: COLOR parameter to grass (R G B)
    Added: CLASS_OVERRIDE to people
    Added: ICON to People and Buildings
    Added: HEIGHT to people (For laser end point)
    Added: SPAWNONDEATH to buldings (ClassID Count)
    Added: WEAPON to buildings (WeaponID)
    Added: EnterVehicle event to SAIL
    Added: EnterVehicleFromBuilding event to SAIL
    Added: LeaveVehicle event to SAIL
    Added: CrateSpawn event to SAIL
    Added: Identify and Note area to SAIL Editor main window
    Added: IsSleeping, GetBuildingCost, PlaySoundXYLoop and StopSound to SAIL
    Added: top_right, right, bottom_right, bottom_left, left and top_left SAIL constants
    Added: CommunityMaps folder allowing community maps in Vanilla OW Multiplayer
    Added: Arabian Interface to SGUI
    Added: SGUI version of Editor
    Added: ToLua Sail Command (SGUI only, no effect in normal OW)
    Added: solar_recharge_percent variable to SAIL
    Added: changing the colour of crate/artifact in a map
    Added: texts.wri can now be used for Skirmish and Multiplayer maps
    Added: PakView can now extract all WAV files
    Added: Multiplayer Host can now change game speed in game
    Added: sound.owp can now be used by mods
    Added: Ident Descriptions for Editor - McBenn
    Added: Wood Tool to Editor
    Added: GroundAnims now support 16bit BMPs (24bit is converted to 16Bit)
    Added: GBIs now support an imbedded PNG image
    Added: Vehicles and Buildings can now force an attack Ground button (Issue #370)
    Added: CacheColorsTXT SAIL command added
    Added: profile_name SAIL variable (read only)
    Added: simple editions of all multiplayer maps
    Added: Small graphics included in Ow_editorOGL_Small.exe and owarOGL_Small.exe
    Added: CUSTOMSOUND added to people.txt allowing custom sounds
    Added: HEAD added to people.txt with 0 being no head (Defaults to 1)
    Added: SGUI New Command OW_CUSTOM_COMMAND
    Added: CustomCommand SAIL event
    Added: GetEnvironmentType and IsEnvironmentDestroyable SAIL Commands
    Added: GM Factory now included (Successor to GM Editor)
    Added: SINGLEDIRECTION added to buildings.txt removing the need for a building to have graphics for each direction
    Added: SIGHT added to buildings.txt allowing the default to be changed (Defaults to 0)
    Added: Buildings can now have a charge animation
    Changed: Multiplayer Lobby will now show all games
    Changed: Counters.wri, BNames.wri and CharName.wri will load from maps folder if they exist
    Changed: Increased Scroll Speed
    Changed: Increased MaxRegBackRects from 1000 to 2000
    Changed: Increased max Building Phases to 70
    Changed: Window Scroll Speed Increased
    Changed: Increased Multiplayer Protocol Version
    Changed: crc.bin is now redundent
    Changed: only editor will compile SAIL if code.bin exists
    Changed: Maps can now have up to 20000 units (10x more)
    Changed: Texts.txt will only be loaded from mod folder (Unless wri is missing) (Issue #258)
    Changed: Multiple Core Mode is now default. Use singlecore parameter to force singlecore
    Fixed: various MC errors
    Fixed: Invincible but dead russian apeman armed with machinegun (Issue #392)
    Fixed: PlaySoundXY now works correctly
    Fixed: Minimap Window in Editor
    Fixed: Rare Crash relating to placing or destroying a unit
    Fixed: Sound Systems StopAll could prevent future sounds playing (Issue #387)
    Fixed: StoneEd now works from the Original War Directory (Its not mod compatible)
    Fixed: OW's Bin format can't handle strings larger than 255 (Issue 180)
    Fixed: WaterZBuffer is calculated when using the Water Editor
    Fixed: Saves with -1 as a unit id reference crash OW (Issue #366)
    Fixed: SetCargo - 100 resources limit (Issue #368)
    Fixed: AM12 - Russian attack script (Issue 321) - Nefarem
    Fixed: Multiplayer maps, Polish corrections needed (Issue 109) - Nefarem
    Fixed: Multiplayer map Siberia - Fixed Czech translations - Gravitr
    Fixed: Ru03 - Missing Russian translation of dialogue D10a-Bur-1 - McBenn
    Fixed: counter in Am06 (Polish). Showed digits when it should show time. - McBenn
    Fixed: Editor not showing Weapon colour updates(On Buildings) when palettes are changed
    Fixed: AM15 - Legion secondary objective (Issue 326) - Nefarem
    Fixed: AM06 - An event spawning Joan Fergusson doesn't trigger (Issue 378) - Nefarem
    Fixed: Ru03 - The player would always get the medal for destroying many American reinforcements - McBenn
    Fixed: Am13 - The final objective was given a few seconds after mission start (Issue #369) - McBenn
    Fixed: ComBuild fixed (RU05)
    Fixed: RU02, RU06, RU07, RU11 fixes (Issue #446) - Nefarem
    Fixed: AM09, AM10, RU03, RU11 Fixes (Issue #452) - Nefarem
    Fixed: AM15 - Wrong condition for appearance of arabians (Issue #324) - Nefarem
    Fixed: RU14 - Arabian attacks not commencing (Issue #214) - Nefarem
    Fixed: OW can now do games with more than 8 players
    Fixed: OW Editor no longer extracts texts.bin when you make a new mod
    Fixed: Diplomacy window will now always display correctly
    Improved: OW Editor interface
    Improved: Multiplayer Stability
    Improved: Error Logging
    Improved: Reduced CPU usage
    Improved: Editor tool speed increased (ALOT)
    Improved: Most tools now work when click and dragged
    Improved: OW_EditorOGL now uses FastMM for the memory manager
    Improved: OW_EditorOGL now uses LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE allowing up to 4GB of memory in 64Bit systems
    Improved: Czech translation of multiplayer map names - Sali
    Improved: Czech translation to multiplayer map Siberia - Sali
    Improved: Translated the technology option to Czech - Sali
    Improved: You can now add new People (99 total)
    Improved: exclamations will now search through the different nations for a sound (Meaning you only need them in one nation)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:07
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)


    Fixed: Fixed bug with Issue #464
    Added: Expand Weapons (Issue #481)
    Fixed: Access Violation at 00620E5E in OwarOGL ( (Issue #480)
    Added: AddToLog for Editor (Issue #476)
    Fixed: Access Violation at 005E003B in OwarOGL ( (Issue #472)
    Fixed: Division by zero EAddress: 0061BA56 ( (Issue #473)
    Fixed: Access Violation at 00625D61 in OwarOGL ( (Issue #479)
    Improved: Modify CreateHuman so that invalid nation or sex for that class is automatically fixed (Issue #474)
    Improved: Modify OW to send the 4 Settings in multiplayer while in the Game Room (Issue #478)
    Fixed: Access Violation at 0059B435 in OwarOGL ( (Issue #467)
    Added: Add Ability to use GMZ Extra Data for Muzzle Flashes (Issue #462)
    Added: Make OW Read all OWPs in mod directory (Issue #464)
    Added: Add Error Address to Index Out Of Bounds Errors (Issue #465)
    Added: Add Custom Lasers (Issue #466)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:09
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

    Added: Multiplayer and Skirmish Map Name now shown in Steam Status
    Added: Save and Backup option added to Editor
    Added: GetModINIParam Sail commands
    Added: Past error into Error log (for better tracking)
    Added: Replacing layer for Russian interface (Fixed issue when polish had alaskyt instead alaskit), also now replacing EON to TAWAR and other pairs in different languages
    Added: Buildings editor (buded.exe) now can export images of all buildings, also there button for ping background without shadows
    Changed: Icon system (vehicles and buildings) - Now is shared between all nations (with own background) and in better quality
    Changed: Arabs have own background on panel units
    Changed: New horse portrait
    Changed: Restored original Campaign units balance
    Improved: Pathfinding now able to find longer distance do routes
    Improved: New diplomacy offers (redesign)
    Fixed: Environment causing building not to be placed on map load
    Fixed: SetSide sail command now effects Behemoth's weapons
    Fixed: Achiev's scrollbar issue (infinity scrolling)
    Fixed: firstSettings - when changed language cause error, also caused flip classic-modern texts
    Fixed: white texture in some places after start the game
    Fixed: Polish text (dialogs and subtitles)
    Removed: all "/alaskite" from all language from command buttons and hints texts
    Added: ModDir variable to SAIL
    Fixed: OWorkshop progress bar bug when mods are over 2GB
    Fixed: No Face with exclamations
    Fixed: infinite loop when resolving counters
    Fixed: wri loading code clipping last character
    Added: SayEX sail command
    Added: SayRadioNoFace sail command
    Added: ForceSleep sail command
    Added: EvacuateBuilding sail event
    Added: Fallback for creature faces to use RU or AM
    Added: Complete Slovak Localization
    Fixed: Fixed Loading Screens using AM01 for all missions
    Fixed: profilename sail variable now uses profile name rather than directory name
    Fixed: when after changed gametype with random nations onto non-random nations caused unable allow nations
    Fixed: creating Fixed AI
    Fixed: teams icons
    Fixed: specific issue when you can have different Nation interface than Alien in main menu
    Changed: Relocated components help to the area above the facepanel
    Implemented: Say commands can now hide face and name
    Added: Alternative Factory UI
    Added: Ability for ForceScreenshots
    Bug Fix: Frogs no longer display Level in info
    Bug Fix: Misc Bugs Fixed
    Added: Alternative Factory UI (WIP)
    Added: Frog model (by Jacok)
    Added: Update System
    Added: SAIL Events (OilExtracted and SibExtracted)
    Added: SAIL Functions (ForceExclamation, UnitInBattle and InitHc_All)
    Bug Fix: OW now looks inside AR folder for Arabian exclamations
    Bug Fix: Misc bug fixes
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Rewarding Units screen
    Changed: Redesigned Modern UI
    Changed: Multiplayer IRC Lobby now using irc.owsupport.com
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug with save games and saving maps in editor (Introduced in 302)
    Added: Ability to compile all maps SAIL in editor
    Added: Flamethrowers can now have two turrets (Modding)
    Added: New SAIL Event for camera placement (Modding)
    Bug Fix: Fixed setting of speed in multiplayer
    Improved: Heightmap export speed increased in editor
    Added: TargetableSAIL button command
    Changed: Flamethrower now stops attacking if it destroys a tree
    Changed: Multiplayer chat stands out more
    Fixed: Alien Base Extended depot 4 was not spawning
    Fixed: ImageButtons now show correct image when parent is disabled
    Fixed: Save Dialog now disables while saving/deleting
    Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
    Added: New map added - Alien Base #2 (Big Alien Base) by Gogeta & Serpent
    Added: New map added - Competitions by Gogeta
    Added: New map added - Big Circle by Gogeta & Serpent
    Fixed: Am11 artifact dialog freeze [Issue #659]
    Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
    Changed: Fishes removed from flags map
    Multiple LUA fixes
    Latest Multiplayer fixes
    Added: Classic Menu (Work In Progress)
    Improved: Improved modern menu (Work In Progress)
    Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
    Added: FREQDELAY paramter for modders to change delay between burst shots
    Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
    Added: Two additional campaign slots for mods to use
    Added: Animated Tree option added to map options in editor
    Fixed: Profile directory should no longer be used for multiplayer name
    Fixed: Misc Bugfixes
    Added: New multiplayer map Mudbath
    Fixed: Dedicated Servers keeping match alive when only bots are present
    Fixed: Bots will now be kicked when map or gametype changes
    Fixed: Pointer error with image masks
    Fixed: Latest multiplayer fixes
    Added: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
    Added: Sync Squares added to multiplayer room
    Added: Round and Trunc commands to SAIL
    Fixed: Bug which corrupted american campaign saves
    Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
    Improved: Multiplayer code improvments
    Improved: Video system improvements

    Rocky Land:
    - Waterfall animations fixed

    Balance changes - check BalanceChangelog.txt

    Flags (by Tomasz):
    - Build Time zone(top right base) corrected
    - Possible exit with wheeled tanks on the right side from the top center position(players decide yes/no)

    - New map: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
    - A library People_respawning has been added to almost every map
    - Tree animation has been activated on Rocky Land
    - Build Time zone(right middle and right bottom) corrected on Siberia
    - Removal of unused: DayNight.src, crates_loading.src, crates_loading_ii.src, respawning, colors_night.txt with map
    - obnova.src removed on Night Fight map(Replaced with library People_respawning)

    Mastodons Trail (by Tomasz):
    - More trees added
    - Crate materialization changed
    - Second oil depot added
    - Second sib depot added
    - Sheik person for Arabians added(As an option)
    - More Mastodons added(As an option)

    Table Mountain (by Tomasz):
    - Position of the houses on the minimap(lobby) has been corrected
    - Tree animation has been activated

    The US_BuilUp.src library has been updated
    The US_Init_Resp.src library has been updated
    The US_MP_Inicialization.src library has been updated
    A new East versus West mode has been added to The Abyss map
    Fixed: Spectator sees fog buildings on minimap
    Fixed: When Character Select screen shows it has ok button disabled even if conditions are met
    Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
    Fixed: Misc fixes

    Materialization fixed on the map Bloody Valley (by Tomasz)
    Multidesc Kill 'em all max players fixed on the map Flags (by Tomasz)
    Fixed: Latest Multiplayer map fixes
    Fixed: Remote mines now hidden from spectator
    Fixed: Save games causing crash
    Fixed: Theora videos audio and video not in sync
    Improved: LIMITMOUSE3 parameter now works on windows
    Added: Spectator bar
    Added: latency pings
    Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
    Fixed: Bug with listboxes
    Fixed: Multiplayer base names showing invalid characters
    Improved: Increase limits of voices & exclamations probability [Issue #579]
    Improved: Expanded AI settings on maps which support it
    Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
    Fixed: Ru12a - Gossudarov block [Issue #626]
    Fixed: Spectator fixes
    Improved: Spectator now works on all maps
    Fixed: Ru06 - Achiv additional condition [Issue #625]
    Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
    Fixed: Additional Serpent Fixes which were not put on the bug tracker so you get this message instead :P
    Fixed: Ru15 - medal condition [Issue #617]
    Fixed: Am13a/Ru13a - Base Name missing [Issue #618]
    Fixed: Joining Multiplayer match fails to join when different mod is used [Issue #622]
    Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
    Improved: Legacy Mod Main Menu GUI [Issue #619]
    Improved: Make Spectators use a new Side [Issue #620]
    Improved: Implement improved profile system [Issue #621]
    Fixed: [multiplayer, SGUI] Allied victory tickbox [Issue #607]
    Fixed: Ru05, Ru06, AM15 [Issue #612]
    Fixed: SetSide can cause Sync Loss in Multiplayer Game [Issue #614]
    Fixed: Ru08 - people stay on a vacation [Issue #615]
    Fixed: Animal names [Issue #600]
    Fixed: Ru12a - Achiv conditions fix [Issue #606]
    Fixed: Small Maps can have red areas at the sides [Issue #608]
    Fixed: With Japanese language base names show garbled characters [Issue #609]
    Fixed: ESC key opens menu while giving orders [Issue #610]
    Fixed: Multiplayer Loading screen doesn't go away [Issue #611]
    Fixed: AM04 achievement [Issue #613]
    Fixed: loading a save when user profile has alot causes crash [Issue #601]
    Fixed: OW tools show memory leak information on exit [Issue #602]
    Fixed: ESC stops bringing up menu after loading save which is outdated [Issue #603]
    Added: Memory Usage added to FPS counter
    Fixed: Miscs bug with Campaign Tree
    Fixed: Ru08, Ru11 - Achiv conditions [Issue #599]
    Fixed: Memory Usage indicators now work (Map Editor)
    Fixed: Ru02 - Bielkov tank bug [Issue #593]
    Fixed: Ru02, Ru03 - Dangerous oil barrels [Issue #594]
    Fixed: When Resolution is not set the game has a window height of zero [Issue #595]
    Fixed: Mission Tree creates new branch even if there is no next mission [Issue #597]
    Fixed: Dedicated Server Crash [Issue #598]
    Improved: Make Load/Save dialogs stagger the loading of save preview images [Issue #596]
    Added: PRESS A KEY on loading screens
    Added: Dedicated Server option to make first client able to change settings
    Changed: BName increased from 9 to 20 characters
    Fixed: bug with american depot not being upgradable
    Fixed: bug with reward screen on higher resolutions (Buttons not being clickable)
    Fixed: bug with character selection screen on higher resolutions
    Fixed: Ru12 - Platonov freeze [Issue #592]
    Improved: Character Selection and Reward Screens sort now uses faster sort
    Added: Holding middle mouse button and dragging will now move the screen
    Changed: SetLives will now limit the amount of HP set to a maximum of the units maxhealth
    Fixed: Selection bug relating to command panel buttons
    Improved: Enchance SetMark function for additional flag colours [Issue #519]
    Added: FORCEDUBBINGLANG parameter
    Added: VehicleRecycled Event [Issue #408]
    Added: SAIL - IsInvisible
    Fixed: LIMITMOUSE causes game to hang [Issue #588]
    Fixed: AM07 Steam Achievements
    Changed: Faces of units now have a larger maximum size in unit lists
    Added: Sort for unit face panels
    Fixed: Ru12a - cannot complete the mission [Issue #590]
    Fixed: Memory overflow introduced in
    Fixed: Error in czech tooltip for placing turret weapon [Issue #382]
    Fixed: AutoEnemy needs to be switched back on (RU07) [Issue #496]
    Fixed: Fixes for AM10_cont, AM14 and AM15 [Issue #498]
    Fixed: Fixed prakun model [Issue #500]
    Fixed: Fixes for Am09 [Issue #502]
    Fixed: Fixes for AM06_cont and AM12 [Issue #510]
    Fixed: Fixes for Am08 [Issue #512]
    Fixed: Fixes for Ru05 [Issue #513]
    Fixed: (Multiplayer) Rocky Pass, Wilderness [Issue #520]
    Fixed: Am 03, Ru 02, 03, 05, 08 [Issue #524]
    Fixed: Ru 03, 11, 13, 14, 15 [Issue #525]
    Fixed: Ru 06, 12a [Issue #526]
    Fixed: Ru 04, 05, 08, 10 [Issue #533]
    Fixed: Cinematics skip - music still playing [Issue #547]
    Fixed: AM 11_Cont doesn't end when objectives complete [Issue #561]
    Fixed: Am10_cont - invalid chassis [Issue #563]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - missing dialog and disabled barracks [Issue #564]
    Fixed: Am15a - missing Coonie Travers [Issue #565]
    Fixed: Ru10 - InGameOn bug [Issue #566]
    Fixed: Ru11 - units can't move [Issue #567]
    Fixed: Ru09_cont - water issue [Issue #568]
    Fixed: Ru02 - how to kill Platonov [Issue #569]
    Fixed: Am12 - Fail retreat [Issue #570]
    Fixed: Am11_cont - starting scene and polish dialogs fix [Issue #571]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - disabled barracks after arabs barracks build [Issue #572]
    Fixed: Ru03 - missing dialog | attacking Omicron by barracks | blockade in Kirov [Issue #573]
    Fixed: Ru10 - Vsevolod blockade in intro [Issue #574]
    Fixed: Ru08 - delete Masha variable if Masha not exist [Issue #575]
    Fixed: Am07_cont - missing medals descriptions [Issue #576]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - infinity loop while arabian barracks construct [Issue #577]
    Fixed: Am11_cont - two times ending mission [Issue #578]
    Fixed: Am13a - killable Gossudarov squad members [Issue #581]
    Fixed: Ru02 - build lab and workshop objective [Issue #582]
    Fixed: Ru03 - kirov mechanics stuck [Issue #584]
    Fixed: Am15a | Ru15a - americans cannot rebuild sib mines [Issue #585]
    Fixed: Am15 - Bugs [Issue #586]
    Fixed: Am02 - JMM squad dead on mission start [Issue #587]
    Improved: Remade OW Intro [Issue #562]
    Improved: Allow multiple buildings to be placed when SHIFT key is held [Issue #532]
    Improved: Make Flamethrower Destroy Environment and Burn Grass [Issue #543]
    Improved: Add SAIL Libraries inside mod directory [Issue #544]
    Improved: Editor - Inspect Profile Tool [Issue #553]
    Improved: GUI Replaced with SGUI
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:14
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:31
  • Patch to (Requires:
    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

    Added: Ability for GroundAnim fps to be set
    Added: Custom Animation for units
    Added: Head turning while no activity
    Added: Targetable SAIL command
    Added: Ability for vehicle weapons to not allow construction based on controller type
    Added: Option to disable Original War from centering your view in multiplayer when there is a Siberite Explosion
    Added: Multiplayer map WRI files can now have options disabled
    Added: Skinned chat box
    Added: Added mute player to chat box
    Added: Added limit cursor into ingame options
    Changed: Multiplayer map options are now ordered based on their position in the WRI
    Changed: Vehicle and Building backgrounds are now seperate for easier modding
    Changed: Editor no longer tries to use Original War folder over OWP files
    Changed: Increased max GroundAnim amount
    Changed: Dedicated Server Manager overhauled
    Changed: Trees changed in Mudbath multiplayer map
    Changed: Fish removed from lake in Flags multiplayer map
    Bug Fix: Workshops no longer get disabled when there is no power
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug which crashed dedicated servers when reading certain map WRIs
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer Ape script fixed
    Bug Fix: Removed bots from recipients
    Bug Fix: Fixed lua error in options
    Bug Fix: Potential fix for issue with spectator bar when not all players are showed
    Bug Fix: Missing bot ready texture (for MP room)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 10 Jun 2023, 09:24
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 12 Dec 2023, 17:46
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)
    Added: Add f_tag to SAIL Filters [Issue #669]
    Added: Hold Fire mode, mods can add via new button
    Added: Item Charges to units, allowing comm panel buttons to be disabled when unit has 0 charges
    Added: Map Start event to SAIL, fired when map starts or save is loaded
    Added: OW_GAME_TICK variable added to lua so mods can use it to display current time on ui
    Bug Fix: Apes can attack people inside buildings (through the building) [Issue #670]
    Bug Fix: Alt key menu causing issues (Built in windows feature if you don't tell it you handled the alt key)
    Bug Fix: Editors profile select included mod name in the profile name box
    Bug Fix: OGV videos which are not divisible by 16 in width or height were incorrectly rendered
    Bug Fix: OGV videos without sound channel would crash OW
    Bug Fix: Oil and Siberite mines can eat people
    Bug Fix: Targetable SAIL No Unit button command now sends selected units id (if one is selected)
    Changed: Mod Setup Creator upgraded to use FastMM4 with increased memory limits
    Added: List of Building in Active Area menu option to editor
    Added: CLOTHES setting for people.txt
    Bug Fix: Prevent editor from allowing larger environment objects to be placed in areas they should not be allowed
    Bug Fix: Fix for locking cutscene speed which failed on some maps
    Changed: Mods can now have more than 3 difficulty levels for missions
    Changed: Dedicated Servers ran by the Dedicated Server Manager will terminate their process after completing a match
    Added: Artillery Weapon Type
    Added: Select and Death sounds for human units can now be set
    Added: New SAIL Events - CommandUnitXY, ClassChanged, TakeMaterials, SailEventCustom
    Added: New SAIL Functions - SetBuildingStage, IgnoreSideSettingsCRC, RaiseSailEventCustom, SetCanUseMines
    Added: System to regulate ticks for multiplayer games
    Added: Ability to reveal secret achievement descriptions
    Bug Fix: Reduced memory leaks
    Changed: Increased Upgrade Levels from 3 to 10
    Changed: Waves can now be rendered with shorter paths
    Added: Ability for GroundAnim fps to be set
    Added: Custom Animation for units
    Added: Head turning while no activity
    Added: Targetable SAIL command
    Added: Ability for vehicle weapons to not allow construction based on controller type
    Added: Option to disable Original War from centering your view in multiplayer when there is a Siberite Explosion
    Added: Multiplayer map WRI files can now have options disabled
    Added: Skinned chat box
    Added: Added mute player to chat box
    Added: Added limit cursor into ingame options
    Changed: Multiplayer map options are now ordered based on their position in the WRI
    Changed: Vehicle and Building backgrounds are now seperate for easier modding
    Changed: Editor no longer tries to use Original War folder over OWP files
    Changed: Increased max GroundAnim amount
    Changed: Dedicated Server Manager overhauled
    Changed: Trees changed in Mudbath multiplayer map
    Changed: Fish removed from lake in Flags multiplayer map
    Bug Fix: Workshops no longer get disabled when there is no power
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug which crashed dedicated servers when reading certain map WRIs
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer Ape script fixed
    Bug Fix: Removed bots from recipients
    Bug Fix: Fixed lua error in options
    Bug Fix: Potential fix for issue with spectator bar when not all players are showed
    Bug Fix: Missing bot ready texture (for MP room)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 25 Dec 2019, 23:11
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:34
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer map Exposed has missing oil and siberite deposits
    Bug Fix: Commpanel could be updated too often if PC has been on for a month or more
    Improved: Optimised code for checking what professions units in a building can change to
    Added: Profiler to Editor and MTV (USEPROFILING param to enable)
    Added: New multiplayer map Exposed (by Gwrhkhsh)
    Bug Fix: Double Laser Stays connected to other Double Lasers even when ownership changes (Issue #672)
    Bug Fix: Vehicles fire at previous target after capture (Issue #673)
    Changed: SetBLevel sail functions maximum blevel increased to 20
    Changed: Multiplayer balance changes (Gattling Gun damage reduced, Rocket spread reduced)
    Improved: Added error message if sail has stack overflow
    Improved: Cranes will now animate on a turret when inuse
    Improved: Minimap maximum resolution increased
    Added: Add f_tag to SAIL Filters [Issue #669]
    Added: Hold Fire mode, mods can add via new button
    Added: Item Charges to units, allowing comm panel buttons to be disabled when unit has 0 charges
    Added: Map Start event to SAIL, fired when map starts or save is loaded
    Added: OW_GAME_TICK variable added to lua so mods can use it to display current time on ui
    Bug Fix: Apes can attack people inside buildings (through the building) [Issue #670]
    Bug Fix: Alt key menu causing issues (Built in windows feature if you don't tell it you handled the alt key)
    Bug Fix: Editors profile select included mod name in the profile name box
    Bug Fix: OGV videos which are not divisible by 16 in width or height were incorrectly rendered
    Bug Fix: OGV videos without sound channel would crash OW
    Bug Fix: Oil and Siberite mines can eat people
    Bug Fix: Targetable SAIL No Unit button command now sends selected units id (if one is selected)
    Changed: Mod Setup Creator upgraded to use FastMM4 with increased memory limits
    Added: List of Building in Active Area menu option to editor
    Added: CLOTHES setting for people.txt
    Bug Fix: Prevent editor from allowing larger environment objects to be placed in areas they should not be allowed
    Bug Fix: Fix for locking cutscene speed which failed on some maps
    Changed: Mods can now have more than 3 difficulty levels for missions
    Changed: Dedicated Servers ran by the Dedicated Server Manager will terminate their process after completing a match
    Added: Artillery Weapon Type
    Added: Select and Death sounds for human units can now be set
    Added: New SAIL Events - CommandUnitXY, ClassChanged, TakeMaterials, SailEventCustom
    Added: New SAIL Functions - SetBuildingStage, IgnoreSideSettingsCRC, RaiseSailEventCustom, SetCanUseMines
    Added: System to regulate ticks for multiplayer games
    Added: Ability to reveal secret achievement descriptions
    Bug Fix: Reduced memory leaks
    Changed: Increased Upgrade Levels from 3 to 10
    Changed: Waves can now be rendered with shorter paths
    Added: Ability for GroundAnim fps to be set
    Added: Custom Animation for units
    Added: Head turning while no activity
    Added: Targetable SAIL command
    Added: Ability for vehicle weapons to not allow construction based on controller type
    Added: Option to disable Original War from centering your view in multiplayer when there is a Siberite Explosion
    Added: Multiplayer map WRI files can now have options disabled
    Added: Skinned chat box
    Added: Added mute player to chat box
    Added: Added limit cursor into ingame options
    Changed: Multiplayer map options are now ordered based on their position in the WRI
    Changed: Vehicle and Building backgrounds are now seperate for easier modding
    Changed: Editor no longer tries to use Original War folder over OWP files
    Changed: Increased max GroundAnim amount
    Changed: Dedicated Server Manager overhauled
    Changed: Trees changed in Mudbath multiplayer map
    Changed: Fish removed from lake in Flags multiplayer map
    Bug Fix: Workshops no longer get disabled when there is no power
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug which crashed dedicated servers when reading certain map WRIs
    Bug Fix: Multiplayer Ape script fixed
    Bug Fix: Removed bots from recipients
    Bug Fix: Fixed lua error in options
    Bug Fix: Potential fix for issue with spectator bar when not all players are showed
    Bug Fix: Missing bot ready texture (for MP room)
    Posté par: zoNE , le 14 Jan 2024, 13:00
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 26 Nov 2024, 19:01
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)

    Fixed: [multiplayer, SGUI] Allied victory tickbox [Issue #607]
    Fixed: Ru05, Ru06, AM15 [Issue #612]
    Fixed: SetSide can cause Sync Loss in Multiplayer Game [Issue #614]
    Fixed: Ru08 - people stay on a vacation [Issue #615]
    Fixed: Animal names [Issue #600]
    Fixed: Ru12a - Achiv conditions fix [Issue #606]
    Fixed: Small Maps can have red areas at the sides [Issue #608]
    Fixed: With Japanese language base names show garbled characters [Issue #609]
    Fixed: ESC key opens menu while giving orders [Issue #610]
    Fixed: Multiplayer Loading screen doesn't go away [Issue #611]
    Fixed: AM04 achievement [Issue #613]
    Fixed: loading a save when user profile has alot causes crash [Issue #601]
    Fixed: OW tools show memory leak information on exit [Issue #602]
    Fixed: ESC stops bringing up menu after loading save which is outdated [Issue #603]
    Added: Memory Usage added to FPS counter
    Fixed: Miscs bug with Campaign Tree
    Fixed: Ru08, Ru11 - Achiv conditions [Issue #599]
    Fixed: Memory Usage indicators now work (Map Editor)
    Added: Memory Usage added to FPS counter
    Fixed: Miscs bug with Campaign Tree
    Fixed: Ru08, Ru11 - Achiv conditions [Issue #599]
    Fixed: Memory Usage indicators now work (Map Editor)
    Fixed: Ru02 - Bielkov tank bug [Issue #593]
    Fixed: Ru02, Ru03 - Dangerous oil barrels [Issue #594]
    Fixed: When Resolution is not set the game has a window height of zero [Issue #595]
    Fixed: Mission Tree creates new branch even if there is no next mission [Issue #597]
    Fixed: Dedicated Server Crash [Issue #598]
    Improved: Make Load/Save dialogs stagger the loading of save preview images [Issue #596]
    Added: PRESS A KEY on loading screens
    Added: Dedicated Server option to make first client able to change settings
    Changed: BName increased from 9 to 20 characters
    Fixed: bug with american depot not being upgradable
    Fixed: bug with reward screen on higher resolutions (Buttons not being clickable)
    Fixed: bug with character selection screen on higher resolutions
    Fixed: Ru12 - Platonov freeze [Issue #592]
    Improved: Character Selection and Reward Screens sort now uses faster sort
    Added: Holding middle mouse button and dragging will now move the screen
    Changed: SetLives will now limit the amount of HP set to a maximum of the units maxhealth
    Fixed: Selection bug relating to command panel buttons
    Improved: Enchance SetMark function for additional flag colours [Issue #519]
    Added: FORCEDUBBINGLANG parameter
    Added: VehicleRecycled Event [Issue #408]
    Added: SAIL - IsInvisible
    Changed: Faces of units now have a larger maximum size in unit lists
    Fixed: LIMITMOUSE causes game to hang [Issue #588]
    Fixed: AM07 Steam Achievements
    Added: Sort for unit face panels
    Fixed: Ru12a - cannot complete the mission [Issue #590]
    Fixed: Memory overflow introduced in
    Fixed: Error in czech tooltip for placing turret weapon [Issue #382]
    Fixed: AutoEnemy needs to be switched back on (RU07) [Issue #496]
    Fixed: Fixes for AM10_cont, AM14 and AM15 [Issue #498]
    Fixed: Fixed prakun model [Issue #500]
    Fixed: Fixes for Am09 [Issue #502]
    Fixed: Fixes for AM06_cont and AM12 [Issue #510]
    Fixed: Fixes for Am08 [Issue #512]
    Fixed: Fixes for Ru05 [Issue #513]
    Fixed: (Multiplayer) Rocky Pass, Wilderness [Issue #520]
    Fixed: Am 03, Ru 02, 03, 05, 08 [Issue #524]
    Fixed: Ru 03, 11, 13, 14, 15 [Issue #525]
    Fixed: Ru 06, 12a [Issue #526]
    Fixed: Ru 04, 05, 08, 10 [Issue #533]
    Fixed: Cinematics skip - music still playing [Issue #547]
    Fixed: AM 11_Cont doesn't end when objectives complete [Issue #561]
    Fixed: Am10_cont - invalid chassis [Issue #563]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - missing dialog and disabled barracks [Issue #564]
    Fixed: Am15a - missing Coonie Travers [Issue #565]
    Fixed: Ru10 - InGameOn bug [Issue #566]
    Fixed: Ru11 - units can't move [Issue #567]
    Fixed: Ru09_cont - water issue [Issue #568]
    Fixed: Ru02 - how to kill Platonov [Issue #569]
    Fixed: Am12 - Fail retreat [Issue #570]
    Fixed: Am11_cont - starting scene and polish dialogs fix [Issue #571]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - disabled barracks after arabs barracks build [Issue #572]
    Fixed: Ru03 - missing dialog | attacking Omicron by barracks | blockade in Kirov [Issue #573]
    Fixed: Ru10 - Vsevolod blockade in intro [Issue #574]
    Fixed: Ru08 - delete Masha variable if Masha not exist [Issue #575]
    Fixed: Am07_cont - missing medals descriptions [Issue #576]
    Fixed: Am09_cont - infinity loop while arabian barracks construct [Issue #577]
    Fixed: Am11_cont - two times ending mission [Issue #578]
    Fixed: Am13a - killable Gossudarov squad members [Issue #581]
    Fixed: Ru02 - build lab and workshop objective [Issue #582]
    Fixed: Ru03 - kirov mechanics stuck [Issue #584]
    Fixed: Am15a | Ru15a - americans cannot rebuild sib mines [Issue #585]
    Fixed: Am15 - Bugs [Issue #586]
    Fixed: Am02 - JMM squad dead on mission start [Issue #587]
    Improved: Remade OW Intro [Issue #562]
    Improved: Allow multiple buildings to be placed when SHIFT key is held [Issue #532]
    Improved: Make Flamethrower Destroy Environment and Burn Grass [Issue #543]
    Improved: Add SAIL Libraries inside mod directory [Issue #544]
    Improved: Editor - Inspect Profile Tool [Issue #553]
    Improved: GUI Replaced with SGUI
    Posté par: zoNE , le 24 May 2022, 22:11
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 16 Aug 2023, 17:32
  • Patch to (Requires:

    Changelog (https://forum.original-war.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17)
    Bug Fix: Crash when getting weapon name
    Bug Fix: Dedicated Server crashes on start
    Bug Fix: Self Destruct does more than 1 tick of damage
    Added: Exclamations volume setting (in-game only currently)
    Added: DISABLETICKMANAGER parameter
    Added: NOFPSSLEEP parameter
    Added: SAIL constant f_full for filters
    Added: GetBuildingCapacity SAIL function
    Bug Fix: OWorkshop bug with some pngs causing it to crash
    Changed: Critter xicht forground images can now be transparent
    Changed: SAIL list sorts now use quicksort
    Improved: Removed more memory leaks
    Added: Ability to select monitor
    Added: Ability to select sound device
    Added: Borderless Fullscreen Window mode
    Added: ChangeMissionObjectives_Silent SAIL command
    Added: Custom Random Environments to editor
    Added: Custom SAIL Constants to editor
    Added: Editors gallery select avatar screen now shows ID and Voice
    Added: Message box to SAIL editor for errors and messages that happening during compile
    Added: SAIL stats window
    Bug Fix: destroy_unit - Access violation (Issue #674)
    Bug Fix: AM11 - PlaceUnitArea (Issue #675/#676)
    Bug Fix: Save image missing when F2 is used rather than menu (Issue #677)
    Bug Fix: Fixed dots in savegame names
    Changed: OW will take most settings from eset.ini rather than owar.ini if they exist
    Changed: Video Subtitles now use Language used for Text
    Improved: Faster at creating window and overall loading
    Improved: Improved editor mod selection window
    Improved: Most SAIL commands which have unitid as input will handle out of range ids
    Updated: Classic Menu now on more recent version
    Posté par: zoNE , le 26 Nov 2024, 19:03
    Derničre mise ŕ jour le 26 Nov 2024, 19:04
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