- Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
- Fixed: Ru12a - Gossudarov block [Issue #626]
- Fixed: Spectator fixes
- Improved: Spectator now works on all maps
- Fixed: Ru06 - Achiv additional condition [Issue #625]
- Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
- Fixed: Additional Serpent Fixes which were not put on the bug tracker so you get this message instead :P
- Fixed: Ru15 - medal condition [Issue #617]
- Fixed: Am13a/Ru13a - Base Name missing [Issue #618]
- Fixed: Joining Multiplayer match fails to join when different mod is used [Issue #622]
- Fixed: Multiplayer fixes - Alien Base, Flags, Siberia, Bloody Valley, Wilderness, Rocky Land [Issue #623]
- Improved: Legacy Mod Main Menu GUI [Issue #619]
- Improved: Make Spectators use a new Side [Issue #620]
- Improved: Implement improved profile system [Issue #621]
- Fixed: [multiplayer, SGUI] Allied victory tickbox [Issue #607]
- Fixed: Ru05, Ru06, AM15 [Issue #612]
- Fixed: SetSide can cause Sync Loss in Multiplayer Game [Issue #614]
- Fixed: Ru08 - people stay on a vacation [Issue #615] Fixed: Animal names [Issue #600]
- Fixed: Ru12a - Achiv conditions fix [Issue #606]
- Fixed: Small Maps can have red areas at the sides [Issue #608]
- Fixed: With Japanese language base names show garbled characters [Issue #609]
- Fixed: ESC key opens menu while giving orders [Issue #610]
- Fixed: Multiplayer Loading screen doesn't go away [Issue #611]
- Fixed: AM04 achievement [Issue #613] Fixed: loading a save when user profile has alot causes crash [Issue #601]
- Fixed: OW tools show memory leak information on exit [Issue #602]
- Fixed: ESC stops bringing up menu after loading save which is outdated [Issue #603] Added: Memory Usage added to FPS counter
- Fixed: Miscs bug with Campaign Tree
- Fixed: Ru08, Ru11 - Achiv conditions [Issue #599]
- Fixed: Memory Usage indicators now work (Map Editor)
- Fixed: Ru02 - Bielkov tank bug [Issue #593]
- Fixed: Ru02, Ru03 - Dangerous oil barrels [Issue #594]
- Fixed: When Resolution is not set the game has a window height of zero [Issue #595]
- Fixed: Mission Tree creates new branch even if there is no next mission [Issue #597]
- Fixed: Dedicated Server Crash [Issue #598]
- Improved: Make Load/Save dialogs stagger the loading of save preview images [Issue #596]