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Original War - Arabian Campaign (zoNE's GAMEPLAY TRAILER)

Vložil zoNE, dne 6. Leden 2021, 08:56 PM
The Arabian Campaign is the largest and one of the best projects in the history of Original War, which came out of the OW community, for the OW community. Its storyline is based on the original Altar notes (OW developers), which were found in the game files with the game source code provided by Altar.

Today we invite you to see the new trailer of the Arabian Campaign and to the game itself!

Take the control of a mercenary commander - Heike Steyer and lead the sheikh troops to victory... or betray them and play a key role in creating the Legion.

19 new, complex missions, 33 new maps, original arabian interface, soundtrack recorded especially for the arabian campaign by the author of the music from the other two campaigns, super interesting storyline, thousands of lines of SAIL code and non-linear gameplay.

The Arabian Campaign is much more complex than 99% of known mods.


In our download (https://original-war.net/files.php?id=189), the alpha version, developed over the years by many members of the Original War community, the Arabian Campaign, is constantly being updated, and now you too can become part of this project! The project was born out of a community idea and has always been open to new people. If you can program in SAIL, create advanced textures for maps, create missions, design graphics and artwork for the game, have contacts with a recording studio that would be willing to help with professional dubbing in all the languages where the game was released, or if you are a voice actor yourself, let me know! There is definitely something for you! Together we can do more! Together we can create something the developers of the game couldn't finish before it was released, together we can create the Arabian Campaign!

We also invite everyone to test the modification itself and report the bugs to the forum to make the game even more enjoyable.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the project so far!

Merry Christmas!

Vložil zoNE, dne 25. Prosinec 2020, 10:54 AM

We wish you for this Christmas:
- HEALTH, happiness, prosperity
- loads of crates in your depot
- that may the siberite bombs bypass your base while playing NW
- that may you complete the campaign as the Master of Strategy
- and a lot of free time to play OW!

We wish this and more,
Original-War.net staff.

Patch (BETA) released!

Vložil zoNE, dne 15. Prosinec 2020, 04:30 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk řekl:

  • Added: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
  • Added: Sync Squares added to multiplayer room
  • Added: Round and Trunc commands to SAIL
  • Fixed: Bug which corrupted american campaign saves
  • Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
  • Improved: Multiplayer code improvments
  • Improved: Video system improvements

    Rocky Land:
    - Waterfall animations fixed

    Balance changes - check BalanceChangelog.txt

    Flags (by Tomasz):
    - Build Time zone(top right base) corrected
    - Possible exit with wheeled tanks on the right side from the top center position(players decide yes/no)

    - New map: Mastodons Trail by Gwrhkhsh(code by Tomasz)
    - A library People_respawning has been added to almost every map
    - Tree animation has been activated on Rocky Land
    - Build Time zone(right middle and right bottom) corrected on Siberia
    - Removal of unused: DayNight.src, crates_loading.src, crates_loading_ii.src, respawning, colors_night.txt with map
    - obnova.src removed on Night Fight map(Replaced with library People_respawning)

    Mastodons Trail (by Tomasz):
    - More trees added
    - Crate materialization changed
    - Second oil depot added
    - Second sib depot added
    - Sheik person for Arabians added(As an option)
    - More Mastodons added(As an option)

    Table Mountain (by Tomasz):
    - Position of the houses on the minimap(lobby) has been corrected
    - Tree animation has been activated

    The US_BuilUp.src library has been updated
    The US_Init_Resp.src library has been updated
    The US_MP_Inicialization.src library has been updated
    A new East versus West mode has been added to The Abyss map

Show us, how do you watch Original War live streams!

Vložil zoNE, dne 29. Listopad 2020, 03:51 PM
Show us, how do you watch Original War live streams!


1. Open this link in your browser and join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/8drGFmH
2. Enter the #How-do-you channel.
3. And... Show us, how do you watch Original War live streams!

Original War live streams:
- Livid (Polish): https://www.youtube.com/c/Lividd
- Jakes (Polish): https://www.youtube.com/user/JakesPlayer
- Dragon5fly (Polish/English): https://www.youtube.com/user/Dragon5fly1
- Gwrhkhsh the Apeman (English): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Gwi5ArZ3a7VYfEFG6F-ZQ
- Original-War.net (Polish/English): https://www.youtube.com/user/OriginalWarNet

Patch (BETA) released!

Vložil zoNE, dne 22. Listopad 2020, 07:55 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk řekl:

  • Fixed: Spectator sees fog buildings on minimap
  • Fixed: When Character Select screen shows it has ok button disabled even if conditions are met
  • Fixed: Latest Multiplayer fixes
  • Fixed: Misc fixes

  • Materialization fixed on the map Bloody Valley (by Tomasz)
  • Multidesc Kill 'em all max players fixed on the map Flags (by Tomasz)

Patch (BETA) released!

Vložil zoNE, dne 14. Listopad 2020, 09:26 AM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk řekl:

  • Fixed: Latest Multiplayer map fixes
  • Fixed: Remote mines now hidden from spectator
  • Fixed: Save games causing crash
  • Fixed: Theora videos audio and video not in sync
  • Improved: LIMITMOUSE3 parameter now works on windows

Patch (BETA) released!

Vložil zoNE, dne 5. Listopad 2020, 04:19 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk řekl:

  • Added: Spectator bar
  • Added: latency pings
  • Fixed: Multiple multiplayer map fixes
  • Fixed: Bug with listboxes
  • Fixed: Multiplayer base names showing invalid characters
  • Improved: Increase limits of voices & exclamations probability [Issue #579]
  • Improved: Expanded AI settings on maps which support it
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