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OW Community News

Original War Weekend 2013

Автор Antitheus, на 1й Декабрь 2013, 08:31 PM
  • We're gladly inviting you to participate in first Original War multiplayer event! Visit OW multiplayer lobby 20 and 21 December 4-8 P.M.
  • It's a great moment for meeting all of your old OW friends!
  • Play some matches or talk with your pals. Duel with old and new players! Make OW lobby just as good, as it was at the times of GSA!
  • Win special mini-tournament!


Schedule of multiplayer matches

Автор Antitheus, на 29й Май 2013, 10:17 PM
Fusion had prepared the system, which is going to help you finding an interesting multiplayer match.
If you have a "host", list your match on this table. Other players will know, when they should show up on multiplayer lobby.

Link: http://mosray.com/ow/

Ventrilo & TeamSpeak & Mumble

Автор YuriStriatov, на 5й Август 2012, 08:51 PM
In response to community demand, we have started offering a range of popular VoIP services for Original War players. They are currently being offered as a test to see if they will be used and whether our server can handle it. There's a big chance that we may cut down to just one of those services depending on which is most popular.

Each of the servers is currently set up to have channels for different national communities: Polish Channel, English Channel, French Channel, Czech & Slovak Channel.

The front page currently displays the status for the Ventrilo server, but Mumble and TS3 displays will be available soon.

The Teamspeak server currently has max capacity set at 32 people, while Ventrilo and Mumble are set to 50. You can join them using the following addresses:

Ventrilo 2.1.4 - ventrilo://original-war.net:3785/
TeamSpeak 3 - ts3server://original-war.net:9987/
Mumble - mumble://original-war.net:64738/
Ventrilo 3.0.3- ventrilo://original-war.net:3784/

If you have any suggestions or problems, post on our forums.

Ventrilo in version 3.0.3 has been already running, but free version is very limited (max 8 clients on the server :roll:). Also VT 3.0.3 must be setting up on default port: 3784, so VT 2.1.4 has been moved to 3785 port.

OW.net & Facebook & Google+

Автор Gothuk, на 28й Июнь 2012, 01:51 PM
Hello Community!

Today is the day when it all begins again - we've created our official pages on Facebook and Google+.
We would like to invite you all to join us - like and +1.


The Official Arabian Campaign

Автор Radzio, на 1й Июнь 2012, 07:51 PM
Most of you are probably unaware of how rapidly goes the development of the new campaign which is going to be (after being accepted by the community) made a part of the patch as the official Arabian Campaign.

Project's coordinator is McBenn from OWS Forums.

Mod is already in our database and it can be downloaded by following the link there: http://original-war.net/files.php?id=63

The campaign is as close as possible to early development plans of game creators, made fuller thanks to modders' ideas.

Grab it now.


WarSibérite Tournament

Автор Gothuk, на 24й Апрель 2012, 06:37 PM
Our friends from French organize an OW Tournament on Alien Base map.

Games will be in 1 versus 1 mode, with rules:
Rules Сказал:

Base Level: Fortified
Amount of People: 15
Skill Level: Little experienced
Starting Resources: Medium
Shipments Density: Medium
Extra Oil deposits: Normal
Extra Siberite deposits: Normal
Shared Vision: Yes
Morale Flags: Slowly Decreasing
Siberite detection: Researched
People Respawning: Rare
Amount of Apemen: Medium
Siberite Bomb: Not Allowed
Build Up Time: 5 Minutes

Games will be held on 1.12.7 patch.
More informations and records you can find on this page http://warsiberite.max2forum.com/t1723-for-sali-gothuk-and-all-other-members-who-aren-t-french.

You are welcome.

Patch from 1.12.2 to 1.12.7

Автор Radzio, на 5й Март 2012, 08:36 AM
A new patch has been released.
Download link on OWS forums: http://forum.stucuk.net/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2445

The patch requires 1.12.2 version of the game. (or later)

  • Bug Fix: Fixed crashes with vehicles capturing/hacking.
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