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1.11.0 Beta Test - 31st December 2010

Автор Radzio, на 1й Январь 2011, 06:52 PM
New beta-version of 1.11 patch is now available.
You can download it from Open Beta Test forum in OWSupport.com (Access requires login).

We are inviting you to test and report bugs.

Changelog Сказал:
Added: 24 People, Siberite Bomb, Siberite Detection and Cost of Information options to Party (Gothuk)
Added: Russian video subtitle support added
Added: New SAIL Command: GetUnitsNearUnit
Added: New SAIL Varible: PauseMusic
Added: English Subtitibles
Added: Dedicated server can now be controled from inside the chatroom (Requires admin login)
Added: Create Server dialog now allows you to set the games name
Added: Arabians now have there own Interface scheme (Not complete)
Added: SetPerfectExperience function to SAIL
Added: MISSION_EXP_LIMITS can now be set through game.txt
Added: McBenn's Ident Descriptions added
Bug Fix: River of Lost Souls buildings now appear correctly and Sources are now reachable (Radzio)
Bug Fix: Polish Alien Base MultiDescs now have proper font (Radzio)
Bug Fix: Win/Loose conditions on Alien Base, Babylon, Bastard Pass, Bloody Valley, Four to Win and Highlands has been fixed (Radzio)
Bug Fix: Owarfull.dll renamed to Owarfull.exe, this fixes systems which can't run DLL's as EXE's
Bug Fix: Spectator related crash fixed. Spectators now take up a team slot.
Bug Fix: Multiplayer ingame chat is now logged in the ingame log window
Bug Fix: Fatal value of MVR on certain maps with customres parameter fixed
Bug Fix: AM05, AM08, AM10, RU06, RU09 fix (Radzio)
Changed: Dedicated server interface improved.
Changed: PakView Interface improved
Changed: Grndsec Interface improved

Welcome to the new original-war.net website

Автор YuriStriatov, на 9й Август 2010, 04:22 AM
It's about time. After many problems and server changes the website is finally online as it should be. It took us a while, but the end result is what matters... as well as the fact that this is only the beginning.

What's new on the website
The long promised new website engine has been created, and has allowed us to launch a multi-lingual version of the site. For now it's only the polish and english versions, but in the future it's very much possible to add more languages to the list. We have also merged with two prominent polish Original War websites (Akademia OW and OW Spot) in order to bring closer together the entire polish Original War scene. It brings me great pleasure to welcome among the admin team Gothuk, Sebek and Ph3nom.

What can we expect
The future will bring both new ideas and the completion of old projects. Above all a functioning multiplayer ranking, which is currently being worked on by the team, will be released in a beta version to the public soon. New tournaments and mods will still be created, along with proper tutorials detailing how to create an Original War mod from scratch. A comprehensive list of all mods along with their progress charts and descriptions is also being worked on.

All this and more will be featured on the website in the near future, by the scene for the scene. All that is left for you to do is wait, or perhaps help.

Feel free to contribute to the discussion on the forum.

Original War Encyclopaedia
And now you can download the new version of Original War Encyclopaedia.

Full Version
Lite Version

Update: All problems with logging onto the forums will be fixed by emptying your browser cache and cookies.
If you don't know how do it click this link.
Forum accounts are not linked to the website accounts, so trying to log on the website with your forum details will not work. Account registration on the website is currently disabled pending multiplayer ranking beta release.
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