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Patch released!

Añadido por zoNE, 21st January 2022, 04:39 PM

Patch has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Multiplayer and Skirmish Map Name now shown in Steam Status
    Added: Save and Backup option added to Editor
    Added: GetModINIParam Sail commands
    Added: Past error into Error log (for better tracking)
    Added: Replacing layer for Russian interface (Fixed issue when polish had alaskyt instead alaskit), also now replacing EON to TAWAR and other pairs in different languages
    Added: Buildings editor (buded.exe) now can export images of all buildings, also there button for ping background without shadows
    Changed: Icon system (vehicles and buildings) - Now is shared between all nations (with own background) and in better quality
    Changed: Arabs have own background on panel units
    Changed: New horse portrait
    Changed: Restored original Campaign units balance
    Improved: Pathfinding now able to find longer distance do routes
    Improved: New diplomacy offers (redesign)
    Fixed: Environment causing building not to be placed on map load
    Fixed: SetSide sail command now effects Behemoth's weapons
    Fixed: Achiev's scrollbar issue (infinity scrolling)
    Fixed: firstSettings - when changed language cause error, also caused flip classic-modern texts
    Fixed: white texture in some places after start the game
    Fixed: Polish text (dialogs and subtitles)
    Removed: all "/alaskite" from all language from command buttons and hints texts

Sand of Siberia version 1.5.0

Añadido por zoNE, 24th December 2021, 05:59 PM

Today (December 24) at 7 p.m. the new version of Sand of Siberia 1.5.0 mod will be available with two campaigns: Ares (episode I - 5 missions) presenting the fate of Heike Steyer and a remake of the Russian campaign (episode I - 4 missions). In addition, the mod has received a number of improvements - extensive GUI, new technologies, new weapons, improved skirmishes.

The mod will be available for download on our site and of course on Sand of Siberia site (https://sand-of-siberia.pl/), on the Steam workshop and on the moddb portal (https://www.moddb.com/mods/sand-of-siberia/news/version-15-is-here).

Download link: https://original-war.net/files.php?id=186

Patch (BETA) released!

Añadido por zoNE, 14th November 2021, 09:12 AM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Alternative Factory UI (WIP)
    Added: Frog model (by Jacok)
    Added: Update System
    Added: SAIL Events (OilExtracted and SibExtracted)
    Added: SAIL Functions (ForceExclamation, UnitInBattle and InitHc_All)
    Bug Fix: OW now looks inside AR folder for Arabian exclamations
    Bug Fix: Misc bug fixes
    Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Rewarding Units screen
    Changed: Redesigned Modern UI
    Changed: Multiplayer IRC Lobby now using irc.owsupport.com

Patch (BETA) released!

Añadido por zoNE, 6th September 2021, 05:40 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Bug Fix: Fixed bug with save games and saving maps in editor (Introduced in 302)

Patch (BETA) released!

Añadido por zoNE, 4th September 2021, 10:37 PM

Patch (BETA) has been released!

Link to the patch:


Changelog (https://wiki.owsupport.com/index.php?title=Patches)
stucuk said:

    Added: Ability to compile all maps SAIL in editor
    Added: Flamethrowers can now have two turrets (Modding)
    Added: New SAIL Event for camera placement (Modding)
    Bug Fix: Fixed setting of speed in multiplayer
    Improved: Heightmap export speed increased in editor

Relocation to the new server!

Añadido por zoNE, 16th June 2021, 07:28 PM

We wish to inform you that more changes have been made - we moved OWN to a brand new server. We don't have to worry about limited 50GB disk space anymore, and the hosting itself has few times better parameters than the old one, which makes our site run faster than ever before. Situation should be better for people who have been having connection issues to our server. We will be working to furtherly increase the performance on our site.

Original War 2001-2021: 20th Anniversary Documentary

Añadido por zoNE, 15th June 2021, 09:48 PM
This video is both a celebration and a documentary, released on the 20th anniversary of the release of Original War. It documents a journey from humble beginnings, through the development of Original War to the present day, shining a light on every important milestone in the 20 year Odyssey that is Original War.

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