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OW Community News

1.11.0 Beta Test - 5th Febuary 2011

Автор Gothuk, на 5й Февраль 2011, 05:14 PM
New beta-version of 1.11.0 patch is now available.
You can download it from Open Beta Test forum in OWSupport.com (Access requires login).

Changes in relation to 9th January version:
Changelog Сказал:
Latest Multiplayer Maps
Handles certain situations better(Removed some asserts, so less chance of crashing)

We are inviting you to test and report bugs.

Throwback - Version 5.2

Автор Timeshifter, на 31й Январь 2011, 03:46 PM
Yesterday, a new version of popular Original War mod by Freya Games was released.

== Added ==
Preview map for maps without GBI
Map - Saboteurs
Map - Volcano Gods
Boundary marking the base, in map River of Lost Souls
== Fixed ==
Common errors on some maps
Nations Balanced
== Changed ==
Staining on some maps

Link for download can be found here and on our site!

If you have downloaded this version of Throwback before 31.1.2011, please install this small patch. It fixes some Arabian interface bugs caused by wrong file encoding.

Arabian UI fix for 1.11.0 beta

Автор Nitek, на 18й Январь 2011, 08:56 PM
In order to fix the errors occuring while playing Arabian mods in 1.11.0 beta, the following file has been released by Stucuk:


edit by gwrhkhsh.

1.11.0 Beta Test - 9th January 2011

Автор Nitek, на 9й Январь 2011, 06:05 PM
New beta version of 1.11.0 patch is now available.
Changes in relation to 3rd January version:
- Contains bug fixes to everything i said i changed in the Bug Reports people have posted.
- Moved back to Borlands Memory Manager.
- Changed how OW sends data to Clanbase so Unicode is now supported for Username's and passwords.
- Made OW Check if its a Clanbase game when reporting a Sync Loss.
- Async Mouse has been re-enabled.
- Shadows, Ground Animation and Water Animation are now forced to be enabled.

- Thread on OWSupport (you need to login)

Greeny's Video Art presents..

Автор Greeny, на 8й Январь 2011, 09:10 PM
Hello to Poland and the rest of Original War - positive world :)
Maybe, you have seen my OW movies on Youtube, but now, thanks to original-war.net, you can download them in full quallity - resolution 640*480, encoded with h264/x264 codec.


The Fate - download
Project: Reality - download
Dark Clouds - download

If your browser starts to play them, just click right on link > save link as...
I hope you will enjoy the movies. Thx4watching!

Newest changes to OW.net community

Автор YuriStriatov, на 7й Январь 2011, 05:04 PM
All of you that have been following what has been happening around the Original War community lately already know that it has been a very interesting couple of months. The official opening of the main website, the merger of most of the Polish community on this website, a new and strong server, and the project that you have been waiting for years finally nearing its final stage of completion.

We cannot deny it: the Original War community is living through its second renaissance right now. And we're not about to stop working.

The Original-war.net staff has been in contact with our Czech friends from OWAR Centrum during the past week and we have all agreed that it would be a great new step for the Czech community to open their own section on this very website. As of today the Original-war.net website and forum is going to be served in English, Polish and Czech. Say welcome to our new Czech administrators and staff: Morphid, Timeshifter, Spooker, Sasheva and Bulisek.


Although the only parts of the website that are currently translated are the interface, we will be working on bringing you as many articles of OW.net as possible in Czech in addition to their English and Polish versions. Stay tuned.

1.11.0 Beta Test - 3rd January 2011

Автор Nitek, на 3й Январь 2011, 05:41 PM
Stucuk has just released new version of 1.11.0 beta patch which you can download here on OWS Beta Test section.

Stucuk Сказал:
Contains latest Bug Fixes and latest multiplayer map stuff (So you can't play anyone who has used a previous 1.11.0 with this one, both players need this version).
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