MPA - Multiplayer Addition
Author: Marek1906
Version: 0.1.015
Release Date: 20.12.2020
Languages: Polish
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 0
It is survival focused mainly on survival longer than the opposing team, teams such as 1v1, 2v1, 3v1, 3v2 and 3v3 are supported. (4v1 and 5v1 can work in practice, although there is no guarantee).
What do I find on the map? - Dynamic spots, which appear as resources or opponents. Details - In the very south, at the starting points the first from the bottom player one spawn of crates, then oil and even higher Siberite.
You did not mention the ones at the top. - As you can guess, these are spawn opponents who will become more persistent with the next wave.