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  • Ebsynth OW GBI tutorial (by Morgan)
    Ebsynth is a program developed by Jamriska Ondrej (Jamriska2018) and is described to be a “Fast Example-based Image Synthesis and Style Transfer” software, released in 2018. This tool can be a true revolution for Original War modders.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 07 Ún 2021, 17:50
    Ebsynth is a program developed by Jamriska Ondrej (Jamriska2018) and is described to be a “Fast Example-based Image Synthesis and Style Transfer” software, released in 2018. This tool can be a true revolution for Original War modders. 
  • Editor guide (Polish version) by Chmiel
    Editor guide by Chmiel
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 05:15
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:29
    Editor guide by Chmiel. 
  • Editor Popis (by Altar)
    A guide to the Original War map editor written in Czech. It details the old version of the editor, before the changes introduced by Original War Support.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 27 Bře 2006, 14:57
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:05
    Czech map editor guide 
  • Map Editor course v1.1 (by zoNE)
    Map Editor course
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:27
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:08
    Map Editor course 
  • SAIL functions guide (Polish Version) [translation: zoNE]
    SAIL functions guide.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 05 Črc 2010, 13:08
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:04
    SAIL functions guide 
  • SAIL Constants (by Altar)
    A listing of all constants in the SAIL map scripting language. Taken from the OW Support forum.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 27 Bře 2006, 15:01
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:07
    A list of constant values in SAIL. 
  • SAIL ENG (by Altar)
    Found on the OW Support forums, written for the updated editor.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 27 Bře 2006, 15:03
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:06
    A short guide to SAIL. 
  • SAIL Functions (by Altar)
    A listing of a number of SAIL scripting functions. Found on the OW Support forums, written for the updated editor. Some portions of the guide are in Czech.
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 27 Bře 2006, 15:05
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:06
    A list of SAIL functions 
  • SAIL reference PL (by zoNE)
    SAIL reference
    Vložil: zoNE , dne 05 Črc 2010, 13:09
    Naposledy upraveno 21 Ún 2021, 00:09
    SAIL reference 
  • Visual Studio Code SAIL Extension

    Unzip in: C:\Users\User_Name\.vscode\extensions

    Enable in Visual Studio Code extensions.

    Vložil: Nefarem , dne 30 Bře 2019, 21:18
    Naposledy upraveno 30 Bře 2019, 21:32
    Extension for Visual Studio Code 
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