Apocalyptic War
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Mart
Version: 0.1
Release Date: 02.07.2011
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
NOTE: The modification is archived and is currently part of another modification: Apocalyptic War Episode One, which is available in the page download.
Place of action Apocalyptic War mod is set a few weeks after the explosion of the siberite bomb on the main siberite deposit (chronology of the American campaing)
Peter Roth made a mistatke and the explosion didin't a chain reaction.
Between fraction begub fight for the last deposits of Siberite.
You're Matthew Bagins. Will he be able to cope with the challenges that await him? Will he discover his destiny?
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 22 Dub 2012, 10:24
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 13:08Archive version, the new version of mod is available under the name Apocalyptic War Episode One -
Arabian Nights
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Stucuk and Radzio
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 2006
Languages: English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 2
NOTE: The modification is archived and is currently part of another modification: Arabian Campaign, which is available in the page download.
Arabian Nights is a modification by Stucuk and Radzio using Altar Interactive's unfinished arabian levels.
Heike is a mercenary hired to help take over the american base which has the EON and go back in time to stop the americans.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:21
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 14:48The archive version, the new version of mod is available under the name Arabian Campaign. -
East Legion
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Lesiu
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 03.03.2008
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 4
Mod tells the story about East Legion clan. A version with 4 missions.Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:26
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 14:47Version: 0.5 beta - Polish language only -
Fight with Bot
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ
Autor: Serpent
Datum Vydání: 08.02.2014
Jazyky Móda: Polish, English
Režimy: Single player
Kampaň: N/D
Počet Misí: 2
NOTE: The modification is archived and is currently part of another modification: Sand of Siberia, which is available in the page download.
Obranný mód: Pamatujete si čtvrtou ruskou misi, kde vede Burlak obranu proti Arabům? Rozhodl jsem se, že udělám něco jako podobného.
- Začnete na stejné mapě a můžete si vybrat jiný počet lidí, obtížnost, národ atd.
- Vaším cílem je posílit ASAP pro obranu proti vlnám nepřátel.
- Nikdo nemůže přejít cestu, pokud tak udělá, zemře :)
- Bedny se nerespawnují, takže je nehledejte.
- Pro každou zabitou jednotku získáte body, které můžou být utraceny za bonusy.
- Napravo jsou počítadla (čas, vlna, získané body a čas do další vlny)
Vložil: Yuri_S , dne 08 Bře 2014, 22:44
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 14:57Modification by: Serpent, the modification is archived and is currently part of another modification: Sand of Siberia, which is available in the page download. -
Nitek's Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nitek
Version: 0.2
Release Date: 25.06.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
Main characters is Arthur Powell.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:48
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 15:01Modification by: Nitek, the main character is Arthur Powell. -
Polska Kompania Green Edition
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Serpent
Version: 11.2 fix 3
Release Date: 16.08.2011
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 6
NOTE: The modification is archived and is currently part of another modification: Polska Kompania Remaster, which is available in the page download.
In mod you will see, among others, a completely new story, other types of missions, a new interface and soundtracks.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 16 Srp 2011, 18:09
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 13:09Polska Kompania Green Edition, version 11.2 fix 3