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Mods Archive
Archival versions.
Absolute Dominion
Score Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry:: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ:
Author: Nefarem
Verze: 1.5.4 Enhanced Edition
Datum Vydání: 29.11.2015
Jazyky: Polish, English, Czech
Mód: Single player
Kampaň: Russian, Arabian
Počet misí: 28
Modifikace Absolute Dominion znázorňuje Rusy, kteří touží ovládnout svět.
Cestují kvůli tomu v čase, s účelem chránit jejich národní vlastnictví, kterým je alaskit.
Od samého počátku jsou si vědomi přítomnosti Američanů, ovšem...
Američané a Rusové neočekávají příchod Arabů, kteří sem přišli zničit siberit a obsadit pro sebe největší ložiska ropy.
Modifikace nabízí dvě kampaně, a navíc:
- Nová vozidla,
- Možnost účastnit se misí z originálních kampaní,
- Nové mapy.
- Potkání starých známých charakterů z originálních kampaní.
- Dostupné jazyky: Polština, Angličtina, Čeština.
- a mnoho dalšího.
Roku 2000 našly Ruské expediční oddíly záhadný objekt. Po několika testech pod dohledem profesora Scholtze se zjistilo, že je to stroj času.
Nalezli na Aljašce nerost, který byl palivem do TAWARu. Boužel Aljaška náležela Spojeným státům, stejně tak jako všechno na ní.
Rusové moc dobře věděli, jak se Spojené státy později staly tak mocné a silné.
Rozhodnou se proto použít TAWAR, aby se vrátili v čase a zabránili Američanům v krádeži jejich alaskitu. Rusové později přebírají kontrolu nad alaskitem, a možná i nad celým světem...
V módu hrajete za Ivana Bierezova, válečným veteránem ze severní Číny. Spolu se svým přítelem Titovem se vydává na tuto expedici.
(...)Vložil: Antitheus , dne 29 Lis 2015, 18:46
Naposledy upraveno 29 Pro 2020, 16:40Modification by: Nefarem, shows the desire of Russia to control the world by back in time. -
AGB - Alternative Game Balance
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nitek
Version: 0.02
Release Date: 24.12.2010
Languages: All languages
Mode: Multiiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: N/A
Probably some of you heared about Balance Mod which didn't succes. Now it's time for my try to create new balance mod. At this moment mod is in early alpha. I want to begin with americans first, and then work with arabians and russians to have a foothold. Except balance 3 sides of conflict, I want make other weapons and chassis more useful (to remove only HG game aspect).
Medium wheleed:
- Defence incrased by 5
Medium tracked:
- Defence incrased by 5
Heavy tracked:
- Defence incrased by 15
- Production cost incrased by 5 crates
- Production cost incrased by 20 crates
Light gun:
- Incraced attack frequency
- Production cost reduced by 10 crates
- Time of production incrased
- Reduced damage versus people and buildings
Gatling gun:
- Incrased damage versus people
- Change rotation type from "Limited" (limited, around 30 degrees) into "Free" (it rotates fast and without limites)
Double gun:
- Incrased attack frequency
- Reduced damage versus people and buildings (more weak than original)
- Incrased damage versus vehicles
- Reduced production cost by 15 crates
Heavy gun:
- Reduced damage versus people and buildings
- Now it's attacking with continuous laser beam
- Reduced production time
Vložil: zoNE , dne 16 Dub 2019, 09:52
Naposledy upraveno 16 Dub 2019, 10:01An Original War mod designed to balance the three nations of the game for competitive multiplayer. -
Alien Base ReMiX
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/A
Version: 5.0
Release Date: 17.08.2006
Languages: All OW supported languages
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 1
Mod changed Alien Base and added new positions in map.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 22 Zář 2018, 22:12
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:39Version: 5.0 -
Alliance vs Ultor
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Jeanks
Version: 1.01 DEMO
Release Date: 06.05.2011
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
We play the role of the commander of the "Elite Special Forces" shock group and we have to prevent the Russians from developing a mysterious dangerous technology, but do we really want to?
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 03 Srp 2010, 18:38
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 17:59Modification by: Jeanks -
American Army (Amerykańska Armia)
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: tex
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 28.03.2008
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
Main character is Tex.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 17:46
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:21Modification by: tex. -
American Campaign (Kampania Amerykanska)
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: tex
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 10.07.2007
Languages: Polski
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Amerykańska
Number of Missions: 1
The main character is Cyrus Parker
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:42
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 13:27Modification by: tex, the main character is Cyrus Parker. -
Apocalyptic War Episode One
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Mart
Version: 1.3
Release Date: 09.12.2017
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 10
Place of action Apocalyptic War mod is set a few weeks after the explosion of the siberite bomb on the main siberite deposit (chronology of the American campaing)
Peter Roth made a mistatke and the explosion didin't a chain reaction.
Between fraction begub fight for the last deposits of Siberite.
You're Matthew Bagins. Will he be able to cope with the challenges that await him? Will he discover his destiny?
You can find out all this by playing Apocalyptic War Episode One. During the game you will meet wll-known characters from the original campaign, as well as completely new ones..Gallery:
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 23 Zář 2018, 12:55
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:39Version: 1.3 -
Arabian Adventure
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Gogeta103
Version: 3.0
Release Date: 07.03.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 3
You are Captain Alan Forliche, the main commander of the 5th group of soldiers, which has the task of moving in time and exploring the raw material called "Siberite".
You secretly know that Americans also have a time travel device.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 17:50
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:11Modification by: Gogeta103, tou are Captain Alan Forliche, the main commander of the 5th group of soldiers, which has the task of moving in time and exploring the raw material called "Siberite". -
Arabian campaign - Datadisk
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: SUP_AZC
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 24.12.2003
Languages: Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 5
Unofficial add-on with the unfinished Arabian campaign, based off of Altar mission design. Mostly in the Czech language.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 16 Dub 2019, 15:15
Naposledy upraveno 16 Dub 2019, 15:22Unofficial add-on with the unfinished Arabian campaign, based off of Altar mission design. Mostly in the Czech language. -
Arabian Campaign
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: McBenn, 0dd1, Antitheus, Krotos, Serpent, Aleph Wren, Enguzrad, Nefarem, Radzio and zoNE
Version: 2021-01-06
Release Date: 13.01.2011
Languages: Polish, English, Czech, Russian and French
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 19
The Arabian Campaign is one of the biggest and most successful projects in the history of Original War.
It's plot is based on Altar's original notes (OW creators), which could be found in the game's data folders.
Play as the mercenary commander, Heike Steyer, and lead your Sheikh's troops to victory... or betray them and take a major part in creating the Legion.
New maps, super interesting plot, complex missions, thousands of SAIL code lines and non-linear gameplay.
It's more complex than 99% of the common mods and maybe even the original campaign.
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 29 Zář 2018, 22:44
Naposledy upraveno 21 Srp 2023, 11:44"Official" Original War Arabian Campaign -
Arabian Campaign by PMT
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Polish Mod Team
Version: 3.5
Release Date: 18.06.2007
Languages: Polish and English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 3
The main character is an Arabian scientist - Johan Erzee, an weapon specialist who is sent into the past.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:18
Naposledy upraveno 12 Črv 2021, 20:20Modification by: Polish Mod Team, the main character is an Arabian scientist - Johan Erzee, an weapon specialist who is sent into the past. -
Arabian History
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení Konečné hodnocení
Autor: Gravitr
Verze: 3.2.8
Datum Vydání: 03.02.2014
Jazyky Móda: Polish, Czech and English
Režimy: Single player
Kampaň: Arabian
Počet Misí: 9
Dneska vám chci ukázat můj nový mód, ve kterém hrajete za Araby. Příběh je postaven na originálních kampaních. Uvidíte staré a nové charaktery, nové mapy a další. Jsou zde dialogy, monology, bitvy, intra a mnoho skriptů.
Mód obsahuje:
- 9 arabských misí
- nové mapy
- nové GBIs
- vícejazyčnou podporu
- staré a nové charaktery
- hodně zábavy!
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 02 Ún 2014, 12:11
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:46Modification by Gravitr, in which we play as Kurt. -
Arabian Story
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ
Autor: Morphid, Sali
Verze: 0.1
Datum Vydání: 08.01.2011
Jazyky Móda: Polish and Czech
Režimy: Single player
Kampaň: Arabian
Počet Misí: 2
The main character Kurt Schmidt, a German soldier who decided to enter EON and change the future of humanity.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 17:54
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:04Modification by: Morphid & Sali, Kurt Schmidt, a German soldier who decided to enter EON and change the future of humanity. -
Arabscy Najemnicy
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: tex ,Tiger and Rajdenwolf
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 01.04.2007
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 3
The main characters is Heike Steyer.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:18
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 00:30Modification by: tex ,Tiger and Rajdenwolf -
Back To The Future
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: gwern1
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 18.06.2007
Languages: English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
The arabian goverment sent their best soldiers to unleash its rage into an american base in alaska, a base that was holding the EON.
After the shocking moment, the Tactical Center of the Army started planning a recover for the base. This was so detailed, that took around half a month.
They moved a commando force to the area and they started the operation. Succesfully, they managed to get the base back to them. The US forces sent some of their best ranked scientists to renovate the "artifact"; But one day, a scientist (Robert Sparrow), in an intent to save one of the soldiers that were incredibly being absorbed by the EON, gets himself on it, and here the things starts to interest...
Will Robert Sparrow find them now?
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:05
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 01:04Modification by: gwern1, the Arabian goverment sent their best soldiers to unleash its rage into an american base in Alaska, a base that was holding the EON. -
Balance Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: OWN
Version: 3.0
Release Date: 31.08.2007
Languages: All languages
Mode: Multiiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: N/A
An Original War mod designed to balance the three nations of the game for competitive multiplayer.
WARNING: This mod is designed for multiplayer gameplay. Campaign mode is enabled, however using this mode may create bugs in the campaign, or even make it impossible to finish. Use at own risk.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 08 Črc 2007, 13:45
Naposledy upraveno 16 Dub 2019, 10:48An Original War mod designed to balance the three nations of the game for competitive multiplayer. -
Before The War
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Gwrhkhsh
Version: 7.0
Release Date: 08.07.2010
Languages: English
Mode: Single player, Multiplayer
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 7
The main character is Oleg Semyonovich Zelenyuk, a Russian scientist. He belongs to the first group sent into the past. He is rather a calm, indifferent man.
Fastly acclimatizes in the strange conditions of war and becomes quite a popular figure. It is up to him, however, to decide whether he will retain this popularity.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 05 Zář 2010, 15:26
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 12:53Modification by Gwrhkhsh, the main character is Oleg Semyonovich Zelenyuk, a Russian scientist. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Don Hard
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 26.09.2016
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
We play a apeman called Blackmen.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 20:04
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:41Version: 1.0 -
Big Freedom Base
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Shaman
Version: 1.3
Release Date: 16.11.2006
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
Sandbox mod where you build Freedom base.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:09
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:03Modification by: Shaman, sandbox mod where you build Freedom base. -
Big Freedom Base 2
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Shaman
Version: 1.3
Release Date: 16.11.2006
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
Sandbox mod where you build Freedom base.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:17
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 16:19Modification by: Shaman, sandbox mod where you build Freedom base. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/A
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 03.12.2007
Languages: All Original War languages
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 1
Modification add option tournament CB/CW/SW.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 23 Zář 2018, 13:14
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:54Version: 1.0 -
Clan's War
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Mart
Version: 2.2 Beta
Release Date: 06.02.2011
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 11
The place of action of Clan's War takes place on the stage of Original War, 10 years after the great war which led to the collapse of the GSA. This war made the GSA a great post apocalyptic desert. The oldest scene players decided to leave the GSA in the more hospitable areas of the MS.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:12
Naposledy upraveno 02 Říj 2022, 10:57Modification by: Mart, the place of action of Clan's War takes place on the stage of Original War. -
Cox And Moszna Adventures
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Creative
Version: 1.4.7
Release Date: 29.01.2016
Languages: Polish, English and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 14
My name is John, John Cox.
After arriving at the site, Alex told me that he belonged to an organization called Legion and they learned about the discovery of the so-called EON, by the Americans, he also believes that it back in time. That's exactly what we don't quite know yet. Americans are preparing expeditionary groups that will enter this device so together with a small group of people wants to penetrate their ranks and asked me for help, because he knows that he can trust me. It was a difficult decision for me but I agreed.... September 13, 1996 is my last entry in this time line. Together with Alex and four other people: Amanda Moszna, Demi Koch, Max Abdul and Karen Wola we go to a secret American base. Alex told me that if we are unmasked, he has to destroy this device, I hope it won't happen....Gallery:
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:25
Naposledy upraveno 05 Srp 2019, 17:22Modification by: Creative, main character is John Cox. -
Čtenáři Koránu
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: LuK4SO
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 21.07.2009
Languages: Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 2
The main character is an Arabic scientist - Zaisan, who used Russian's EON to go back in time.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:08
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 15:22Modification by: LuK4SO, the main character is an Arabic scientist - Zaisan, who used Russian's EON to go back in time. -
Davna minulost
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/D
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 21.02.2009
Languages: Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 6
You are Asmarov, a Russian soldier who arrives at the base after landing...
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:23
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 15:16You are Asmarov, a Russian soldier who arrives at the base after landing... -
Deathmatch DEMO
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Xero Rozbójca
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 27.03.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
In the modification we will fight a series of several battles against the AI.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 23 Zář 2018, 13:28
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:38Version: 1.0 -
East Legion Redone
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Lesiu, Nefarem, Antitheus
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 10.06.2015
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 6
Mod tells the story about East Legion clan. A version with 6 missions. The new version offers: - Improve maps, - New missions and medals, - Full complete and improve mission 04, - Improve missions 05 and 06, - Change game difficulty, - Enemy AI, - Improved but unchanged dialogues (by Antitheus).Gallery:
(...)Vložil: Antitheus , dne 10 Črv 2015, 10:29
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 14:47Modification by: Lesiu, Nefarem, Antitheus, it's remake version mod East Legion from 2008. Mod tells the story about East Legion clan. -
Efekt Komuny
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Prażanin
Version: 0.7 Alpha
Release Date: 09.12.2017
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American, Russian, Asari
Number of Missions: 6
The Cold War did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both sides decided to conquer the outer space, hoping that they would overtake their opponent. For now, the Russians are leading the race.
In 2027, on a planet Zireael IV, deposits of mysterious crystals called tyberium were discovered. The Americans and the Soviets are sending their colonists to lay their hands on newly discovered minerals. Americans arrived there first, which means that the Russians must somehow get rid of troublesome neighbors.
Mod changes Arabian nation into Xenians (aliens), new vehicle chassis, few new weapons, new portrait components, soundtrack etc.
Demo has actually got 6 missions (one American, three Russian and two Xenian).
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 26 Zář 2018, 13:23
Naposledy upraveno 03 Led 2019, 22:22Modification by: Studio Praha, the plot of this mod is: The Cold War did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Both sides decided to conquer the space, hoping to surpass their opponent. For the time being, the Russians are at the forefront of this race. -
Eksportowa Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Prażanin
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 02.04.2018
Languages: Polski
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American, Russian
Number of Missions: 8
Modification action takes place in an alternative reality, where nothing is what it seems to be. It is a story about friendship, love, struggle and hatred. There will be scenes through which you will cry (but for various reasons). Every Korwinist (and not only) will find something for himself here.
What does the modification have:
- An extraordinary story,
- Beautiful Polish dialogues,
- Dubbing (not yet complete),
- New fraction(FRACTIONS not nation),
- New weapons,
- New sounds,
- ... and more.
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 26 Zář 2018, 13:44
Naposledy upraveno 01 Led 2019, 22:21A story about friendship, love and war which is changing -
Fast America Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: tex
Version: 0.2a
Release Date: 01.18.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American, Russian
Number of Missions: 8
The American plot: You have to eliminate the rusks and take over the siberite deposits.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:27
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 13:48Modification by: tex -
Free Builder Mod (Bob Budowniczy)
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Serpent
Version: 101.1
Release Date: 05.02.2011
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
The modification allows you to build freely, as well as add a enemy AI who will attack You.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:22
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:47Modification by Serpent allow sandbox mode. -
Generals Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nitek
Version: 0.2.0
Release Date: 19.06.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
Playing this modification, you will have the opportunity to play the role of the American Colonel Arthur Powell. Everything else is consistent with the original story of Original War.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:29
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 15:04Modification by Nitek where you can play as Arthur Powell. -
Green Light
Author: Prażanin, Serpent, Markedone, Nefarem
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 20.02.2020
Languages: Polish, English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 5
"One act can change the fate of the world. It's March 8, ERA + 2; the conflict over Siberite is entering an advanced phase. The Russians, much stronger and better equipped, are getting closer to achieving the final victory. The only chance for Americans in the war is a new, powerful weapon - a double laser, developed in a secret research center at Theta. The newly formed Experimental Division is stationed there, which aims to use new technology in battle. Among them were two sisters - Simone and Kathryn Gray. They are not yet aware of their role in upcoming events..."
The modification presents the story of the young captain Simone Gray, whose goal is to stop at all costs the Russian offensive threatening the Theta research center, where new types of weapons are being developed.
The mod includes:
- Five American campaign missions providing several hours of fun.
- New maps created using a new technique.
- Captivating story and many different characters.
- Three new chassis, one per nation, and new weapons for each faction.
- Full Polish dubbing.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 21 Ún 2020, 17:33
Naposledy upraveno 20 Bře 2020, 20:51The modification presents the story of the young captain Simone Gray, whose goal is to stop at all costs the Russian offensive threatening the Theta research center, where new types of weapons are being developed. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: arturc200000
Version: 2018-09-13
Release Date: 13.01.2011
Languages: Polish, English, Czech, Russian and French
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 1
It presents the adventures of Grove Street gang, Smoke CJ Ryder and Sweet. These gang have no money to live on, so they decide to take a job and work for Toreno.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 18 Bře 2019, 22:05
Naposledy upraveno 18 Bře 2019, 22:18Modification by arturc200000, mod presents the adventures of Grove Street gang, Smoke, CJ, Ryder and Sweet. -
GSA Wars by Antitheus
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Antitheus
Version: 1.4
Release Date: 16.01.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 7
Mod is a humorous response to the funny situation on the OW scene in 2009. Well, after the entry of a new patch offered by Master Server, two "places" have been created, bringing together players.
The first is the GSA, used as an official OW lobby since the beginning of the game. The second is MS, on which it was possible to play skirmishes without installing any additional software. Players from GSA are an old team that has developed rules and a coherent community.
You play the role of Antitheus, who takes full bits and pieces from life at home.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 17 Led 2009, 01:53
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:29Modification by: Antitheus, mod is a humorous response to the funny situation on the OW scene in 2009. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/A
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 18.04.2010
Languages: Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 3
We command a group of American soldiers who are to must clear the sector of enemy units.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 18:59
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 15:04We command a group of American soldiers who are to must clear the sector of enemy units. -
Author: Serpent
Version: 3.3
Release Date: 23.01.2021
Languages: International
Mode: N/A
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 0
Hack Mod by Serpent - press ` key and enjoy!Vložil: zoNE , dne 23 Led 2021, 20:44
Naposledy upraveno 19 Bře 2021, 16:32Hack Mod by Serpent - press ` key and enjoy! -
Halloween Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Don Hard
Version: 1.2.1
Release Date: 31.10.2016
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 5
In the modification we will meet Satan, Terminator and other mysterious characters.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:41
Naposledy upraveno 05 Dub 2019, 13:28Version: 1.2.1 -
Heroes By Accident
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Tarivol
Version: 0.02
Release Date: 18.06.2007
Languages: English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
We command a group of American soldiers who are to must clear the sector of enemy units.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:18
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 00:46Modification by: Tarivol. -
Historia Nefarema
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: OWChyba
Version: 0.5.05
Release Date: 30.03.2019
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 7
Sequel The Journal of the American Soldier mod.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 30 Bře 2019, 20:48
Naposledy upraveno 20 Dub 2019, 22:06Modification by OWCHyba, sequel The Journal of the American Soldier mod. -
III World War (III Wojna Światowa)
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Xero Rozbójca
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 07.07.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 5
The vision of World War III presented in Original War.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 28 Srp 2010, 01:45
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:48Modification by Xero Rozbójca, the vision of World War III presented in Original War. -
Kox Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Serpent
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 14.12.2010
Languages: All Original War languages
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American, Russian
Number of Missions: 2
Modification changing the start level of Macmillan and Burlak to 10.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 16 Bře 2011, 19:21
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:49Modification by Serpent changing the start level of Macmillan and Burlak to 10. -
Legion of Mercenary Soldiers
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Michaeilo
Version: 1.20c
Release Date: 03.09.2007
Languages: Polish, English and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 3
One of the commanders of the Legion and his group is sent into the past in order to prevent the transport of Siberite from Siberia to Alaska via the Americans. When it appears on the spot, everything changes....
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:44
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 13:00Modification by: Michaeilo, one of the commanders of the Legion and his group is sent into the past. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: NNPlaya
Version: 0.20c
Release Date: 04.11.2006
Languages: Polish, English and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 4
In MajMod you can play as mercenary, Kurt Shmidt. He was hired by arabian sheiks to prevent Americans from transport Siberite from Siberia to Alaska and destroy all Siberite sources in the past.
In the world, which Kurt born, Americans transported all Siberite from Sibieria to Alaska. Price of oil is drastically falling down. In this situation arabian sheiks decided to hire army of mercenaries, take control of EON and change history.
Kurt, as one of many hired is on his way to Americans` base. But when he arrived no one is waiting for him. There are a lot of Americans, which fast got back base, beacuse mercenaries and sheiks decides to not defend base, just as fast as it is possible go into past through EON. On briefing Kurt was warned about Americans. But not only they are waiting in the past. There is other army too. When United Intervention Forces landed on goal area, they decided to beat Russians at first and then turn attacks on Americans. But not always plans are going to be done...
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:13
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 00:55Modification by: NNPlaya, in MajMod you can play as mercenary, Kurt Shmidt. He was hired by arabian sheiks to prevent Americans from transport Siberite from Siberia to Alaska and destroy all Siberite sources in the past. -
Memmories MMS
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: xXx::.TRUCKER.::xXx
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 01.06.2009
Languages: English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 6
The main character is American Lisa Stevenson, who specializes as a scientist. She is new in the past and immediately hits the battlefield.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:45
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 15:12Modification by: xXx::.TRUCKER.::xXx, the main character is American Lisa Stevenson, who specializes as a scientist. -
MOBA by Marek1906
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Marek1906
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 30.01.2016
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
Populare mode (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) moved to Original War game.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:02
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:47Version: 1.1 -
Mod Bez Nazwy
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Gorki16
Version: 0.03b
Release Date: 31.12.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
Clan modification depicting the fate of OWI members.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 03 Srp 2010, 18:41
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 17:47Modification by: Gorki16, clan modification depicting the fate of OWI members. -
MPA - Multiplayer Addition
Author: Marek1906
Version: 0.1.015
Release Date: 20.12.2020
Languages: Polish
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 0
It is survival focused mainly on survival longer than the opposing team, teams such as 1v1, 2v1, 3v1, 3v2 and 3v3 are supported. (4v1 and 5v1 can work in practice, although there is no guarantee).
What do I find on the map? - Dynamic spots, which appear as resources or opponents. Details - In the very south, at the starting points the first from the bottom player one spawn of crates, then oil and even higher Siberite.
You did not mention the ones at the top. - As you can guess, these are spawn opponents who will become more persistent with the next wave.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 21 Pro 2020, 04:57
Naposledy upraveno 11 Ún 2024, 08:39Survival. -
Na Tropie MacMillana
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Markok
Version: 1.2
Release Date: 27.05.2015
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 5
You are Pakriskin, Russian soldier who have many difficulty challenges to do.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:11
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 21:25version: 1.2 -
Naukowiec Tomek
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nefarem
Version: 1.2
Release Date: 29.02.2012
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 8
The main character is the title scientist Tomek, of Polish descent, who, together with a group of friends, takes part in an American secret mission.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:26
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:50Modification by: Nefarem, The main character is the title scientist Tomek who, together with a group of friends, takes part in an American secret mission. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Creative
Version: 1.3.2
Release Date: 08.05.2014
Languages: Polish, English and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 11
The main characters is Scoot.
Scoot and his brothers must re-establish American rule and take over the main deposit of Siberite.
Vložil: Antitheus , dne 10 Črv 2015, 12:09
Naposledy upraveno 05 Srp 2019, 17:21Modification by: Creative, Scoot and his brothers must re-establish American rule and take over the main deposit of Siberite. -
Nowa Rosja
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nefarem
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 22.05.2012
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 5
The main character is Vsevolod Novik - russian soldier.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:46
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 12:49Modification by: Nefarem -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nefarem
Version: 0.3
Release Date: 27.03.2012
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 5
A short modification taking place when the Russians started an attack on the main American base - Alpha. Our task will be to coordinate the defense of individual sectors of the base against attacks.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 23 Dub 2012, 14:14
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:52Modification by: Nefarem, taking place when the Russians started an attack on the main American base - Alpha. -
Operation "Edison"
Author: Gwrhkhsh
Version: 1.036
Release Date: 27.06.2020
Languages: Polish, English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 18
"I'm happy to announce the release of my mod, Operation: Edison. It contains 18 missions, two campaigns, some new features, some gameplay changes - all for you to discover while taking your main characters, Alexandra Brown (American campaign) and Antoine Fourrier (Arabian campaign) on a strange, demanding and exciting adventure.
The mod includes:
+ some restored pre-alpha content
+ changed weapon stats and tech tree inspired by Altar's pre-alpha experiments and available information
+ an alternative Original War universe inspired by W. Jeschke's "Last Day of Creation" and Altar's early design documents...And more!"
Vložil: zoNE , dne 27 Črv 2020, 19:01
Naposledy upraveno 21 Bře 2021, 12:56It contains 18 missions, two campaigns, some new features, some gameplay changes - all for you to discover while taking your main characters, Alexandra Brown (American campaign) and Antoine Fourrier (Arabian campaign) on a strange, demanding and exciting adventure. -
Opowieść Wigilijna by Backero
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Backero
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 20.12.2009
Languages: Polski
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Amerykańska
Number of Missions: 1
Modification takes the well-known short story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens into the realities of Original War.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:49
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 12:38Modification by Backero: takes the well-known short story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens into the realities of Original War. -
Original Revamp
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: 0dd1
Version: 2.16
Release Date: 29.04.2018
Mod Languages: All languages
Mode: Single Player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 15
The modification changes the orginal Russian campaign through a improvements to the mission scripts and hightr difficulty level.
At the moment the modification has improved basic missions and pro - russian missions.
Changes in mod:
- Better AI in every mission, comparable to that of the Arabian Campaign.
- Improved or added new medals/secondary missions where ideas were unused or poorly implemented ideas.
- Fixed bugs, such as not saving secondary characters.
- Some new (previously unused) sounds.
- Apemans have more skill and are move between missions. They are more useful.
- Masha now gets a unique bonus on armor and speed, depending on the chassis.
- You can meet (and kill) characters from the opposite campaign.
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 16 Zář 2018, 15:20
Naposledy upraveno 09 Lis 2020, 19:47Modification by: 0dd1, upgrade original Russian campaign. -
Original War - Arabian Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/A
Version: 1.07 BETA
Release Date: 10.03.2007
Mod Languages: English and Czech
Mode: Single Player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 2
Take command of Heike and Arabian army.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 16 Zář 2018, 19:00
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:40Version: 1.07 BETA -
Original War Cooperation
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ:
Autor: Nefarem
Verze: 1.7.2 Beta
Datum Vydání: 13.11.2016
Jazyky: Polština, Angličtina, Čeština, Francouzský
Mód: Multiplayer
Kampaň: N/A
Počet misí: 17
Hrajte s přáteli mise z původních kampaní Original War a možná i nové mapy v tomto multiplayerovém módu.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:32
Naposledy upraveno 23 Dub 2022, 14:44Verze: 1.7.2 Beta -
Ostatnia Defensywa
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Blashix
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 29.04.2007
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 4
The American command finds out that the Russians have found a second EON. Concerned about a group of sent people, the general takes on to send an additional unit of scientists and well-trained soldiers. The troop is commanded by Lieutenant Edd Davids, he is the main character. He has only one clear order - to reach the main American Alpha base and help in defense.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 28 Srp 2010, 01:12
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 13:14Modification by: Blashix, American command finds out that the Russians have found a second EON. -
OW Compile
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ
Autor: N/A
Verze: 1.0
Datum Vydání: 19.02.2008
Jazyky Móda: Czech
Režimy: Single player
Kampaň: Russian
Počet Misí: 1
Přikážeš obranu Tukhachevsky základu.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:50
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 15:05Přikážeš obranu Tukhachevsky základu. -
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Serpent, Backero, Carlos, Xero
Version: 3.1
Release Date: 26.03.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 21
Mod contains a large pack of multiplayer maps, including new maps as well as those from the Original War campaign.
Modification adds new weapons and vehicles to the nations.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 17 Zář 2018, 20:40
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:39Version: 3.1 -
Pablo MOD
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Pablo Abruzzi
Version: 1.2
Release Date: 12.04.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 11
You are Captain Sergei Popov, commander of the Russian forces. Your mission in the past has been going on for several years. A few months ago the main deposit ceased to give so much of this raw material, and our commanders were concentrated only on it while the Americans defeated at that time were rearming themselves.
Finally, the Americans attacked again and the unprepared Russians are now experiencing the siege of much stronger American forces. Sergei survived thanks to his friend, but when they were separated he broke contact with him (more in the second mission). In the first mission you have to save the V.A. Ovsyenko base, together with your small (at the moment) unit you move with relief.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:52
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 12:23Modification by: Pablo Abruzzi, you are Captain Sergei Popov, commander of the Russian forces. -
Planeta Zielonych Małp XD
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Leszcz
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 16.10.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 9
We command a squad of green apemans who decided to rebel against people.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:28
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:53Modification by: Leszcz. -
Polish Company
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Odyseusz
Version: 0.1
Release Date: 11.03.2007
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
The main character is David Kowalski, who, together with other Polish soldiers, will enter the EON.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:32
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:47Modification by: Odyseusz, the main character is David Kowalski, who, together with other Polish soldiers, will enter the EON -
Rebelia mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: kubalolxp
Version: 1.1
Release Date: 11.02.2015
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
We play as Macmillan and Cornell who start a rebellion and run away from the camp.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 18:54
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:48Version: 1.0 -
Rosyjska Ruletka
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nitek
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 24.12.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 4
We play the role of a Russian lieutenant, Ivan Kulikov. The whole story is closely linked to the original campaigns.
The aim of fashion is to get as close as possible to the original campaigns. We have a related story, loading screens and movie scenes similar to the original ones, or the development of actions with characters that have been presented only superficially so far.
We have a number of different missions: in addition to standard missions (such as building a base, attacking the enemy) we have many unique, unprecedented tasks such as sabotage at the back of the enemy, fight in the subconscious of the main hero, fight against the element and many, many others.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:55
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:54Modification by: Nitek, we play the role of a Russian lieutenant, Ivan Kulikov. The whole story is closely linked to the original campaigns. -
Rosyjski Elitarny Dowódca
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Leszcz
Version: 2.0
Release Date: 11.08.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian, Arabian
Number of Missions: 16
Mod RED tells the story of D. N. Platonov. First he learns that by going through TAWAR he could land in a cave with apemens then his people are not very competent, and at the end he trusted once again scientists and their teleportation technology.... But after some time, he even got used to it
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:53
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 19:13Modification by: Leszcz, tells the story of major D. N. Platonov. -
Rosyjskie Złoto
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Tex
Version: 0.1
Release Date: 13.05.2012
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 4
Russia has the most oil.
The USA has crates.
Mercenaries rob Russia and the USA!
Siberite/Alaskite and EON/TAWAR is not yet known!
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 03 Črv 2012, 12:17
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:53Modyfication by: tex. -
Russian War
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Creative
Version: 2.1.1
Release Date: 04.04.2019
Languages: Polish, English and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 6
History will take place today in 2000. It is the third world war. You are sent by the colonel to change the fate of the battle.
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 04 Dub 2019, 17:35
Naposledy upraveno 08 Srp 2019, 10:50Modification by Creative, history will take place today in 2000. This is the third world war. You are sent by the colonel to change the fate of the battle. -
Sand of Siberia
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Autor: Serpent, Nefarem, Prażanin
Version: 1.6.2
Release Date: 24.12.2015
Languages: Polish, English
Mode: Single player, Multiplayer
Campaign: American, Russian, Arabian
Number of Missions: 48
Required game version:
Sand of Siberia is a modification for Original War in development for 10 years now.
The primary goal of this modification is to expand the game's world and implement as many of the original ideas which failed to make it into the game's initial release as possible. As of right now the project consists of 45 scenarios divided into 3 campaigns and several skirmishes.
American campaign - An enhanced retelling of the story from the base game centered around John Macmillan and his journey into the past. One of the primary changes is an enhanced difficulty level and improvements to the AI which help make the enemies significantly less of a passive punching bag for the player. It's an excellent choice for anyone wanting to refresh their skills after years of not playing Original War.
Russian campaign - Much like the last campaign this one is an enhanced retelling of the story of Yuri Ivanovich Gorki, mechanic in the Soviet Red Army. As of right now the enhanced campaign consists of 4 missions with more to come.
Ares campaign - A completely new campaign, based to some extent on original notes regarding an Arabian campaign which didn't make it into the base game. Take on the role of Heike Steyer a mercenary employed by the Sheikhs to take part in the war for Siberite. The campaign features full Polish voice acting, with 5 of the 9 planned missions currently available to play.
Skirmish mode - A collection of single scenarios not linked to each other with any overarching plotline. Currently consists of 19 playable maps. Additionally the modification offers a brand new interface based on the classic interface known from older versions of the game.
Several new elements have also been included such as new weapons, items, flora and fauna. New music has also been added to the game's soundtrack.
The makers of this mod are currently planning further development for the project, for more information please visit sand-of-siberia.pl, or get in touch with us directly.
(...) (...)Gallery:
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 26 Zář 2018, 14:20
Naposledy upraveno 25 Srp 2024, 10:33Modification by Serpent adding the ability to play skirmishes. -
Sniper Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Creative
Version: 1.2.2
Release Date: 10.08.2015
Languages: Polish and Czech
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 8
You are a Russian sniper who have mission to liberate humanity from the Arabian terrorist.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:26
Naposledy upraveno 05 Dub 2019, 13:26Version: 1.2.2 -
Soldiers of Honor
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Creative, Mik Ogniokrwisty
Version: 2.1
Release Date: 12.04.2016
Languages: Polish, English and French
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 10
The plot take place in today's times in September 2016.
Where enemy troops attack Bradley's base.
The action should be quite fast and unexpectedly finished.
The main character:
Bradley Madison, enginner.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:48
Naposledy upraveno 05 Srp 2019, 17:23Version: 2.0.1 -
Special Forces
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Anarchy & Falcon
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 18.10.2008
Languages: Polish
Mode: Multiplayer
Campaign: N/A
Number of Missions: 2
Two maps avalaible in multiplayer mode.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 28 Srp 2010, 02:06
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:55Modification by: Anarchy & Falcon, multiplayer with 2 maps. -
Author: Marek1906
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 29.09.2023
Languages: English
Mode: N/A
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 2
This mod is under Proof of Concept (PoC) at the moment. If the community finds it enjoyable, I will add more missions.
It features 2 missions where your team gets employed on. Their nationalities don't matter to them. After all, they would do anything for the money.
However, it has a twist. You are the one responsible for picking the task in the main menu. Can the team handle what you picked?
Sometimes, a sacrifice is necessary. Go on and let a few men die, until there is no one left.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 29 Zář 2023, 21:50
Naposledy upraveno 29 Zář 2023, 22:00This mod is under Proof of Concept (PoC) at the moment. If the community finds it enjoyable, I will add more missions. -
Szejkowie w Akcji
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Leszcz
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 04.06.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 1
Wraz z grupą arabskich ludzi musisz wypełnić ważne zadanie od małp wyższego stopnia.
Nasza gróbka bohaterów pochodzi z rzeczywistości gdzie Syberyt/Alaskit był powszechnie używany, ale sposób w jaki ten Syberyt/Alaskit był wykorzystywany był destrukcyjny dla naszego świata. na świecie co chwila wybuchały nowe wojny.
Z naszego oddziału została już tylko gróbka która szuka powrotu do swoich czasów mając nadzieję że będą lepsze niż te z których przybyli. Lecz tutaj taka niespodzianka...
Vložil: Nefarem , dne 26 Zář 2018, 21:56
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:37Version: 1.0 -
Szulce Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Szulce
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 14.12.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
You're Felix Archer, an American engineer who take part in the construction of the Alpha base.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:57
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:55Modification by: Szulce. -
TBM - The Blackmen Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Antitheus
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 01.04.2015
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 1
This mod is only April Fools' Day.
Have one mission with many dialogs, quiz and trolling.Gallery:
(...)Vložil: Antitheus , dne 01 Dub 2015, 16:19
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:56Modification by: Antitheus, April Fools' Day mod. -
The Heroes Company Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Pablo Abruzzi
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 01.03.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 9
In that modification we are Captain Siergiej Popow, officer of Russian Army.
After long break he have to back to battlefield. He and his superiors think, that Americans are the biggest enemy, but they wrong. There is new enemy, who came to the past, very powerful and unpredictable. They want destroy everything… Heroes Company must fight for life…
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 14 Črc 2011, 12:08
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:57Modification by: Pablo Abruzzi where as Sergei Popov we have to solve the mystery of the project "Genesis". -
The Journal of the American Soldier
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: OWChyba
Release Date: 04.04.2014
Languages: Polish and English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 7
Mod tells a completely different story than ORIGINAL WAR, there is no Burlak, Macmilan, Platonov, and any other characters who have performed. All characters created are invented by me, or random.
The main character is OWChyba probably whose name results from the lack of the author's idea, is drawn into the whirl of events which may also concern the structures of the American command.
(...)Vložil: Nefarem , dne 27 Zář 2018, 13:09
Naposledy upraveno 02 Dub 2019, 13:31A modification by OWChyba who presents his story in the American army. -
The Mystery Future
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: ph3nom
Version: 0.3.1 Alpha
Release Date: 31.07.2010
Languages: Polish, English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
Is the year 2032, the Earth is attacked by Androids.
In secret laboratory, Bruce Thompson and Ted McGeek don't have a lot of time. They have to hurry up and save the world.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:55
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 18:42Modification by: ph3nom, is the year 2032, the Earth is attacked by Androids. -
The Orginal History of Friends
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Jeanks
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 30.12.2008
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 12
The Russians demand that the U.S. surrender them to the control of Alaska otherwise they threaten that they will take it over by force. Our goal is to expel the enemy troops from the U.S. and investigate what it is all about.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 18:56
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 18:51Modification by: Jeanks, Russians demand that the U.S. puts them under control of Alaska, otherwise they threaten to take it over by force. -
The Other Story
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Radzio
Version: 1.9.1
Release Date: 18.06.2007
Languages: English
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 3
The main character is an Arabian mechanic - Radoslav Nelson, who, using TAWAR, goes back in time.
Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:21
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 20:51Modification by: Radzio, the main character is an Arabian mechanic - Radoslav Nelson, who, using TAWAR, goes back in time. -
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ
Autor: Freya Games
Verze: 6.8.0 FULL
Datum Vydání: 18.06.2007
Jazyky Móda: Polish, English, French and Czech
Režimy: Multiplayer, Single Player
Kampaň: Arabian
Počet Misí: N/A
Throwback expands game Original War in a high row, from the modification of original multiplayer maps, trough the new maps to whole new campaing.
It uncovers another layers of the dust from remains of thunder past, spinning like a wind around strategic material, catalyst of cold fusion, containing an incredible amount of energy and the origin is so mysteriou, as are his abilities.
Leaders of nations are now fighting on a completely unknown places, yet entirely irrelevant. New and new branches of alternate reality break away and join another, between the space and time they fight four absolutely identical groups of people, for an ancient artefact. Soldiers are on their own and forced to go through the wild, in constant danger from enemy attack. The new base is created and the fights are in the valleys full of death and on the crossroads and rivers.
A long time ago won battles flared again and again, manytime in a single moment, with different leaders and totally different people. It is now clear, that with the battle for the primary deposit is not the end fo the pas... way of the pas are really unpredictable.
However, it is necessary to go back to beginning, to the start. Because here we´re going to watch the mysterious figures of many languages with the same goal - destruction of primary deposit.
The modification includes the Arabian campaign, new multiplayer maps for both, odd and even number of players, missions from the original campaign, playable in multiplayer and multiplayer maps casually related the story campaign. All the nations are setting new power, balacned weapons, defence of the vehicles, etc.Arrabians get better for exaple with purposeful bulldozed and Russians get more powerful diesel power plant. This balance works both in multiplayer and campaign.
For successful installation installer file should be named 'throwback.exe'.
Launcher install into a folder OriginalWar. After installing Launcher and run in the bottom left corner, click to "Download update". Launcher downloads the main part throwback, then it just repeat the process until it is at this point says "Mod is update".
Current version: http://throwback.emersongames.cz/
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 07:19
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 16:26Modification by: Freya Games, mod add many multiplayer maps. -
VIP Clan Story
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Nadol
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 20.02.2007
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 15
Tell story Polish clan VIP.
(...)Vložil: zoNE , dne 18 Črv 2007, 05:23
Naposledy upraveno 14 Říj 2018, 10:06Modification by: Nadol, tell story Polish clan VIP. -
Virgo Mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Jeanks
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 29.04.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 4
Jest czas Nowej Rachuby. W czasie wojny Porucznik Paul zostaje przeniesiony w przyszłość. Tworzy to dwie nowe rzeczywistości. Tą w której ludzie cofają się w przeszłość i tą w której Paul pojawia się w przyszłości. Niedługo po pojawieniu się w XXI wieku spotykamy się z dowódcą sektora "A'. USA podzielona jest na strefy. Jest tak ponieważ USA podzieliły swoje "osiedla" na sektory. Sektor "A" jest najsłabiej rozwiniętym sektorem odciętym od technologii który musi odwalać całą robotę za uzbrojonych obijających się po uszy żołnierzy którzy siedzą w swoich bazach. Virgo niechcą interweniować. Dowództwu sektora "A" nie wolno opuszczać sektora bez pozwolenia wyższych sfer (tzw. kast). Porucznik Paul chcę to zmienić.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 03 Srp 2010, 18:54
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 13:32Modification by: Jeanks -
VSA mod
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: N/A
Version: 0.75 ALPHA
Release Date: 05.02.2008
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 4
Main characters is John Brown.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 26 Črc 2010, 19:00
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 18:18Version: 0.75alpha. -
Vsevolod Mission
Hodnocení Děj: Mechanika: Grafika: Trvání hry: Zvuk: Dialogy: Konečné hodnocení KONEČNÉ HODNOCENÍ
Autor: Gravitr
Verze: 1.0.7
Datum Vydání: 05.02.2016
Jazyky Móda: Polština, Angličtina, Čeština, Francouzský
Režimy: Single player
Kampaň: Russian
Počet Misí: 4
Your name is Cpt. V. I. Gorky and you are in the service of the Red Army.
Your headquaters have just called you to participate in one important mission.
You just arrived to the base V. N. Rjuter to hear the task...
This mod contains four missions including new maps with graphics, animations, map sounds, additional dialogs and AI with some extra scripts.
Accomplish your mission with well-known characters such as Nikita Kozlov, S. D. Gnyevko, B. L. Karamazov, Lev T. Titov and more.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 20:10
Naposledy upraveno 20 Bře 2021, 17:15Modification by: Gravitr, your name is Cpt. V. I. Gorky and you are in the service of the Red Army. -
Wojna Franka
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: matik19964
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 10.02.2014
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: American
Number of Missions: 3
The main character this modificaiton is Frank Forsyth.
A month has passed since he enter the EON.
Today Frank was given the task of breaking through the Russian front line together with John MacMillan's army. But Frank knew from the beginning that something would go wrong...
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 06 Led 2017, 19:54
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:42Version: 1.0 -
Wolni Strzelncy clan mod (Klan Wolni Strzelcy Mod)
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Leszcz
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 28.08.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 1
Modification presents story Polish OW clan "Wolni Strzelcy".
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 28 Srp 2010, 02:03
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 14:59Modification by: Leszcz, presents story Polish OW clan "Wolni Strzelcy". -
Wszyscy Jesteśmy Żołnierzami
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: MasterKiller
Version: 0.7
Release Date: 13.01.2014
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Russian
Number of Missions: 9
It's 2003, the USSR has been defeated 14 years ago.
You're Sasza Jelenow, you are 34 years old and you are sergeant of the Russian army.
You don't remember anything from your past.
Modification has extensive dialogues, extensive missions and very addictive plot which has intrigue.
(...)Vložil: Gothuk , dne 29 Srp 2017, 09:46
Naposledy upraveno 08 Říj 2018, 21:41Wszyscy Jesteśmy Żołnierzami, version: 0.7 -
Za Allaha
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: Za Allaha
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 28.08.2010
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 11
As a chosen by Allah we must fight with disbelievers..
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 28 Srp 2010, 01:42
Naposledy upraveno 09 Říj 2018, 12:51Modification by: Leszcz, where as chosen by Gods we must fight with disbelievers. -
Zagubiony w czasie
Score Plot: Mechanics: Graphics: Playtime: Sound: Dialogues: Total Score TOTAL SCORE:
Author: MacGyver
Version: 1.0
Release Date: 12.12.2009
Languages: Polish
Mode: Single player
Campaign: Arabian
Number of Missions: 5
The main character is Klaus Shultze, an Arabian soldier who, together with Heike, intends to occupy the American EON and go back in time.
Vložil: Gothuk , dne 21 Ún 2011, 13:31
Naposledy upraveno 12 Říj 2018, 15:00Modification by: MacGyver, Klaus Shultze, an Arabian soldier who, together with Heike, intends to occupy the American EON and go back in time.