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Campaign tricks

Changing the ammount of medals received in campaign:

If a mission seems to be too difficult for you and you cannot get all medals, you can modify the campaign's save files and add how many medals you want. To do this, go to the game's main folder (f.e. "C:/Program Files/Original War/") and then, depending on your game version, go to either "UserProfiles/normal/your_nick/CampaignSaves/" (version 1.03 or higher) or "UserProfiles/your_nick/CampaignSaves/' (versions 1.0 - 1.02). Then you need to find a mission to which you want to add more medals, for example "Ru12-0$0$0$0$0$1$0$0$1$0$0$0$U" - names are created using the following template: first part (f.e. "Ru12") defines campaign (American, Russian, Arabian) and a mission's number, second part (f.e. "0$0$0$0$0$1$0$0$1$0$0$0$") defines the place of a mission on the list (in this case at 12th position) and the last letter ("U" in this case) defines the difficulty of a mission and how many medals were gained.

Basing on that information, we can easily change the ammount of medals and difficulty of a mission by replacing the last letter with a different one. Below is a complete list of all the letters:

Easy (Adventurer):

  • A - 0 medals +0 for loading a save
  • D - 1 medal +0 for loading a save
  • G - 2 medals +0 for loading a save
  • J - 3 medals +0 for loading a save
  • M - 0 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • P - 1 medal +1 for not loading a save
  • S - 2 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • V - 3 medals +1 for not loading a save

Medium (Commander):

  • B - 0 medals +0 for loading a save
  • E - 1 medal +0 for loading a save
  • H - 2 medals +0 for loading a save
  • K - 3 medals +0 for loading a save
  • N - 0 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • Q - 1 medal +1 for not loading a save
  • T - 2 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • W - 3 medals +1 for not loading a save

Hard (Master Strategist):

  • C - 0 medals +0 for loading a save
  • F - 1 medal +0 for loading a save
  • I - 2 medals +0 for loading a save
  • L - 3 medals +0 for loading a save
  • O - 0 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • R - 1 medal +1 for not loading a save
  • U - 2 medals +1 for not loading a save
  • X - 3 medals +1 for not loading a save

Changing the ammount of medals may harm your save files and cause errors while watching intros, because the actual information included in .OWP file won't be correct.

Gaining the maximum expierence level:

This trick can be done in a few missions. However, I'm going to describe how to do this in Russian mission called "Step by step". After receiveing the order to build tanks and move them to the specified area on the map, you have to pause the game, go to the mission's objectives and click on "End mission".

After you give more expierence to your units and click on Ok, you'll be taken back to the game.

You can do this for as long as you want, just remember to keep the game paused.

You can do this trick in every mission that let players to decide wheter to continue or finish the game.

Avoiding attacks in 15th American mission:

You can avoid attacks in 15th American mission. However, you will have to sacrifice one of your units.

When you reach Powell's base and receive objectives, kill one of the units that he'll send to you, before they change their side to yours. Because of that, the game won't be able to run the code after that, so no one will attack you.

Also, you'll be able to collect resources from Powell's base, so his mechanics won't have enough cans to construct vehicles, Powell won't attack the Arabian base and won't die.

Free resources:

This bug enables you to duplicate resources. You need to have less than 10 cans/barrels/cristals in your depot/warehouse in order to make it work. To duplicate a resource, simply take it out of the depot/warehouse and put it back.

This bug works only with old versions of Original War (below version 1.09).


Author: zoNE
Translation: ph3nom
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