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» Индекс > Функции > CharacterSelection

Функция - CharacterSelection

  • ident : Строка
  • min : Целое
  • max : Целое
  • units : Список
  • classes : Список
Displays Character selection menu and returns list of characters selected by player - ident is identifier of caption from Texts.txt - min and max are minimum and maximum number of hired character to close dialog - units is list of units, which can contain special commands which affects all following units: sel_hired - following character are hired at start (default) sel_not_hired - following character are not hired at start sel_changeable - player can fire/hire following characters sel_not_changeable - player cannot fire/hire following characters (default) sel_change_class - player can change class of following characters sel_dont_change_class - player cannot change class of following characters (default) sel_ignore_class_nation - following characters can be changed to class indepedning its nation sel_dont_ignore_class_nation - following characters can be changed only to classes of its nation (default) - classes is list of posibly classes to which can be units changed. Every items may be in two formats: class_number - this class can be used without limitations [class_number,min] - you must select at least min characters with this class [class_number,min,max] - you must select min to max characters with this class Example1 (select up to five mechanic and soldiers from gamma2 and gamma3): CharacterSelection('S1',1,6, [JMM, sel_not_hired, sel_changeable] ^ gamma2 ^ gamma3, [class_soldier, class_mechanic]); Example2 (select up to five men from gamma2 to help John and Tim build a base) CharacterSelection('S2',3,7, [sel_changeable, JMM, sel_not_changeable, Tim, sel_not_hired, sel_changeable] ^ gamma2, [class_soldier, class_mechanic, [class_engineer,1], class_scientistic]);
Функции начинающиеся с 'C'
» Индекс > Функции > CharacterSelection
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